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Has anyone had a pertussis vaccine lately?


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Both my kids got it today--TDaP for DD and DTaP for DS. DD's arm is sore, that's it. I was warned DS could get a fever, and when DD was a baby her arm swelled up with her first DTaP shot, but he's just been cranky and that's as likely because he had a too-short nap today.


In short, the common side effects are nothing a dose of motrin won't alleviate.

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I had one a year ago after my baby was born. I ran a fever about 48 hours after it. I don't know if it was the shot or something else. I believe the dr said about 1 in 100 run a fever. When my kids have had them, I have not noticed any side effects.


ETA: congrats on the new babe!

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I had one a year ago after my baby was born. I ran a fever about 48 hours after it. I don't know if it was the shot or something else. I believe the dr said about 1 in 100 run a fever. When my kids have had them, I have not noticed any side effects.


ETA: congrats on the new babe!



This is really helpful, thanks!


I had one yesterday at discharge and am running a low-grade fever. At first I assumed it was related to my epidural complication and subsequent blood patch and was concerned because that's my spinal cord, y'know?! But the. I remembered I'd had the vaccine, which I now believe is the cause of my headache, low fever (not above 100.4), sore arm and general crummy feeling.


My discharge papers say to call if my fever is higher than 101, so I'm trying not to worry about it.


Thanks for the congrats! Feeling like crud with a newborn is not making for the easiest of recoveries, but we are blessed to have Enzo with us. In a few days, I imagine I'll be more capable of my usual stuff. Just trying to take it easy.

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That sounds a lot like how I felt, but my fever did get above 101. I went in to the dr and he ran some blood tests and examined me, basically ruling things out. I really had no symptoms except a flu like feeling...just felt feverish and had a sore arm. He said his best guess was that it was from the vaccine.


Do take it easy. It is hard to care for a newborn, recover from giving birth, and have a fever on top of it! Hope you feel better soon.

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I got one a few weeks ago. I did not have a fever, but I did sleep the rest of the day. I was so exhausted. I'd done nothing more than go to my OB appointment that morning so I think it was the vaccine. I'm not prone to running fevers though. The two times I have as an adult I had a serious illness. The 4 times my mom remembers me running a fever as a child I had a serious illness.

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I just got one on Tuesday. I feel like crud, but I didn't actually connect that with the vax. I was already sick with a horrible cough and went to the dr. I did not have Pertussis, but they offered me the shot, which I agreed to receive. My arm hurt for days and I feel weak and exhausted. I didn't think the weak and exhausted part was due to the shot, though; I assumed it was because I have been sick and my chest is still not clear.

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