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Ron Paul Homeschooling curriculum

Guest Candicemh

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Guest Candicemh



Anyone reviewed the web page yet? http://www.ronpaulcurriculum.com/ Grades 6-12 curriculum will be available Sep 2. The rest, (K-5), will be available as soon as it is finished. Anytime from Sep 2nd, 2013 - Dec 2015. K-5 will be free and grades 6-10 will be minimal cost. Also will be teaching about biblical government and personal responsibility as well as the true history of USA. What are you thoughts? My first concern is that the program is not accredited. Has anyone else out there home schooled their kids using an un-accredited curriculum? Were your children able to attend a university?



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Anyone reviewed the web page yet? http://www.ronpaulcurriculum.com/ Grades 6-12 curriculum will be available Sep 2. The rest, (K-5), will be available as soon as it is finished. Anytime from Sep 2nd, 2013 - Dec 2015. K-5 will be free and grades 6-10 will be minimal cost. Also will be teaching about biblical government and personal responsibility as well as the true history of USA. What are you thoughts? My first concern is that the program is not accredited. Has anyone else out there home schooled their kids using an un-accredited curriculum? Were your children able to attend a university?




Many homeschool high schoolers on this board do not use an accredited curriculum, have no problems getting accepted to universities and often receive substantial merit aid. The Ron Paul curriculum is intriguing. Time will tell if it is worthwhile. If you absolutely want an accredited program, I think that BYU (Brigham Young University) has a high school program that is accredited, although I am not certain.

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Anyone reviewed the web page yet? http://www.ronpaulcurriculum.com/ Grades 6-12 curriculum will be available Sep 2. The rest, (K-5), will be available as soon as it is finished. Anytime from Sep 2nd, 2013 - Dec 2015. K-5 will be free and grades 6-10 will be minimal cost. Also will be teaching about biblical government and personal responsibility as well as the true history of USA. What are you thoughts? My first concern is that the program is not accredited. Has anyone else out there home schooled their kids using an un-accredited curriculum? Were your children able to attend a university?




I was checking this out as well. He has an excellent article on why there is NO intention of going for accreditation.


It doesn't bother me, I've never used anything that was accredited and I've no intention of doing so for the same reasons in the article.

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My first concern is that the program is not accredited. Has anyone else out there home schooled their kids using an un-accredited curriculum? Were your children able to attend a university?





Welcome to the forum. Welcome to homeschooling.


as far as I understand. Schools are accredited. Curriculum cannot be accredited independently.

Most homeschoolers do not seek accreditation of homeschool.


Homeschoolers have been attending colleges and universities for a long time.


I live in a state where we mostly have to have a cover school to be legal. My cover school is not "accredited" and yet graduates get into college and universities with transcripts and good ACT scores.


hope that helps.

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Has anyone else out there home schooled their kids using an un-accredited curriculum?


"Curriculum" is never accredited. Never. Only schools are accredited. ABeka Book is not accredited; ABeka Academy is. ACE is not accredited; LIghthouse Academy is.


I was going to include Calvert in this list, but its website says "accredited curriculum," lol; my estimation of Calvert has dropped considerably. :lol: And so I think less highly of Ron Paul because he also talks about "accredited curriculum." There is no such thing.


Accreditation only applies if your children are enrolled in a school of some kind. The instructional materials are unrelated to the actual accreditation process.


The vast majority of homeschoolers teach their children at home without enrolling them in accredited schools. As far as I know, any homeschooler who has applied to college/university has been accepted with transcripts/SAT-ACT scores/other requirements regardless of whether his transcript came from an accredited school. Some may have an easier entry because of having been enrolled in an accredited school, but it is not a requirement at all.


ETA: Ok, I've been reading the FAQs. Although they are enjoyable, and I agree with him on many issues, Mr. Paul clearly doesn't understand how "curriculum" works with compliance (or non-compliance) of the law. I'm glad that he recommends HSLDA, because parents who "enroll" with his program are gonna need it. Yes, Mr. Paul, truant officers *have* shown up unexpectedly at the homeschoolers' front doors. Maybe it doesn't happen as often now as it once did, but it still happens. And parents who are in non-compliance with their state laws based on something you have told them are going to be in trouble.


Now I'm at the point where I couldn't recommend this, just because of Mr. Paul's ignorant and misleading comments.

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I thought his FAQs were idiotic but not offensive. I was mildly amused that he thought this would be a selling point, but I am afraid the idea that once can be ignorant and still have a great life is not an argument that is very encouraging on a paid website! Plus the idea that students should hurry up and graduate is not very impressive.


Did you notice that in K, the website "will show mothers the basics of teaching phonics." That made me smile.

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The other thread about this linked above is worth a read. It's unclear how Ron Paul is actually connected to this curriculum, but the guy who is creating it seems to be a rather sketchy individual with a history of holocaust denialism, who makes his living setting up websites to collect money for vague services. I guess the guy really made his name as one of the leading Y2K hysterics, telling everyone that the world was going to end and they should be stockpiling food and guns.


This is not something I would want anything to do with.

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The FAQ wasn't offensive per se... Just arrogant and insulting. But the curriculum author's views are. Holocaust deniers should be drummed out of the homeschooling community. I agree that the other thread is worth a read for anyone seriously considering this nonsense.

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My first concern is that the program is not accredited.

Yeah, hmmm. If you even uttered that sentence, then you wouldn't be looking at Ron Paul for curriculum. If you are wishing your 10 yo could start Kindergarten when he was ready with a gun in his hand while shooting up heroine and counting gold bars, then you might be looking in the right place.

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If you are wishing your 10 yo could start Kindergarten when he was ready with a gun in his hand while shooting up heroine and counting gold bars, then you might be looking in the right place.


Seriously? I think all of us see problems with the website and leadership, but there are many people here who hold to Libertarian principles. Pretty sure none of us hold such absurd ideas, and it's insulting.

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Seriously? I think all of us see problems with the website and leadership, but there are many people here who hold to Libertarian principles. Pretty sure none of us hold such absurd ideas, and it's insulting.


I think you really need to read the other thread to understand all the concerns about Gary North - the man behind the homeschool program (and the web site). He is an abhorrent individual (IMO) and, while I have many libertarian leanings, I won't associate with the fringe elements who are not really libertarians, but who claim to be while seeking to instill far more government control of individual lives than in Obama's dream world.


There have been many times that I have thought Ron Paul sounded like the only sane politician in the room, but he has a tendency to surround himself with people who are questionable, Gary North being a prime example.

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I did read the other thread. I don't share North's values or opinions at all, and since it appears he is writing the curriculum, I cant imagine it would be acceptable to me. The poster I quoted made a broad statement about those who agree politically with Ron Paul, and I was pointing out that she is quite wrong about what Libertarians generally believe.

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I did read the other thread. I don't share North's values or opinions at all, and since it appears he is writing the curriculum, I cant imagine it would be acceptable to me. The poster I quoted made a broad statement about those who agree politically with Ron Paul, and I was pointing out that she is quite wrong about what Libertarians generally believe.



I was making an extreme joke of a (not general) person who would be more likely to be a libertarian. I did this it seems trollish that the OP expressed in this curriculum and that their focus was on accreditation.


For the OP, it probably will not be accredited. This is from a Fox News article:


Paul, a Libertarian presidential candidate in 1988, has also brought on Gary North, his first Capitol Hill research assistant, to be development director of the Ron Paul Curriculum.

Not missing an opportunity to question authority, the Paul team dismisses the program’s lack of government accreditation and textbooks, which they say are “screened by committees.â€

North calls such accreditation “an illegitimate infringement on the right of parents to educate their children.†And another North essay on the school website is titled: “Accreditation: Should We Crawl on Our Bellies to the State?â€



Read more: http://www.foxnews.c.../#ixzz2Q9W85eYe

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Good thing it is free. You may or may not get an answer to your question if you are stuck. Then you go and ask your mother I guess.


Exactly. Because it's free. But unlike your mother's love, it's not priceless.


Now, the question is, why would anyone want the advice of a bunch of sixth graders? And why is this better than a teacher? Why are we so dismissive of teachers?

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Now, the question is, why would anyone want the advice of a bunch of sixth graders? And why is this better than a teacher? Why are we so dismissive of teachers?



Oh, there are so many reasons, aren't there?


In this case, I'm going with anti-intellectualism. I mean, we already know this guy hates classical education. He said so.

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If a company claims their curriculum is accredited, they mean that the school that is accredited developed the curriculum which was used during the accreditation process. However, the curriculum itself is not.


Of course, it's important to understand the difference between "curriculum," which is the course of study offered by an institution of education, and instructional materials, which is textbooks or other materials which are used in each course. ABeka is not curriculum; it is a publisher of instructional materials. BJUP is not curriculum; it is a publisher of instructional materials. Apologia is not curriculum; it is a publisher of instructional materials... A school which is going through the accreditation process may have its *curriculum* evaluated, but not its instructional materials (or other methods, such as Internet or other media, used in covering the curriculum for each course).

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