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Walking Dead Season Finale!! Spoilers included


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Wow! I was not expecting that ending at all. The govenor truly flipped crazy and I have a feeling will be back for some vengence in season 4. I felt bad for Andrea she had escaped getting bit so many times. I hink it's sad that Carl shot that kid but I understand why. I feel like Rick can finally make peace of things since Lori is no longer appearing. Theres alot of new people now we can get to know next season!!

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I just finished watching, still crying. It was milder than I expected, but I'm glad in a way. We can now change the name of the prison to "Rick's Daycare and Senior Center"


IMO, the purpose of the show is spotlighting humanity and what is left of it after the apocalypse. Rick showed his, the gov showed his lack of. That's the battle, not a shoot out between the two of them. It's still a character driven show, not a action driven show.

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I agree! I did think the shoot out was pretty cool though. I did not expect Andrea to go out like that and I felt so sorry for Milton. I see what Carl said though about the people that were not killed coming back on them I get his point. I thought it was cool when he brought them all back. Carl loked pi$$ed though lol!

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I was expecting a really great cliffhanger. Like something happened to Carl and you had to wait until October to find out. I mean, even when they went to open the door to the room where Andrea and Milton were, they could have ended the show there. The whole show just sucked. They dragged it on. We know the governor is a whack job. There just wasn't any big surprises. Other then Carl starting to be a real snot nosed kid, I am not on the edge of my seat waiting until next season. Highly disappointed.

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I agree! I did think the shoot out was pretty cool though. I did not expect Andrea to go out like that and I felt so sorry for Milton. I see what Carl said though about the people that were not killed coming back on them I get his point. I thought it was cool when he brought them all back. Carl loked pi$$ed though lol!


Carl is not properly socialized. :lol: :lol:

I felt bad for Milton. Andrea, I don't know. I'm sad, but she got to go out her way, sort of.



So no one is left at Woodbury? The only thing I don't get about that, is why not take everyone there and take out the gov when he comes home. Woodbury has a better aesthetic. :coolgleamA:

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Carl is not properly socialized. :lol: :lol:

I felt bad for Milton. Andrea, I don't know. I'm sad, but she got to go out her way, sort of.



So no one is left at Woodbury? The only thing I don't get about that, is why not take everyone there and take out the gov when he comes home. Woodbury has a better aesthetic. :coolgleamA:


Carl is not properly alot of things!! I am glad Andrea didn't turn and she died with her friend. She was right no one can go it alone in that world. I wouldn't have stayed at Woodbury for the simple reason the govenor knows it. He knows all the little ins and outs of the town it be too easy for him to get back in. They need to do some major work on the prison but there are people now that can help. How cute Carl will make friends!! Lori would be so happy :lol:

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I was expecting a really great cliffhanger. Like something happened to Carl and you had to wait until October to find out. I mean, even when they went to open the door to the room where Andrea and Milton were, they could have ended the show there. The whole show just sucked. They dragged it on. We know the governor is a whack job. There just wasn't any big surprises. Other then Carl starting to be a real snot nosed kid, I am not on the edge of my seat waiting until next season. Highly disappointed.



I'm quite glad to be able to finish this season with a bit of hope and the anticipation of new character in the fall.

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Carl is not properly socialized. :lol: :lol:

I felt bad for Milton. Andrea, I don't know. I'm sad, but she got to go out her way, sort of.



So no one is left at Woodbury? The only thing I don't get about that, is why not take everyone there and take out the gov when he comes home. Woodbury has a better aesthetic. :coolgleamA:



Not nearly as defensible. Now that they have that schoolbus they can block the outer gate again and clear out the zombies from the inner gate. Start a garden, maybe find some cows to milk...:D


I'd MUCH rather have the prison myself.

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Here's my super over analyzed, over thought reasons for a soft cliffhanger - otherwise known as I'm still ticked about the ending of Lost. Walking Dead has a similar type frenzy fan base as Lost. Lost got, pardon the pun, lost when it tried to feed into the fan frenzy too much and it changed the dynamic - build it bigger, faster, stronger, type of thing. There were all these extensions of the show, websites, games, lots of stuff and things (my Rick impression). In the end it built up too much, so much the writers didn't know where to go or how to end it properly. In the beginning, Lost was a show about people who wanted to get off the island and go about their lives. In the end, it looked way different and became pulled in too many directions. It's been years and I still can't see anything about Lost without feeling a huge sense of disappointment.


Everyone wanted a big ending, a showdown, a cliffhanger, more regulars to die. Instead the writers stayed true to the original premise of the show. Next season they can build up and continue to fight for humanity and against the walkers. The walkers didn't become the an insignificant part of the story. The gov shooting all his people showed the audience how quickly we can become one of the undead. Poor Milton, for all his research, he couldn't find his humanity after he turned. Is the gov still human, in the sense of does he have any humanity left? It's almost as if the writers are asking us, the audience, if we too have become immune to people dying. If the world did end tomorrow, would we be like Carl and take 'em all out unless they are with us? Or would we be like Rick or Herschel?


So many characters started this season alone. The end of the season told us that you can no longer be alone in this. Remember how the show started? Rick, alone in a hospital with walkers, that's still is what the show is about. Do we need people or don't we?


So speaks the over-caffeinated lion for this morning.

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I have to say, my immediate reaction upon watching the finale was disappointment that no one killed the Governor. The whole episode, I kept shouting at my screen for people to take him out already. I really wasn't expecting him to survive the finale. The last five minutes I was on the edge of my seat expecting something horrible to happen, and I was almost let down when nothing did.


After some thought though, I really do appreciate the calm ending. It ended with hope, and I think that's what Walking Dead has always been about. The season started off so dark, I'm glad we get a little light at the end.

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I thought it was an amazing finale! Nothing I expected at all, and it tickles me that they can surprise me that way. I'm grateful not to feel angsty and frustrated by some big cliffhanger, but instead feel hopeful for their future.


I agree, Lost blew it. I hated how it all ended.

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Here's my super over analyzed, over thought reasons for a soft cliffhanger - otherwise known as I'm still ticked about the ending of Lost. Walking Dead has a similar type frenzy fan base as Lost. Lost got, pardon the pun, lost when it tried to feed into the fan frenzy too much and it changed the dynamic - build it bigger, faster, stronger, type of thing. There were all these extensions of the show, websites, games, lots of stuff and things (my Rick impression). In the end it built up too much, so much the writers didn't know where to go or how to end it properly. In the beginning, Lost was a show about people who wanted to get off the island and go about their lives. In the end, it looked way different and became pulled in too many directions. It's been years and I still can't see anything about Lost without feeling a huge sense of disappointment.


Everyone wanted a big ending, a showdown, a cliffhanger, more regulars to die. Instead the writers stayed true to the original premise of the show. Next season they can build up and continue to fight for humanity and against the walkers. The walkers didn't become the an insignificant part of the story. The gov shooting all his people showed the audience how quickly we can become one of the undead. Poor Milton, for all his research, he couldn't find his humanity after he turned. Is the gov still human, in the sense of does he have any humanity left? It's almost as if the writers are asking us, the audience, if we too have become immune to people dying. If the world did end tomorrow, would we be like Carl and take 'em all out unless they are with us? Or would we be like Rick or Herschel?


So many characters started this season alone. The end of the season told us that you can no longer be alone in this. Remember how the show started? Rick, alone in a hospital with walkers, that's still is what the show is about. Do we need people or don't we?


So speaks the over-caffeinated lion for this morning.


I agree with your thoughts on Lost. I still think of the ending and say WTH just happened here?? I am happy with the ending of the finale I didn't expect it which is why I want more. Everyone expected so many deaths etc like ypou stated I was glad it didn't end like that. I was glad that Rick could find his humanity at the end. I do think though with all my heart I would be like Carl in that situation. Sad but I don't trust people now where my kids are concerned so I know I would be super worse in that life. I think the govenor is lost now he can't come back from that.


I was suprised when those two guys left with him. I wouldn't have I would have gunned him down like yesterdays trash! He didn't even kill those people he turned them into walkers so to me he is lost now. His own people that stood by him. In that world you cannot go it alone, you need people. You have to trust at some point. I think that is why Lori is gone now. He remembers and he no longer needs a reminder of the fact he can't go it alone.

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I have a question for everyone. When Tyreese and Sasha are guarding the people back at Woodbury and Tyreese says he'll take the next shift because he wants to check something, WHERE did he go and what did he check?? Dh and I were convinced that he was finally going to snoop around the place and maybe even stumble onto Andrea & Milton. That was a weird sort of lack of continuity thing it seemed. Did anyone else notice that?


I can't believe that no one shot the governor and that those two guys (forget their names) were still loyal enough to go with them. They each had a chance to shoot that loser in the head, for crying out loud!


I thought the finale was just OK. There isn't anything that I feel like I'm waiting impatiently until October to see.

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I just rewatched and cried like a baby! I did notice the Tyrese goin to check stuff I thought for sure he would find Andrea. Her dieing though kinda cements what Carl says you let such and such live they come back to kill you. I wish she had killed the govenor that night in his sleep. I wish Milton could have lived he would have been a great addition to the group. I think they shpould all go live in a hospital next or maybe a Walmart. I can't wait till next season and for this season to hit dvd. I love the little extra scenes and webisodes!!

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I was so glad that Merle got to die doing what was right.


Not too upset about Andrea, but hated to see Milton go.


I think it is interesting the way they are going with Carl.



You can't blame him! I see his point. I think the way he has grown up basically has turned him into it. He is a product of his environment!

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I thought it was OK. I expected them to move on to another place for next season. I think the Carl issue is being done badly. I see them turning him into a devil child of sorts and he'll probably join the Governor next season. I wondered about Tyrese too - I mean, if they were trying to make us wonder about him, well, I suppose sort of, but then he just disappeared. I was happy to see Merle good and dead.

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I was bracing myself for the death of more major characters and was glad that didn't happen. I think the characters of both Milton and Andrea had gone as far as they could and probably had to go. Andrea went out on her terms but I really felt sorry for Milton. I'm glad the people of Woodbury and the prison have finally come together. I don't know where they'll go with the governor and his lackeys next season.


You can't blame him! I see his point. I think the way he has grown up basically has turned him into it. He is a product of his environment!



See I think the problem is he hasn't grown up. He's still a child but has seen more than any child should have to. He is trying to be grown up but the maturity level is just missing from his brain. Rick's going to have a problem with Carl as time goes on. He's younger than my ds, but I'm trying to imagine ds going through all the emotions of puberty AND dealing with the zombie apocalypse. :lol:

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I thought the season finale was a bit of a letdown. Far too many commercials and I feel like there is no big cliffhanger to wait until October for. I was sad to see Andrea go...she fought so many zombies, I thought she'd make it out of that one. I am sad to see how Carl is turning out...I understand it completely but still sad.

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I just rewatched and cried like a baby! I did notice the Tyrese goin to check stuff I thought for sure he would find Andrea.


That's what I thought too. What DID he go do, exactly? The way he said it was sort of mysterious, like, "Okay audience, pay attention to this."

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DH and I just watched it. Yes both wondered where Tyrese went - and then the writers did nothing with that. I, personally, am glad Andrea is gone. I never liked her. Sad about Milton though. As far as the governor and his (ridiculously stupid) flunkies, my guess is that they didn't go back to Woodbury...at least not immediately. If they had, wouldn't they have stopped the caravan of Woodbury's finest -- er... rather, Woodbury's-What's-Left... -- from leaving? It will be a long spring and summer and fall...

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That's what I thought too. What DID he go do, exactly? The way he said it was sort of mysterious, like, "Okay audience, pay attention to this."



Either a Red Herring or a bad edit of something that was supposed to happen but they took out last minute?

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Either a Red Herring or a bad edit of something that was supposed to happen but they took out last minute?



Supposedly the final scenes with Andrea were reshot after Mazarra left the show. The original scenes had zombie Milton biting Andrea while she was still handcuffed, with Tyreese then showing up to put Milton down.

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I thought the first 15min were great and then it didn't make sense. Why couldn't Milton drag himself over to Andrea to help with the pliers? He didn't even try. He had a gut wound, not an arm or leg wound.


Why did they come back and shoot at the prison people? What did that serve? They were already clear. Why did Glen and Maggie take their hats off so soon. Stupid. I thought they'd get shot.


Why did nobody shoot the Gov.? All of those armed people and nobody took a shot? Why did Alan warn him instead of shooting him? Why didn't his henchmen take him out? You know they wanted to. I hated not seeing what happened after they drove off.


The scenes with Tyreese and Sasha were pointless. Why is he going to check on something?


Carl should have shot that guy. Why's he getting grief for it? He told him to put the gun down and he didn't. He kept coming towards them for no good reason. It was a smart choice. If they wanted him to look crazy, they should have set it up better.


I liked that Rick finally seemed to be getting back to himself. I did not like crazy Rick. Why did they abandon Woodbury? It seemed much more secure than the prison and nicer.


I am mad that they killed Andrea. Why'd they do that? It was a letdown. She escapes, gets recaptured, put in torture chair, and then just stuck in a room w/ Milton? I thought it was lame. She should have busted out and died fighting the Gov if they wanted to kill her.


I hope next season is better. I still love it and won't stop watching but the season finale was a letdown for me. I was glad that not too many of my favorites died.

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