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8/1 Runners/walkers/bikers/breathers check in

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I have been walking 8-10 miles a day all summer. I take every 10th day or so off from working out to clean the house completely(yes this is a workout in itself) I think by body and my dh appreciate this.

I have lost 20 pounds so far and have ten more to go. I hope to lose the last ten by September 1.

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I'm back. I left at 6:30, got back at 7:00. I went 2 miles. Had to walk a bit, but I ran a lot more than usual. I took a new route; lots of cars, so I was suckin' in their exhaust :glare: Loverly.


At 6:30, it was only 70 degrees or so, but the humidity was over 90%. The first mile was actually, dare I say it, easy; by the middle of the 2nd mile, I wanted to just be done.

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I have been walking 8-10 miles a day all summer. I take every 10th day or so off from working out to clean the house completely(yes this is a workout in itself) I think by body and my dh appreciate this.

I have lost 20 pounds so far and have ten more to go. I hope to lose the last ten by September 1.


Wow! VERY good! I was wondering how long it takes you too? At the beginning of the summer I was walk/running and I would run/walk 3, then walk my kids to karate for another 2, and then walk them to baseball for another 2. Do you split yours up too?


I'm back. I left at 6:30, got back at 7:00. I went 2 miles. Had to walk a bit, but I ran a lot more than usual. I took a new route; lots of cars, so I was suckin' in their exhaust :glare: Loverly.


At 6:30, it was only 70 degrees or so, but the humidity was over 90%. The first mile was actually, dare I say it, easy; by the middle of the 2nd mile, I wanted to just be done.



Hmmmm . . . the smell of exhaust in the am. Loverly is right! :glare:


I went out expecting to do 4.5 miles. It was SOOOOO humid and hot that I decided to call it quits after 4. I felt SOOO sluggish. I thought I was was running SO slowly and I walked in the middle of it. Anyway, I got home and was pleasantly surprised that I had been running for 40 minutes! Why does it feel so much worse in the humidity???? Now, I'm wet as if I'd just taken a shower.


How in the heck am I going to increase my mileage to 5.8 for the race in October???

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I didn't post yesterday because I was frustrated with myself. I was in desperate need of new running shoes and yesterday my feet started to seriously protset. So I walked most of my route and didn't get halfway through my c25k intervals.


Last night I bought new running shoes.:D I can't get out for a run today, but I think will nordic track or Wii fit. I'm posting this so that I feel obligated to actually do something!

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I just couldn't do it today. Wednesday's mountain bike ride did me in. Between the humidity, the biting flies, and a bad wreck I just didn't have any fun. I'll get back on track Saturday.


Wrecks will do anyone in! I ride on Saturday, fall off about 1/2 the time but always take Sunday off. I hope you feel better soon!

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I didn't post yesterday because I was frustrated with myself. I was in desperate need of new running shoes and yesterday my feet started to seriously protest. So I walked most of my route and didn't get halfway through my c25k intervals.


Last night I bought new running shoes.:D I can't get out for a run today, but I think will nordic track or Wii fit. I'm posting this so that I feel obligated to actually do something!


Take it easy with the new shoes. I've broken in shoes 2 ways - (1) run every other day for 2 weeks. (2) Just run in them, make a clean break from the old ones. Both worked and I didn't get injured either way. Although the time I got shoes that didn't fit right, I got the most awful blisters on my instep I've ever seen! I ordered new shoes and they should get here today!

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I no longer run for the sake of my back, but walking is a favorite passion. I love the accountability on this thread, so I'm jumping in here, too.


Dh and I walked a short 25 minutes at a brisk pace this morning. Not as hot as it has been, but humid. I think I need to grow some gills. Normally, we walk 45 minutes each morning.


We need to learn some easy weight lifting routines. Any suggestions on books or DVDs?

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I think I need to grow some gills. Normally, we walk 45 minutes each morning.

We need to learn some easy weight lifting routines. Any suggestions on books or DVDs?


I think we all need gills for the summer. :lol:


No suggestions for weight lifting. Sorry.

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Today was a walking day. My walking partner had to quit early, so we only got 2 miles in today. But, that is so much more than we were doing at the beginning of the summer! :001_smile:


I'm down 13 pounds today. Yay! ::party: I only have...well...50-60 more to go. :001_huh:

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Just completed 8th WATP one mile workout. Yesterday my youngest dd6 burst in tears because I didn't wake her up to work out with me. So today I woke her up at 6:45 and she came and worked out with me. He older sister also woke early and joined us. Afterwards they both were like "that was short". Whatever! Hey today I made it through all the sections. I will add the weights next week. Soon I will move to the two mile!:D

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Just completed 8th WATP one mile workout. Yesterday my youngest dd6 burst in tears because I didn't wake her up to work out with me. So today I woke her up at 6:45 and she came and worked out with me. He older sister also woke early and joined us. Afterwards they both were like "that was short". Whatever! Hey today I made it through all the sections. I will add the weights next week. Soon I will move to the two mile!:D


Great job!!!


I went 2 miles today---just over half of it runnning. I ran a little further back up my hill than I did yesterday. I fooled around and didn't get out there until 8:00 and the heat and humidity were brutal.


I did something to my shoulder. I was in such pain from it yesterday that I had to go get a massage. I'm better today, but couldn't force myself out of bed at 5:30 due to the 1/2 muscle relaxer I took last night. :tongue_smilie:


I also did 25 crunches on my exercise ball. Anyone else use one?

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Just completed 8th WATP one mile workout. Yesterday my youngest dd6 burst in tears because I didn't wake her up to work out with me. So today I woke her up at 6:45 and she came and worked out with me. He older sister also woke early and joined us. Afterwards they both were like "that was short". Whatever! Hey today I made it through all the sections. I will add the weights next week. Soon I will move to the two mile!:D


WTG Traci! (Sorry for spelling your name wrong yesterday!)

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I went 2 miles today---just over half of it runnning. I ran a little further back up my hill than I did yesterday. I fooled around and didn't get out there until 8:00 and the heat and humidity were brutal.


I did something to my shoulder. I was in such pain from it yesterday that I had to go get a massage. I'm better today, but couldn't force myself out of bed at 5:30 due to the 1/2 muscle relaxer I took last night. :tongue_smilie:


I also did 25 crunches on my exercise ball. Anyone else use one?


Hope your shoulder turns out ok. Don't mess with too much. Great job on the run/walk!

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Well... when I found out that dh wasn't going to be able to run with me, I had high hopes for becoming one with the road and running the whole 25 minutes again. Then I walked out the door. It was a very, very humid 80 degrees at 7:30. I can't wait for October. So, I only squeaked out 1.75 miles in 19 minutes. I walked another 3 miles to make up for the 6 minutes of running I couldn't do. I'm okay with it though. I have come to terms that this is not a race. LOL I have plenty of time to work my way up to longer runs.

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I also did 25 crunches on my exercise ball. Anyone else use one?


Well, I have an exercise ball - does that count? Just yesterday I did 15 crunches on it and was thinking I should do that every day.


I put in my time on Wii fit for the day. 18 minuets of "aerobic" and a few minuets of balance. But its just not the same as a run...

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My husband asked me to walk with him this morning. We are enjoying a beautiful sunny day. Believe me, sun has been rare this summer. So we walked about 8 km in about 75 minutes. It was very nice. (But I have to say I really wanted to run but my husband is not a runner.)


Anyway I'm pleased with the walk and I did a bit of stretching afterwards. I've got to work up to more stretching though.

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I also did 25 crunches on my exercise ball. Anyone else use one?


I don't have one but was exposed to using one when I was in my triathlon training class. I LOVE it! We would do a 25 minute workout using the ball, it was great! Much more challenging, imo. Enjoy it! I kinda wish I had one, but it is big to store!:)

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I don't know how to use one for crunches though I have one! :001_huh:


In my post earlier I said the wrong name---I DID do the Jillian MICHAELS exercise dvd called "30 Day Shred". Owwww! I'm sure some of you could do Level 2 or 3 without any problem. For me, Level 1 was enough of a challenge!!! I'll try to do something else later this afternoon, but I'm a bit sore from this workout!


Anyone ever seen this? It's great, and really not TOO hard!


runningirl, did you get the Pilates workout in?

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Ok so this seems to be more than just a running thread. I have to say I am the only one in my family who never liked to run. This week I started to do my Taebo workout tape and boy am I sore. I have been good all week to do activities and worked out 3x with the tape. I like the idea of accountability too. My dh is too nice and doesn't force the issue. Thanks!

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Ok so this seems to be more than just a running thread.
Yeah, that's why I joined, to get some accountability!


I have to say I am the only one in my family who never liked to run. This week I started to do my Taebo workout tape and boy am I sore. I have been good all week to do activities and worked out 3x with the tape. I like the idea of accountability too. My dh is too nice and doesn't force the issue. Thanks!
You can do it, we'll encourage you!
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I ran a few miles and biked another three home. Seems like I feel so low-energy lately during my runs; it's getting old. Not that I'm ever a zippity-do-dah runner, but it just feels lately like I'm dragging. And I'm not dragging, time-wise, but that low energy feeling is frustrating. Anyone else who's run a while know what I mean and have any ideas how to counter it?

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runningirl, did you get the Pilates workout in?


Inquiring minds need to know: did we pilates or didn't we??? :D


We did! In fact, I just got done with them! If it weren't for the two of you holding me accountable . . . :)


I didn't really want to do them, but they aren't physically tiring. The workout I do is mainly for flexibility and toning. I do LOVE to exercise at night though. My body seems more energetic than in the morning. But, due to schedules, I usually exercise in the morning.



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I ran a few miles and biked another three home. Seems like I feel so low-energy lately during my runs; it's getting old. Not that I'm ever a zippity-do-dah runner, but it just feels lately like I'm dragging. And I'm not dragging, time-wise, but that low energy feeling is frustrating. Anyone else who's run a while know what I mean and have any ideas how to counter it?


Yes, I know what your talking about. For me, I feel that way when:


1. My body hasn't adequately rested. Sometimes I push myself a little too much and my bod revolts against me. I don't think I'm pushing myself, but my body says otherwise. I usually feel this way when I exercise 5 days in a row. If I exercise three days in a row doing the same type of exercise {3 days of running for ex.} I can also feel this way.


2. I don't exercise at the time my body wants me to. Seriously. With the way life is, it is best schedule wise to exercise in the morning. It is the first thing I do when I get up and then it is done. I am tempted to skip it if I wait. BUT, when I do exercise in the afternoon/evening my body definitely has more energy and I am faster then when I go out in the morning. I found this out when I was training for my tri. My training classes were early evening.


Sometimes, it's just a bad exercise week. I've had weeks where I 've felt low energy the whole week, but then the next week I'm back to normal. Hang in there Colleen!

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Yes, I know what your talking about. For me, I feel that way when:


2. I don't exercise at the time my body wants me to. Seriously. With the way life is, it is best schedule wise to exercise in the morning. It is the first thing I do when I get up and then it is done. I am tempted to skip it if I wait. BUT, when I do exercise in the afternoon/evening my body definitely has more energy and I am faster then when I go out in the morning. I found this out when I was training for my tri. My training classes were early evening.




This is my experience too. In the morning my legs feel 900 pounds each but when I run at 4:30 (my favourite time) I feel much more able to run.


Of course I'm not an experienced runner. This is just my experience.


But from what I've read I think you're doing great.

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