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Any other gifted kiddos like this? Sloppy, messy, etc.

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My oldest is 9, and is a bright little girl. But OMG, the biggest slob, and it is getting worse. Literally, I know when she was doing her hair in the bathroom because she will leave every drawer open that she needed. Clothes? All over the place. Anyone else? There is some other things going on too, but this is the biggest.Thanks.

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There is hope for her yet! I was the same way when I was a kid and I married a neat-freak and worked in jobs requiring me to be extremely well-organized. I eventually pulled it together! :D


I have noticed that my gifted 9 year old has started to go through days when he just seems to have totally lost his brain. I don't know, he seems to forget everything I've ever taught him. I think maybe it's just the age? They sometimes get fixated on one thing and forget that the world exists outside of that thing.

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my son! i learned that in order to manage his life and teach him how to manage his own life I do need to provide inviroment.

For example, "this hook is for your jacket and this is for your backpack. Please keep your jacket and backpack on it so next time you can find it"



OH, absolutely this. If something doesn't have an intended place, I just stare at it thinking, "I'm overwhelmed!"

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My 6 year old DS can not eat without getting food all over his face/shirt/the floor/the table. I have to remind him to clean his face and hands after he eats, and he has to clean up under his chair, too. He also inherited my lack of organization, poor child. My 3 year old is much neater in his person and in his surroundings. His face and hands stay clean while he eats. I've already seem him picking up after his older brother. He also pushes in my dresser drawers if I leave them slightly open.

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My oldest is 9, and is a bright little girl. But OMG, the biggest slob, and it is getting worse. Literally, I know when she was doing her hair in the bathroom because she will leave every drawer open that she needed. Clothes? All over the place. Anyone else? There is some other things going on too, but this is the biggest.Thanks.

You mean yours does her hair!?


Yes, my bright girl is also a bit scattered. I say a bit, because when she wants to be she canbe organized and precise, but mostly she just doesn't pay attention or care. Mine is also forgetful. I hear her say "oh ya" multiple times through the day when she is reminded or asked about things she was supposed to be doing or getting or working on. She often comes out of the bathroom with her pockets poking out, or the back of her shirt tucked and the front untucked. Oh, and she slouches (which bugs me soooo much). I would love to hear anyone's suggestions for helping these kids, because I don't have anything that has worked yet for us. Except for picture lists. I guess my post is just for empathy - and I can empathize!

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Ds is sloppy all over the place. It isn't that he leaves things out ... he "makes" his bed, but it is a tangle of sheets; he cleans the bathroom, but there are toothbrushes and toothpaste put in random places; his handwriting has been a struggle forever.


The thing is, he actually loves order, but he just moves on to other things or thoughts before he is done with the current one.

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Thanks all!! You are making me crack up! The funny thing I realized, is she is soooo disordered with so much in her life (clean clothes laying all around her floor, because why put them away?), but her dolls that she reads to - they are all in a certain order. Just last night I needed to vacuum the dining room and move some of her dolls around (like 20 of them), and she was like, "no, they are all in a certain order". OMG.

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