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How much time does your 7th grader spend on math?

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My deal is one lesson or one hour (if he thinks it's overwelming). However, because he can earn a square for careful, neat-ish work and he only gets the square per lesson (not work session), he usually finishes a lesson a day. (The squares earn "screentime" something that is VERY limited in our home.) Some days take him over an hour, some under.

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We were spending around 2 hours+ including discussion, correction and tears on Saxon 8/7! Awful!! :(


So we switched math curriculum to CLE. :) Right now we're working through the early books (which are mostly revision for her) so it varies greatly depending on if we have to stop to relearn a concept or just complete a couple of the review tests. We average around 45 m - 60 m per day.

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DD is working through Alg 1/2. If I sit and monitor her, it takes about an hour with discussion of the lesson. If I let her dawdle, it could take 2. I've been monitoring her lately, to show her that she has free time in the afternoon if she gets it done. I'm hoping this will work to get her to do it on her own.

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My dd hates math and in public school was in tears much of the time. We switched to Teaching Textbooks last year and no more tears. She is in Prealgebra and spends betwen 45 to an hour on each lesson (she does one lesson per day).


Good thread to see what others are doing.



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We spend about 45 minutes together on the sofa reviewing her homework and then me teaching and doing examples of new material. Dd then does homework on her own at night and usually spends about an hour (dh and I are convinced it would go a lot faster if she would just stay focused! Stop playing with the cat!). So I would say on average anywhere from 1.5-2 hrs per day, 5 days a week. We are using Singapore's Discovering Math--great problems. I would not expect her to be able to do it on her own. I would say our model is pretty close to what happens in a public school math class (I'm comparing to the high school classes I taught--not sure about middle school): 45 min of instruction in school and an hour of homework on average.

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1 hour on AOPS preAlgebra 5 days a week, and 1/2 hour on Khan Academy 3 days a week. He works totally alone, and is a self motivator. I think I will have to reduce the time to 45 mins when my younger boys are grade 7, as they are not as motivated, and find math more difficult.

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2 hours. Sometimes a bit more.


We're doing Saxon 8/7. We do the speed drill plus the mental math and almost all the problems. We do the entire thing together every day, discussing, explaining, etc.


I am fine with it and so is she. We are both remediating and accelerating at the same time (long story), so I expected this. We spend all the time we need to make sure she understands the concept behind what she's doing, and not just doing it by rote. She is on board with this and asking for it, after yrs of CLE.


I research around first to figure out how to explain it conceptually, since Saxon isn't great about teaching it that way. She weirdly couldn't and didn't want to understand math conceptually before this yr, and it's like a lightbulb suddenly went on for her and something matured, so we're making hay while the sun shines!

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Usually between an hour and an hour and a half. He is self teaching AoPS, so whenever he feels satisfied or feels too frustrated to continue (these days can be 2 hours long). ;)


Fridays are longer math days, as we also do "fun" math. On these days, we may watch Secrets of Mental Math, a TED video, a documentary, play a game, watch ViHart, listen to a podcast, read an article. I've been wanting to see BBC's Story of Maths. Maybe we'll start that today...

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