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Dr. Hive - Question about my daughter


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First, I know that when in doubt, check it out. I'll probably call the after-hours number in an hour or so if the symptoms persist. But, I'm hoping that something will ring a bell with someone here and they may have suggestions.


My daughter has been lethargic a lot lately (few months) which we attributed to medication and stress (she sees a therapist). Today seems unusually worse. We went to bed at a decent time (8:30) and she was asleep by 9:00. She woke up at 10:00 this morning (slightly more than usual) with a low fever 99.7. She said her legs were hurting (she had her first soccer practice Thursday night - but she's very active anyway). She ate some toast for breakfast, but didn't eat all of it. After eating some soup around noon, she said she didn't feel well and went to lay down with a headache and legs hurting. She fell asleep around 2 and slept until 6. I had a hard time waking her and she mostly mumbled. She finally woke up and sat down to eat dinner. She said it hurt to stick her tongue out and would only eat rice. (She's been drinking plenty of water).


She wanted to sit on the couch but a few minutes later I found her crying on the floor. She said her legs hurt so bad they wouldn't hold her up anymore. They hurt in the crease where her hip connects to her body. I helped her back on the couch and asked her to try to stand. She fell again (I caught her). I think she may be exaggerating that part a little. Most of the time she looks miserable, but occasionally laughs and chatters for a bit.


She has a bit of a stomach ache, but no nausea, coughing, vomiting, sniffing, sneezing or fever above the 99 range.


Any suggestions? And again, if she's not well in a couple of hours, I'm calling the after hours nurse, but I'm hoping someone here will have a thought of what it might be.

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My first thought is that she has a virus and has developed some very swollen lymph nodes. There are many of them in the groin area. Swollen lymph nodes in her neck or at the base of her skull could also be the cause of her headache. You (or she) would probably be able to feel them if you looked.



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I would want a full work up done if she was my dd. it sounds like she could be dealing with any number of things like mono, anemia, or more serious issues. There's really know way to know unless she sees a doctor and some lab work done.


Good luck!


Elise in NC

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Although mono wouldn't ordinarily bother me, she started soccer two days ago and was tackled by one of the guys (co-ed group - the younger boys typically are a bit more exuberant in playing). The severe leg pain, dizziness and stomach pain started after that.

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Although mono wouldn't ordinarily bother me, she started soccer two days ago and was tackled by one of the guys (co-ed group - the younger boys typically are a bit more exuberant in playing). The severe leg pain, dizziness and stomach pain started after that.



Coincidence. Unless he kissed her afterward :p

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Sounds like mono to me too. I had it as a preteen. It's spread through saliva with fresh contact (doesn't live long on surfaces), so sharing water bottles, etc. can pass it, if I remember correctly, but also could be any other thing that as someone else mentioned causes swollen lymph nodes.. I'd get her to the Dr. to find out as soon as reasonably possible.

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Although mono wouldn't ordinarily bother me, she started soccer two days ago and was tackled by one of the guys (co-ed group - the younger boys typically are a bit more exuberant in playing). The severe leg pain, dizziness and stomach pain started after that.


Sounds like possible injury to me. She should be checked out.


I had mono, oddly as a married woman in my mid-thirties (and no, my husband didn't have it or get it). I didn't have pain or a sore throat but I was sleeping like 20 hours a day, after I left a job. This went on for awhile, before one day I realized that women in their 30's didn't normally sleep that much!


Doctor said I registered off the chart for mono. It took months to feel better.


So, this doesn't sound like mono to me.

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My daughter had a virus a few years back, I can't recall the name of it, but most of her lymph glands got extremely swollen and she had all sorts of pain. The ones in her neck and behind the ears were so big the dr had the dr across the way that was doing a paper on the virus come in to take pictures of her. I was told that particular virus lays dormant in the glands and from then on for upwards of a decade or more anytime she gets even the tiniest bit sick they swell right back up again. There is a couple that stayed swollen and hard, like 1 behind her left ear. She was in a lot of pain initially but she did eventually feel better. There was nothing to be done except for pain and fever meds, it needed to run its course. That was 2.5-3 years ago now. When I had mono I didn't have pain or swollen neck etc. My whole body would swell and I would get hives whenever I was physically active, after being treated for allergic reaction twice with epi, my GP decided to run the test for mono on a whim and it came back positive.


With pain like that and fever etc I would get her checked out. Just one or the other I likely would have held off but the combination with the sore throat and tongue, my first guess is strep actually, but mono makes sense too.


I have no idea where I caught mono. I was single, not kissing anyway, do not typically share waterbottles etc. I mean it is a direct saliva transfer so really if someone sneezed right in your face when they have it you have potential to get it etc.

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Sounds like mono to me too. I got it in college and my spleen was so swollen I couldn't sit up properly. I had to hold onto walls to get to the bathroom. I was almost too sick to return to school in the fall (contracted in May).


Keep us posted.

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Thanks or the replies. The nurse referred us to the ER last night and we were there from midnight (it takes an hour to drive there) until 7 am when they admitted her. We were discharged about two hours ago.


I asked for a mono test and I thought she was getting one, but for some reason they didn't do one and had decided that it couldn't be mono.


The belief is that she injured her legs playing soccer and the headaches were from an increase in medication she is taking (we increased it on Tuesday). We are cutting back on the medication and waiting out the leg pain. They said it will either get significantly better or significantly worse.


Since I have slept only three hours total, I am off to bed. Thanks for the wishes and prayers. We go see our regular doctor for a follow up tomorrow.

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