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Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences

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Conferences are scheduled for both of my peeps this afternoon and I'm nervous as usual. I know this isn't really about me and yet somehow it always feels like it is. I feel like the teachers are about to hand down a verdict and I'm the accused. Am I doing enough extra work at home? Am I signing and returning forms in a timely way? Does my kid know the 'secret word' from the class newsletter each week? Ugh. I know my son is doing very well and DD is doing well in math but she's still not 'getting' spelling/phonics rules despite explicit instruction. Two more hours and lamb----------->slaughter.

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Ease the panic by preparing a list of questions to ask the teachers. My boys' teachers love to start their conferences with asking if the parent have any questions and that is the best time to "grill" them on what I want to know.



Hmph, thanks. I think I'll do this. It'll at least give me something to do other than gnawing on my fingernails.

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I feel your pain. I don't want to ever speak to my kids' teacher - about my kids - again. I want to go back to the days when we were just two equally-respected people hanging out in a Sunday School class.


I don't think we have Spring conferences. I hope not.


Though I've noticed an increase in the number of "helpful" notes coming home. June, you can't come fast enough.

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I had to request a spring conference.. I think for those kids who are not making progress there is a required conference and if your child is doing OK there isn't a meeting. I requested one because I want to know if there are any first grade teachers who differentiate instruction.

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All of the kids have PT conferences this week so they weren't singled out. It went as I expected. DS is a rock star who can do no wrong. DD is struggling with reading and is likely to get a Dyslexia diagnosis this year. I've suspected it for a Long time but no one took me/it seriously because she was still a high achiever. Her DRA was at 24 and by this time of the year they want to see 28/30. Finding a trained o-g therapist or Barton tutor is going to be the hard part. They are few and far between around here.

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DD is struggling with reading and is likely to get a Dyslexia diagnosis this year. ...Finding a trained o-g therapist or Barton tutor is going to be the hard part. They are few and far between around here.


Is your school district going to arrange and pay for theraphy? Here the district does that for any child three years and older.

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The district is doing the eval but DD is in private school. I have not heard good things about the services they provide (no o-g or Barton methods) so I'll probably find someone else to do real therapy. DD is not waaaay behind. She could well catch up next summer but she does need help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I apparently have one perfect kid and another one completely disinterested in school. He is six (fist grade), loves to chat and rolls his eyes when asked to do math problems. He also flushes class bully in the imaginary toilet in his journal :)

Wait a second - have you been borrowing my kids? LOL.

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Mine was helpful. We had Hobbes' before Christmas but Calvin's was a couple of weeks ago. They explained his school report and two teachers told us what Calvin had to do to reach his potential. Get off his backside and do some extra work, mostly. Both offered to do some tutoring to set him on the right track. He's on holiday now and we are trying to get into a good routine for homework, but it's hard with me out of the house during the day.



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