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Mouse scratching behind the wall!


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Remembering when we had one years ago..... it crawled into a hole, dh sealed it, then it scratched so much he opened it up again (and I didn't want a dead mouse in the wall). And, those little plastic traps (humane ones) DON'T work, the mouse took the bait and ran! We could even hear the little door squeak, twice.....!!

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Um, I think the protocol in this situation is to MOVE. :ack2:


Seriously, I don't know. We had that happen at our old house before figuring out (and fixing!) how they got in there.


We just slept in another room until the scratching stopped. URGH. I had nightmares.


I suppose you could knock a hole in the wall, but we weren't brave enough.


Most importantly, figure out how it got in there so you can prevent it from happening again. Because trust me, if you don't, it'll happen again. Ask me how I know.


(I convinced myself that it was a bird, squirrel, or chipmunk. For some reason, those options freaked me out slightly less than a mouse.)

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We have had both rats and squirrels in the attic. Pest control company was our only solution.





BUT...do NOT allow the pest control company to throw bait without traps in there. Bait will kill them...but good luck finding them once they die. The smell goes away in about 3 days during the summer months, and takes about a week during the winter months.

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(I convinced myself that it was a bird, squirrel, or chipmunk. For some reason, those options freaked me out slightly less than a mouse.)



Bwhaa - ha-ha-ha!!! I did the same thing. But, in our case, it ended up being a BAT!!!!!! It got into our house. AND, we found out we had an entire colony living in our attic!!!! Ack. We did move (not because of that, but I was relieved!).

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Bwhaa - ha-ha-ha!!! I did the same thing. But, in our case, it ended up being a BAT!!!!!! It got into our house. AND, we found out we had an entire colony living in our attic!!!! Ack. We did move (not because of that, but I was relieved!).


Oh {shudder}. I never even *considered* that it could be a bat. Gack. That is like a FLYING MOUSE. Blarg...

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Regular mouse trap baited with a sliver of peanut. You want to kill it. If you do a release trap, they will just come back in. Peanuts work really well. They are oily, and therefore smelly. So they attract the mouse, but they can't work the sliver out of the hole, so they always die. Also, get a cat. Just the smell of the cat will discourage invaders.


I live in the woods. This happens every couple of years. When I bait with a peanut, the mouse is dead within hours.

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We used to have this more frequently but we keep trying to find where the mice are getting in. Our exterminator told us they can squeeze in the littlest holes. So, we have remortered, filled holes but they still have a way in somewhere. We set a trap with peanut butter and they found it. However, we have had quite a few die in our walls. Nasty smell. Once we opened where the scratching was happening. Out popped the mouse. We caught it. However, our exterminator told us unless we kill it, it will return to our house. Even if you release far away. We couldn't think of what do so we drowned it. Never. Again.

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Are there any openings near the wall? Maybe a pocket door, or a small hole in the baseboards? You could lay a trap there.


These humane traps work perfectly for us:



If you use them, you *must* check them at least every 12 hours so the mice don't become too stressed or hungry. The mice will not and do not come back if you release them several miles away from your house. Obviously, if you release them right outside your house, they're going to come back in! You'll want to release them somewhere where they have some natural cover. I like to leave some food with them, too (oatmeal, birdseed, etc.)


Whatever you do, *please* don't use glue traps. They are unbelievably cruel. Some mice chew off their own limbs in an attempt to escape the glue; if they cannot, they suffer there until they dehydrate to death (or until you kill them). Poison is also cruel. Not only do the mice die slowly from internal bleeding, they risk poisoning anything that eats them or their carcasses, including pet dogs and cats, raccoons, owls, and other wildlife. If you feel you must kill them, a snap trap is the most humane option.


Good luck!

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Regular mouse trap baited with a sliver of peanut. You want to kill it. If you do a release trap, they will just come back in. Peanuts work really well. They are oily, and therefore smelly. So they attract the mouse, but they can't work the sliver out of the hole, so they always die. Also, get a cat. Just the smell of the cat will discourage invaders.


I live in the woods. This happens every couple of years. When I bait with a peanut, the mouse is dead within hours.



I've used reg. mouse traps in the past, but those we saw mouse droppings and knew they were IN the house. How do they get it if they're behind the wall?

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