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More insults!? Are you kidding me?! That picture was taken when I was 19 on my honeymoon. I put it up to celebrate Valentine's Day. I am 25 now. The last time that I used a forum was 6 years ago looking for marriage advice. I had a wonderful experience, and was never once accused of being a troll because I asked personal questions. I learned a lot from the older, married folks. The new rule that I seem to be up against is don't share a personal struggle or people are going to jump down your throat and then harass you in every thread you post in.



I would also point out that if you lurk around here, there is no way you are going to think "personal topics" are off limits. There are people who post their every personal trial on here. Multiple times per day, sometimes. And every other post devolves into a TeA or kilt discussion, it seems. So why would there be a double standard for newbies?


FTR, I have no idea what the offending "trolling" post was about. Whatever it was about, I can't imagine it hasn't been discussed on here multiple times before.

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Exactly, SKL! I am glad that I am not the only one who feels this way. I made the mistake of asking for help with discipline. I had no idea that it was going to be so controversial. But I am not one to come ask questions about trivial questions. That is what I use Google for!



Oh, we're going in circles again.


Lets review: you got DOZENS of helpful replies.


Not everyone will agree with you.

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Maybe I should try to explain. I have been made fun of and teased relentlessly for looking younger than I am my entire life so for me being told I look 12 is very painful. When I go to the store, I have people ask me if I am married or how old I am or if both of my kids are from the same dad because they assume that I am a knocked-up teenager. I had my first son when I was 21. You have no idea how depressing this is....



Just wait till you are about 35 and you get asked to give your ID when you order a drink. Then you will want to give that sweet waitress a hug.



and totally unrelated to the above....


This is not the board I would pick to jump in with super questionable questions. Plus oftentimes people asking for advice just want you to agree with them, or listen without actually helping.


But as I told my DS just today, just because I disagree with you, and told you you are wrong, doesn't mean I love you any less!

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Thanks for the understanding. It isn't one of those things that I want to go into in incredible detail, because it was 7 years ago, and I am trying really hard to get past it. I still have minor PTSD type moments anytime I get called one of the names from those days. I am particularly sensitive to condescending names like "sweetie, honey, kid, etc." because in my past those were always said to put down not build up.


This is one of the main reasons that I want to homeschool my kids. I never want them to experience the scars that I have been through. When I hear the word "socialize", I shudder, because to me that means make someone's life a living hell until they finally conform to the system.


So far they are open, loving kids, and I am really optimistic that they will never be "socialized".

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Thanks for the understanding. It isn't one of those things that I want to go into in incredible detail, because it was 7 years ago, and I am trying really hard to get past it. I still have minor PTSD type moments anytime I get called one of the names from those days. I am particularly sensitive to condescending names like "sweetie, honey, kid, etc." because in my past those were always said to put down not build up.


This is one of the main reasons that I want to homeschool my kids. I never want them to experience the scars that I have been through. When I hear the word "socialize", I shudder, because to me that means make someone's life a living hell until they finally conform to the system.


So far they are open, loving kids, and I am really optimistic that they will never be "socialized".



How do you feel about kiddo?

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Exactly, SKL! I am glad that I am not the only one who feels this way. I made the mistake of asking for help with discipline. I had no idea that it was going to be so controversial. But I am not one to come ask questions about trivial questions. That is what I use Google for!



If you want people to give their honest opinion or advice you have come to a great place, we are an opinionated bunch of folk. The flip side of that though is that you may hear some things you don't want, or that are totally irrelevant to your particular situation. If you treat it like the rest of life, keep the good and let the rest roll off, you will find this place a wealth of info. (And entertainment!) If you take it too seriously you will wind up with feelings hurt.


Also important to note, if you need to let loose without hearing dissenting voices JAWM (just agree with me) should be added in the first post.


Not that all of us do well following instructions.


Or playing well with others.


Or walking and chewing gum at the same time. (But that is personal info.)

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NaturalKate - I did do an intro post, but I don't think anyone really saw it. Then I did a second post that referenced the first one. At first the comments were really helpful, but then I made one wrong move and a lot of people started being very hurtful. The problem wasn't that they disagreed with me, but that they did so in an unkind way. I knew that there would be differences in opinion, but I didn't expect to be called names etc...


Now I am being called a troll everywhere I go...not a great start.

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Because if I wanted credible advice, why would I ask absolute strangers? Wouldn't I want to get to know the people for a while first, to see if I even wanted to hear their opinions? And is it even possible that I wouldn't have the slightest clue that my thread might be overly personal or highly controversial?


Is advice more credible if it is coming from someone known versus someone unknown? I prefer a larger sample from which to pull and sort through; and even better, a pool of people who are less emotionally vested (and therefore allowing bias to color their advice to me). I think a group of strangers can be the PERFECT group of people from whom to seek advice. I'll determine "credibility" from the advice received, rather than from the source received. For me, source doesn't equal credibility in the slightest.


As to overly personal information or questions, ... well, isn't online anonymity an advantage, then? We all have problems that are extremely private and personal, but not everyone has a safe "known" community to guide them through those (whether IRL or OL). Strangers are perfect for that. It works for 12-step programs, why not for the rest of society? ;)


And really, what's a stranger? Who are you beyond a few thousand posts and a clever screen name? That's a rhetorical question aimed at the General You. A great number of posters here hide behind intentionally formed online personalities. That they're more verbose makes them somehow more credible? Both IRL and OL I tend more to tune out people who talk a lot, because they'll say anything just to have something to say. So at least for me, I heed the advice of the less-oft spoken as much as (if not more than) someone with a high post count. I guess I just don't equate high post counts with sage offerings.


I completely understand why someone would ask those sorts of questions after they have been around for a while, once they feel they "know" people and are able to trust their opinions, but my troll-o-meter always goes into overdrive when these topics come from new members, and it bothers me that I may sometimes be overly suspicious. It's just that sometimes I see threads that seem to have been so obviously designed to create a debate and spark a major trainwreck ,


The thing is, these fora are designed so that one can lurk for a long time before putting oneself out there. It's entirely possible that someone can feel they "know" the posting community long before she first posts. I know someone from work who posts on here, and who has talked up about certain prolific posters, both good and bad, to me. I "knew" some poster personalities long before I began to lurk, and certainly by the time I registered for my own account.


Here's what I notice. People go troll-hunting (whether justifiably or not) on those "obviously designed" trainwreck threads and cause the momentum themselves! The troll puts out the bait, and prolific posters take it and run with it. Even when they're trying to derail it, sometimes through those efforts to derail it. The troll wins! I mean, if they weren't getting anything out of their efforts ... they'd find another playground, you know? I've seen it here (as a lurker on the old boards) and on plenty of other fora. There are always those few people who can't resist the bait, and that encourages trolls to stick around and keep at it.


And along the same lines, are you comfortable offering potentially sensitive advice to a brand new member, or do you feel awkward about it because you're wondering if she's for real, or if her situation is simply far too serious to discuss on a homeschool forum?


It's like giving $10 to the beggar at the access road on the freeway - if I can help, I will. What that person does with that money (or information) is on them. If the person I reply to is fake, so be it. I'm going to be me, and she's going to be her. I don't put much thought into it. Honestly I don't pay much attention to screen names or post counts in general so I only realize if someone is new if someone else points it out. And even then, I don't really care. We all start somewhere. Sometimes people prefer to lurk until they have something so big they need to post, you know? I get that, it's cool with me.


(A friend of mine moderates a large forum, and she told me that the trolls come out of the woodwork this time of the year, because many people are dealing with post-holiday doldrums or are bored at home because it's cold and wintry outside, and that's what got me thinking about this topic.)



I moderated on a forum with close to 100,000 registered members, of which about 8000 were regular posters. So not a huge forum, but a fairly active one. I can't say we saw a lot of trolls at any time during the year, but our community culture differed from the one here. We simply didn't feed the trolls, so maybe it's just they saw no reason to bother us. Or maybe we lucked out, who knows :) everything in life is a crap shoot LOL.

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Oh, it was the Pearls thread that raised the troll alert.


I've only been on this board about 18 months, and I've seen at least half a dozen hotly contested Pearls threads here during that time.


Interestingly, I've never seen one elsewhere. I would not have known who the Pearls were had I not seen all that controversy here.


I didn't choose to engage in the recent Pearls thread, but I peeked at it and noticed another book, also controversial in my opinion, being happily recommended. (I won't say which book that was lest I start another firestorm.) I really think people here just love to hate the Pearls. After all, a book is just a bunch of paper. I could certainly see why a new poster could naively believe a book could be discussed without too many casualties.

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But would you be asking for advice -- and would you take any of it seriously if you didn't "know" any of the members or have a real familiarity with the forum before you posted?


I can understand wanting to vent, but I always get kind of confused when someone joins a homeschooling forum just to vent about their cheating husband (or whatever.) If I wanted to do that, I would try to find a forum filled with other wives of cheating husbands or something.



Really? I guess my first thought would be that this person was a lurker who finally had something worthy to register an account for.


And I'd think the last place I'd go for credible advice on how to handle a cheating husband situation is to a forum filled with others who had been in that situation. I think once I'd decided my course of action, that'd be the place to go for guidance on how to proceed ... but to vent or to process, I'd want an unbiased group. Probably one I felt I "knew" (maybe through time spent lurking) as opposed to a situation-specific group that had more of an agenda to push.

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Maybe I should try to explain. I have been made fun of and teased relentlessly for looking younger than I am my entire life so for me being told I look 12 is very painful. When I go to the store, I have people ask me if I am married or how old I am or if both of my kids are from the same dad because they assume that I am a knocked-up teenager. I had my first son when I was 21. You have no idea how depressing this is....



Trust me on this -- if you still look young for your age when you get to be my age, you'll be a very happy person.


Look, I know we haven't gotten along very well on this forum so far, but I would like to say that I wish you wouldn't take things to heart quite so much. Who cares what other people think of you? If you agree with what they say, that's great, and if you don't, so what? You don't need to feel like you're being bullied or ganged-up on. Sometimes people just disagree.


The fact is, you're very pretty and if people think you look young, accept the compliment. If someone makes a rude comment about how you look too young to have had your kids, smile and thank them for the compliment of thinking you looked younger than you are. Turn it around on them! Looking young is not something to be depressed about! (In 20 years, you will be thrilled if you look young.)


I'm going to be completely honest with you, and I hope you're OK with that. I really did think that you were a troll because of the things you said on the other thread. I won't lie. I believed it and I'm admitting it. I thought you were a real Drama Queen. But now that you've talked about being depressed about what others have said about you and also that you were bullied, I'm thinking that maybe you got defensive because you imagined that people were picking on you as a person, rather than just making some critical comments that we hoped would be helpful.


Please believe me when I tell you that everyone in that thread was 100% sincere about wanting to be of help before you got so defensive. Once you've been here for a while, you'll realize that we treat each other the exact same way. If I ask a question, I'm not going to be surprised, upset, or angry when a few people call things as they see them, and it's not what I was hoping to hear. Maybe their comments will lead me to a lightbulb moment when I realize that they were right, but maybe I'll come to the conclusion that what they suggested isn't going to work for me. But I'm not going to argue with them about it and tell them how mean they are. And that's exactly what you did, and it's why you had so much trouble in that thread.


If you're really feeling fragile, I strongly urge you to seek some help for your depression or your anger, or whatever is bothering you. You have seemed almost like two different people in your posts, and I have to tell you that I liked one of them, but I wasn't crazy about the one who took every tiny little comment to heart and got angry about it.


I hope you'll continue to post here on the forum, but I do urge you to consider whether or not it's a good thing for you. People are not always going to pat you on the back and agree with you, and if you think that will be too upsetting for you, perhaps you should take a break until you're in a better place, and can better deal with the occasional criticism. I'm not saying that to be mean, but because I'm worried about you. I don't want anyone to get off the computer at night and feel sad or that people don't like them. The fact is, I think you're a good mom and that you mean well, but you're just very emotional right now and the slightest thing can be enough to really upset you.


I truly hope you're able to recognize your own self-worth and not let what anyone else says make you so upset -- and that includes the stuff I say!

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NaturalKate - I did do an intro post, but I don't think anyone really saw it. Then I did a second post that referenced the first one. At first the comments were really helpful, but then I made one wrong move and a lot of people started being very hurtful. The problem wasn't that they disagreed with me, but that they did so in an unkind way. I knew that there would be differences in opinion, but I didn't expect to be called names etc...


Now I am being called a troll everywhere I go...not a great start.



Sorry you are having such a hard time. We've had a couple of really bad trolls here. One even sucked people in to give money.


So our troll hunters are always on high alert. It has got to be annoying for newbies but to an extent it can't be helped.


If it is any consolation, once you are vetted (if you hold out that long), you'll find a great group of homeschoolers.

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Maybe their comments will lead me to a lightbulb moment when I realize that they were right, but maybe I'll come to the conclusion that what they suggested isn't going to work for me.



I had to comment on this part, because it's so true!! I posted in a thread talking about what we liked about WTM and I posted that I don't use it and don't plan on using it because I'm happy with what we're doing. A few people challenged my thinking.


Today I picked up the book at the library and am browsing through it because after a while I realized that there is no harm in learning about any method that might help our daughter get a well rounded education! I would not have done so if someone didn't challenge me on my thoughts.


SO thank you to the ladies that challenged me!

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Kiddo is ok if you are talking to a kid...not a grown woman with two children.



I have a friend who calls everyone Kiddo. (I secretly suspect it's because he's not great at remembering names, but never mind about that!) He even calls me Kiddo, and I'll be 50 this year. I think you're looking for an insult where none was intended. I think Kiddo sounds kind of cute. :)


Our general contractor, who has worked for us off and on for years, has called me Kid as a nickname for a long time. I'm about 5 years younger than he is, but hey, he calls people Kid. He means it in a friendly and brotherly way. It would never have occurred to me to be upset about it.

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NaturalKate - I did do an intro post, but I don't think anyone really saw it. Then I did a second post that referenced the first one. At first the comments were really helpful, but then I made one wrong move and a lot of people started being very hurtful. The problem wasn't that they disagreed with me, but that they did so in an unkind way. I knew that there would be differences in opinion, but I didn't expect to be called names etc...


Now I am being called a troll everywhere I go...not a great start.



Are you aware that you are turning yourself into the victim yet again? This martyr thing really has to go. People are trying to give you yet another chance, and you're back to blaming the world for hurting you, and accepting no blame for your own actions.


We are really trying to make things work for you here, but you're not making it easy. :(

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I just exceeded my quota of LIKES for the day!


But I'm not done!!! I have more posts to like!!!


So if you posted to this thread and I didn't like your post yet, please know that I'm trying!!!


(I'm also trying to respond to everyone but the whole Barefoot Explorer drama seems to have taken over, and I haven't finished replying to everyone who was kind enough to answer my original question. Sorry I'm moving so slowly tonight! :blush:)

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To be fair, a new person would not know what is likely to be controversial on a particular board. I mean, the most brutal thread of my life (so far) was me asking for people's thoughts about how to feed my bouncing baby. Who knew that would trigger all of the body image issues every boardie ever had? (That wasn't on this board.) My intent to be "tongue-in-cheek" failed massively. I still bear the scars.


Folks tend to lurk until the day they have a burning issue to discuss. It doesn't seem worth it to go through the registration process for a "what goes good with butternut squash" thread.


Not saying there aren't trolls out there, but I think it's easy to be mistaken for one when you're new.


Kind of reminds me of the looks I got while in a non-touristy city in China. Verrrry suspicious.



Well, not unless you want to know if you should cook it in your crock pot. :w00t:

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My dad calls my mom Kid as an affectionate term. My husband calls me honey.


As a server/bartender I tended to call people sweetie or hun, simply because I didn't have a name to call them. It was done cheerfully and in a friendly way, not condescending. Plus it sounds better than "Hey You in the Red shirt pay attention its your turn and you have been in line for 10 minutes so ORDER!"

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I have a friend who calls everyone Kiddo. (I secretly suspect it's because he's not great at remembering names, but never mind about that!) He even calls me Kiddo, and I'll be 50 this year. I think you're looking for an insult where none was intended. I think Kiddo sounds kind of cute. :)


Our general contractor, who has worked for us off and on for years, has called me Kid as a nickname for a long time. I'm about 5 years younger than he is, but hey, he calls people Kid. He means it in a friendly and brotherly way. It would never have occurred to me to be upset about it.



I think it is very easy to let our personal perspective cloud the way we interpret each other on the board. If we read each other with a harsh tone, even innocent things start to sound offensive.


I personally read everything as thinly veiled sarcasm, which happens to be the language I am most fluent in. I also hear certain posters with different "voices". You and Tibbie are very Dolly Parton like in my mind while Remudamom always sounds like Ouiser from Steel Magnolias. (I read the red velvet thread and have Steel Magnolias on the brain tonight!)

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I have a friend who calls everyone Kiddo. (I secretly suspect it's because he's not great at remembering names, but never mind about that!) He even calls me Kiddo, and I'll be 50 this year. I think you're looking for an insult where none was intended. I think Kiddo sounds kind of cute. :)


Our general contractor, who has worked for us off and on for years, has called me Kid as a nickname for a long time. I'm about 5 years younger than he is, but hey, he calls people Kid. He means it in a friendly and brotherly way. It would never have occurred to me to be upset about it.



Let's be fair, no teasing the new kid (I mean lady)! There was a recent discussion on here where a lady had a very strange view of the connotation of "kiddo." That's why the "kiddo" reference had some folks ROTFL. Frankly I would not want to be called "kiddo" much after puberty. (And it's been over 30 years since anyone accused me of looking 12. Though I did get carded when I was over 30, and my then-20yo sister, who was with me, did not! Ha ha!)


Speaking of old threads, new members should be directed to the one we had a couple months ago about everyone sharing their bad side. Something to lighten things up around here. The cupcake thread might be a little too overwhelming at this point.

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I had to comment on this part, because it's so true!! I posted in a thread talking about what we liked about WTM and I posted that I don't use it and don't plan on using it because I'm happy with what we're doing. A few people challenged my thinking.


Today I picked up the book at the library and am browsing through it because after a while I realized that there is no harm in learning about any method that might help our daughter get a well rounded education! I would not have done so if someone didn't challenge me on my thoughts.


SO thank you to the ladies that challenged me!



We are so sucking you in. Bit by bit, you will be assimilated.

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Really? I guess my first thought would be that this person was a lurker who finally had something worthy to register an account for.


And I'd think the last place I'd go for credible advice on how to handle a cheating husband situation is to a forum filled with others who had been in that situation. I think once I'd decided my course of action, that'd be the place to go for guidance on how to proceed ... but to vent or to process, I'd want an unbiased group. Probably one I felt I "knew" (maybe through time spent lurking) as opposed to a situation-specific group that had more of an agenda to push.



Thanks, Tita! I guess that makes sense. I was just thinking that I, personally, would feel weird going to a a completely unrelated forum to ask about a sensitive topic that had nothing to do with the purpose of that forum. It would be sort of like going to a dog breeders forum to ask for people's opinions about homeschooling. The people might be very nice, but I'm not sure how much I would trust their views on home education. :D

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Never intentionally. As in sometimes you don't know that something would be controversial (like shopping carts or crockpots) but never on purpose. I like to learn the atmosphere and make up of a baord before going too crazy BUT I also know that it wasn't long after I joined this board that I was dealing with a seriously freaky situation and posted about complete with pics and it was much more than I typically would want to post as an early post but I needed to share it because it was such an out there situation (does anyone remember the road rage situation that resulted in all my van windows beign smashed, being followed, death threats etc? ) That was less than 2 months from joining I believe.

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Let's be fair, no teasing the new kid (I mean lady)! There was a recent discussion on here where a lady had a very strange view of the connotation of "kiddo." That's why the "kiddo" reference had some folks ROTFL. Frankly I would not want to be called "kiddo" much after puberty. (And it's been over 30 years since anyone accused me of looking 12. Though I did get carded when I was over 30, and my then-20yo sister, who was with me, did not! Ha ha!)


Speaking of old threads, new members should be directed to the one we had a couple months ago about everyone sharing their bad side. Something to lighten things up around here. The cupcake thread might be a little too overwhelming at this point.



For a good laugh, go to my Olive Garden Shocker thread and follow the link to the Little Caesars Shocker thread. LOL funny.

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So I lurk and I have commented on a few posts. I read, I learn and I glean from you ladies that have been doing this WTM stuff longer than I.


I might even have said, "I agree." but Laurel-in-ca can confirm I am real :thumbup: .


And my very first thread of my own is about Omnibus! Can I stay and play? ;)

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Let's be fair, no teasing the new kid (I mean lady)! There was a recent discussion on here where a lady had a very strange view of the connotation of "kiddo." That's why the "kiddo" reference had some folks ROTFL. Frankly I would not want to be called "kiddo" much after puberty. (And it's been over 30 years since anyone accused me of looking 12. Though I did get carded when I was over 30, and my then-20yo sister, who was with me, did not! Ha ha!)


Speaking of old threads, new members should be directed to the one we had a couple months ago about everyone sharing their bad side. Something to lighten things up around here. The cupcake thread might be a little too overwhelming at this point.



I remember that thread! Some crazy woman was convinced that "kiddo" was a derogatory comment about disabled children, and for once, everyone here agreed (including the OP, of course!) that the woman was totally wrong.

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So I lurk and I have commented on a few posts. I read, I learn and I glean from you ladies that have been doing this WTM stuff longer than I.


I might even have said, "I agree." but Laurel-in-ca can confirm I am real :thumbup: .


And my very first thread of my own is about Omnibus! Can I stay and play? ;)



Jenn, of course you can stay! :)


And your daughters are absolutely adorable!

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Back to the OP question, I lurked a good long time before I posted ANYTHING. But if I look at how I am IRL it is consistent with my personality. Even now I would be hesitant to post anything overly personal here. Again, that is part of who I am and how I handle the important info in my life.


I try not to let it color how I view other people and their very personal posts. High drama sets off my radar, and I mostly avoid it. (I read it and chuckle occasionally unless it is ticking me off which is my cue to step away from the forum for a bit.)

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Never intentionally. As in sometimes you don't know that something would be controversial (like shopping carts or crockpots) but never on purpose. I like to learn the atmosphere and make up of a baord before going too crazy BUT I also know that it wasn't long after I joined this board that I was dealing with a seriously freaky situation and posted about complete with pics and it was much more than I typically would want to post as an early post but I needed to share it because it was such an out there situation (does anyone remember the road rage situation that resulted in all my van windows beign smashed, being followed, death threats etc? ) That was less than 2 months from joining I believe.



That was a scary situation -- I still remember that!!! You were going through some tough times for quite a while there.


I don't think anyone ever thought you were a troll, though -- you always seemed very nice. :)

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So I lurk and I have commented on a few posts. I read, I learn and I glean from you ladies that have been doing this WTM stuff longer than I.


I might even have said, "I agree." but Laurel-in-ca can confirm I am real :thumbup: .


And my very first thread of my own is about Omnibus! Can I stay and play? ;)



I love it when you post. I can see your lovely girls.

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Maybe someone should do a troll poll. "Have you ever been accused of being a troll?" I sure have, here and elsewhere. And now look at my post count - and I've never even been banned yet. Hmph.


I still think some folks here suspect me of trolldom, though. Can't please everyone!

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I personally read everything as thinly veiled sarcasm, which happens to be the language I am most fluent in. I also hear certain posters with different "voices". You and Tibbie are very Dolly Parton like in my mind while Remudamom always sounds like Ouiser from Steel Magnolias.



:svengo: :smilielol5:


I've only got two things in common with Dolly Parton. No, not those two. We both sing traditional American folk music and we both grew up in shacks.

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I have done the "I agree" thing but mostly because something drew me in enough to want to say something but I was scared to say more than that on a possibly controversial topic.


BTW, I've lurked here for around 4-5 years, joined in '11, and have only recently been sticking my toes in the water posting. It's our third year homeschooling (first with more than one child) and I'm just now feeling I may have the tiniest bit of help to offer. The search function helped with many decisions along the way.

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That was a scary situation -- I still remember that!!! You were going through some tough times for quite a while there.


I don't think anyone ever thought you were a troll, though -- you always seemed very nice. :)



I am glad to hear that. That was my biggest worry next to crazy guy lol That's why I made sure I posted pictures because I was sounding like a troll to myself lol I am a nice person, with an attitude and a life that brings it's own drama and entertainment daily it seems. I can't wait to have a mundane quiet life haha

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Maybe someone should do a troll poll. "Have you ever been accused of being a troll?" I sure have, here and elsewhere. And now look at my post count - and I've never even been banned yet. Hmph.


I still think some folks here suspect me of trolldom, though. Can't please everyone!


I don't think you are a troll. But now that I have you, when are you going to put up an avatar? I know your "voice" enough to recognize you. Still it would be nice to "see" you.


You know, just saying.

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:svengo: :smilielol5:


I've only got two things in common with Dolly Parton. No, not those two. We both sing traditional American folk music and we both grew up in shacks.



Try reading one of your "fridge posts" in her voice. It will make you seem extra maternal and wise. :p

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It's weird and I always look at signatures. The childless moms that werent teachers either offering curriculum advice here baffle me the most. Or the patenting advice again from childless moms here. I get researching curriculum before you homeschool but no kids yet? Seems like overkill to be here yet. And these people have more posts than a lot of active people here.


But sharing personal stuff so soon is a red flag


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:


I think those type of personalities who have no "real world" experience are much like those young ladies who plan their dream wedding on Pinterest... and do not have a boyfriend, yet. :confused1: Weird.

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I don't think you are a troll. But now that I have you, when are you going to put up an avatar? I know your "voice" enough to recognize you. Still it would be nice to "see" you.


You know, just saying.



The last time someone said that, the person went and found a drawing of a troll and put it up as their avatar.


I have no idea what I would want my avatar to be. I'm not really into bells and whistles. (No offense to those who are.) I would not put my actual photo up because I prefer to be anonymous.


I'll give it some thought.

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Jenn, of course you can stay! :)


And your daughters are absolutely adorable!




Thank you!



And in answer to the OP's original question I do find it a little odd to have someone relatively unknown ask about a very personal or sticky situation. Not something I think I would do.


However, when you are at your wit's end and are searching for someone who may have BTDT in order to get advise or not to feel so alone, a board where you have been lurking for a while would seem attractive. Especially if you have been reading people's posts and have gotten a general feel for the personalities represented.


It's the only just joined posts that confuse me. You have no idea who you are talking to at all. Then I would be concerned about a troll.

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I have been a member of this forum for a little over two years even though I have rarely posted. I read the forums everyday (multiple times most days). I have used this forum so much in our homeschooling journey. It really has lead me in the right direction and I am eternally grateful to everyone here for sharing so much.

But...I will admit to being extremely intimidated by the troll hunting. I feel like I understand what sets the hive off then a post gets made that doesn't hardly even get on my radar and the whole thing blows up. I can't help but worry a bit about the possibility that some of the trolls could have been legit. Why can't trolls just be ignored? Aren't they looking for attention? The threads with potential troll action seem to be the hottest threads going. I just feel like I can't keep up.

I really do love these forums and credit them for the success of our homeschool, but the forums can be unpredictable for newbies (I don't even feel like a newbie even though I would be considered one. No one "knows" me yet because of my low post count).



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