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Tell me that I'm just being paranoid...

Guest inoubliable

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Guest inoubliable

Remember when my landlord was harassing me to give him a copy of the lease because he couldn't find his? Well, he eventually dropped it and I haven't heard anything more out of him over it. My radar was still up, though. It was just such an odd issue with him.


Then there was the fact that he cashed the check the day he got it. He's never done that. I mentioned it to DH and his thought was "he's hard up to pay the holidays off on his credit cards?". Hmm. Maybe. But in 2.5 years, he's never done that. Not even when he was trying to make me give him the check BEFORE it was due. (You know, because he just happened to be in the neighborhood..). So, yeah, I'm already on alert.


This morning, he was outside. In his car. With someone else and they were talking and he gestured at the house. Totally out of character for him. As soon as he saw me at the window, they left. Mkay...


In the last hour, there have been several cars that come down the street slowly, stop in front of the house for a min or so, and then move on. A few of them were local realtors. I could see the banners on the cars.


My first thought was "crap. He's gone and listed this place for sale." I can't find it on any real estate website, though. And I can't find it listed anywhere for rent, either. Why else would a bunch of realtors be coming down the street to look at the house, though?? And is this why he needed a copy of the lease so badly? Could he be selling it as investment property and needed to show that it was occupied?


Of course, this happens to be the day that the lender finally emails me back. I submitted information, so I just have to wait and see if we can get the pre-approval set up in the next day or two. I am absolutely terrified that he's trying to sell or rent this house out from under us. :( It's a month-to-month lease now. He only needs to give us 30 days if he wants us out. I'd just call him up and ask but, well, he doesn't answer his phone. Ever. He's not exactly Mr. Honesty, either. I don't think he'd even give me an answer.


Thoughts? Anyone have a chill pill?

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No chill pill here, sadly. I think you're exactly right. However, given what you've said about the house I don't think it would be a quick sale anyway - nor do I think he's in financial shape to boot you out before he's got a firm buyer with a closing date. Put a fire under everyone involved in your financing procedures and let them know that you need this done YESTERDAY so that you can get yourself a new house asap. :/ Did you put in a conditional offer on that place you posted some pics of? (I THINK that was you, but I could be wrong, there's a lot of people looking at new houses lately.)

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I would say that you are THISCLOSE to getting a notice that he has either listed the house or is in foreclosure and did not tell you. I have seen a few friends have that happen to. I think you need to get your ducks in a row and find another place toot sweet. When we were living in a private rental, our land lord told us he was having a "re-fi" inspection. After that happened, a realtor came over with him and asked us if they could put a lock box on the door so that they could show it if we weren't home. We freaked and said NO WAY. He sold the house right from under us. He gave us a 30 day vacate.

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Guest inoubliable

No chill pill here, sadly. I think you're exactly right. However, given what you've said about the house I don't think it would be a quick sale anyway - nor do I think he's in financial shape to boot you out before he's got a firm buyer with a closing date. Put a fire under everyone involved in your financing procedures and let them know that you need this done YESTERDAY so that you can get yourself a new house asap. :/ Did you put in a conditional offer on that place you posted some pics of? (I THINK that was you, but I could be wrong, there's a lot of people looking at new houses lately.)


No offer yet. We couldn't get the first mortgage broker to return phone calls. So we never got that pre-approval letter. I'm working directly with a loan officer at the local BB&T now. I'm waiting on the pre-approval letter before we can even put an offer in.

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Guest inoubliable

I just noticed what this thread is actually titled. We are really, REALLY bad at following directions. Maybe I should go read the obedience thread a little. :laugh:




Well, at least I know I'm not crazy! As much as I don't need this extra stress, I'm glad that I caught the possibility of this happening and so I have a *little* heads up.

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Guest inoubliable

Annnnd, the lender says DH makes too much (bwahahahaha) to qualify for the one program we were going for. Might qualify for another - which would require more down than we have saved. Serious freak-out time might be coming up.

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I think that it takes a few days for a house that was just put on the market to get put online and stuff. Realtors have a database that allows them that access before the general public. That could be why the realtors are riding by. What a crappy situation for him to put you in. Hopefully you'll get some good news soon and it will all be a moot point.

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Guest inoubliable

You're just being paranoid.


If you're asked to vacate, you're going to come live with me, and it's going to be a party all day every day! :party: So, see, you WANT this to be happening -- that's why it's silly you're acting all worried about it.


Whoo-hooo! :hurray:

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My dh often says, "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you." I'm a landlord and I thought this when you first started talking about your lease issue (not that I would ever pull any of this carp on a tenant!). I'm glad you've been moving forward already for awhile. Hope things move quickly on your end so you can get out of there. Bad landlords are the worst.

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Another thing to think about . . . just because he's selling, doesn't mean you'll get the boot. A new owner would have to honor your existing lease until the term ended. And you could end up with a competent landlord. So I don't think it's time for a full-blown panic attack.

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Hopefully the lender will have good news and you will be the one giving him notice soon.



Yes. This.


Given the evidence, I believe you are right and he is going to list the house. Hopefully, your mortgage will move faster than his sale and there will be no issue for you.

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Guest inoubliable

Rentals are hard to find around here. At least in our price range. Most things are $1200+ and there are qualifications that we don't meet. If I somehow find a rental, we'd be stuck using our savings for security deposits and utility deposits. I'm not counting on getting back our deposit here, not if he's having the financial issues that I think he is.


I'm just going to have to stay on top of everyone involved to get this process moving along as quickly as possible. And then find some stuff to pawn. LOL.

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I would love to tell you that you are being paranoid, but I can't lie to you. :D This is exactly what I was thinking was going to happen when he asked for the lease. At the very least, you have 31 days (he hasn't given you notice today, has he?) At most, a few months or even longer. A buyer might want a house that already has a tenant, so they might not make you move at all.


Start looking at what ifs and back up plans (can't get the house...find another rental... getting the house, but not in time, then look for short term storage and a hotel or somewhere else to stay....etc)

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We've had two landlords foreclose the houses we were renting. Ugh, I feel your pain. One thing we got in the habit of doing was just googling the address we were living in every once in awhile. Then, we knew - oh. Our house we are living in is for sale, nice.


Hope you get into this new place, it's will be a pain, but it's worth it!

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Guest inoubliable

My realtor just called. I had him check to see if this house was listed anywhere. He didn't see it but he said that it was true that it might not show up in the system right away. Not only that, but that the word may have just "leaked out" without a formal listing yet. The house that I want is still available. Yay! He has no leads on short-term rentals besides the professional inefficiencies that run way out of my price range per month. So, right now I'm struggling to remain calm, searching various rental websites in vain, and wondering just what sort of slug my landlord is.

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Stay calm. Breathe. Even if he is listing the house, that doesn't mean it's going to sell in the near future. Our landlord listed the duplex we live in a month after we moved in, and it was on the market for months. It never sold, and he eventually took it back off the market. Four years later and we're still here. I finally went and looked the place up on Zillow a couple of months ago, and apparently our landlord payed three times as much when he bought it as it's worth now. Whoops.

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Guest inoubliable

Stay calm. Breathe. Even if he is listing the house, that doesn't mean it's going to sell in the near future. Our landlord listed the duplex we live in a month after we moved in, and it was on the market for months. It never sold, and he eventually took it back off the market. Four years later and we're still here. I finally went and looked the place up on Zillow a couple of months ago, and apparently our landlord payed three times as much when he bought it as it's worth now. Whoops.



Heh. You're right. You all are. I need to have a plan and keep moving forward, but no need to panic as the house isn't likely to sell overnight. Even if he decides to give us the boot and rent it to someone else, we still get a 30 day notice.

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