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What does your 2nd grade schedule look like? Your fav curriculum for 2nd

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We're in Gr. 2 right now, and our daily schedule looks something like:


Before morning break:

Math (we use Singapore SE with all of the add-ins, plus supplement with other fun math from time to time)


Independent reading


After break:

Spelling (AAS has been a hit)

Grammar (MCT LA is adored by my dd)

Writing (WWE 2)

History (SOTW 2)

Science (BFSU with science kits and RS4K texts)

Bonus subjects, done about 1x/week: French, Geography, Song School Latin, Greek, Artistic Pursuits


After that we eat lunch together and read aloud for 30 min - 1 hour daily, then have quiet time.

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These subjects must be done first thing in the morning.



Rod & Staff Spelling

Reason for Handwriting

Rod & Staff Grammar



Our history (SOTW 2) and Latin (Christiana Latina) are more hit and miss. We were excellent first semester, but I've backed off this semester. We'll probably drop Christiana Latina and try a different program or wait a few more years.


During the rest of the day, I expect XtraMath practice on the Kindle, review of Latin words (usually with flashcards on the Kindle), and reading time (both their own reading, as well as family read aloud time). I try to get read aloud time in right after lunch, but it depends on when the baby gives me a break. :) Oh, and Dad does science with the kids. It's pretty informal right now - we're loosely using Apologia's Birds book.

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My 2nd Grader does:

MUS with online review (from mathusee.com) and RS Math Games


Copywork (various sources)

Grammar Land

McGuffey reader (reading aloud and narration)

We also just started a writing program (Write On)


Family subjects: Scripture memory, SCM history (Bible, geography, history), Prima Latina, Apologia science, literature read alouds, and various Charlotte Mason subjects (nature study, character study, handicrafts/art, artist study, poetry, music study, etc.). He also does some independent reading, mostly in the evenings.


Some of these subjects are daily and some are 1-3x/week.

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I'm just thinking we'll move on to the next level of our curric...


Language Arts:

FLL 2/3 (finish one, start the next)

AAS 3/4


Reading books I give her



Beast Academy

MAYBE some SM 3



SOTW 2 and AG


Science: RSO: Earth and Space


Art (will be new and hopefully a hit):



I figure over the summer we'll do some math, reading, geography, and may r work on SSL.

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My 2nd grader is doing:


First thing in the morning:

practices piano

Singapore Math 2B


Spelling (studying the 300 most common words)

Alternates between journal writing or independent writing using the writing process (he chooses his own projects)

L'art de Lire 2 (Nallenart French)


Then I read aloud. This year we are doing Sonlight Core D (Core 3) and studying astronomy. This morning I read:

2 chapters from Toliver's Secret

If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution . . .


Then he plays until lunch. After lunch he has time for silent reading. I'm not sure what he's reading today, but he headed downstairs with a big stack of books and I haven't heard a peep for the last hour. :)

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GEMS science units were much enjoyed. I tried to use BFSU, but never got it off the ground. We tried Oak Meadow that year, and it was way too light, I had to substitute math and LA, and supplement the science and literature. What ended up working best was:


Galore Park Junior English 1


history/social studies and science portions of OM

GEMS + The Private Eye (science/nature study)

AO and SL inspired literature

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My 2nd grader (quite accelerated, so take with a grain of salt):


Teaching Textbooks 4 and tons of math enrichment such as Khan Academy, Life of Fred and recently added Problemoids. We were doing ALEKS but I dropped it as Khan Academy works for us. TT is really there to make sure we don't miss any nuts & bolts. Math is her strength.


Zaner-Blouser Cursive (first half of the year, we are done now. She writes in cursive for everything so it worked for us)


WWE2 (this is below her level for writing mechanics, but on-level for listening comprehension, so I use it but have her write down her own narration independently, and do longer dictation assignments.)




assigned literature readings (right now, a bunch of the American Girl historical fiction, as they are easy reads for her and give her a nice foundation in American history which I think she should have, even though our family's history cycle won't get there for quite a while yet.)


free journaling


Sheppherd Software geography games


Grammar Island (none of the other books, just reading and discussing.)


music with the local youth orchestra (cello)


I just dropped formal science. We are SUCH a sciency family I really did not find any curriculum that hit on much that we don't already read and discuss. I sign them up for homeschool science classes at the local science center if the topics sound fun or interesting to them.

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My son will be going into 2nd grade curriculum, but I do try to keep in mind that he's technically going to be in 1st. I am trying to shift to a much more CM style, so here's how I think it will look:


Science: Nature study/journaling, + continue with BFSU

History- a slightly modified SOTW2 to "Catholicize" it. lol ;.)


Math- Continue with SM+Miquon. He'll probably be just finishing up 1b and the red book, and getting started on 2a and b and whatever the next Miquon books are.

LA: McGuffrey readers for reading practice, we are in the 2nd reader now. Copywork from our read-alouds (chapter books, fairy tales, poems). Narration from various subjects, and we might start spelling and dictation. We are doing some Bravewriter stuff like Tuesday Tea+Poetry. No formal grammar, but we are discussing as we go about interacting with the written word.

French: We'll start in on mechanics and continue with reading practice (this is our DC's second "first language")

Depending on how his printing looks this fall, we might start cursive, but I really don't want to. I hate cursive. :-)

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We start with Math every morning. That sets the time for our day....most days he finishes 3 lessons in about 30 minutes.


Then we do Latin, spelling, Bible, Grammar, Reading, and Science or History.


Math - SM we complete a text/wkbk set and then do the IP and CWP for a month before moving on to the next level. 5 days a week


Latin - Prima Latina 4 days a week


Spelling - Spelling Plus with Dictation and Homophones (we rotate the books: week one-spelling list, week two-dictation, week three-homophones). We do this 3 days a week.


Grammar - Rod and Staff, 4 days a week. Some days we do 2 lessons if they are short.


Science - RS4K, this year we did Chemistry and we are about to start physics. We have spent the weeks between doing am anatomy unit with a body coloring book. It has parts to cut out and attach to a full body tracing. 1-2 days a week.


History - SOTW 2 with some AG pages, the Tests as worksheets and a Lap Book I found online. 2-3 days a week.


Reading - McGuffey's Eclectic Readers 3-4 days a week. He reads one lesson a day and either narrated back to me what he read or answers the questions.


Thursdays we go to a coop from 9-12. He does PE, Astronomy, and a world geography and cultures class.


We did a Christmas cultural geography unit study as well.


I try to follow as many of Charlotte Mason's ideas as possible. We stick to short lessons, we finish in 2 hours or less and spend the rest of the day playing or reading on our own. I try to get the kids outside as much as possible. Last week the weather warmed up and we did school outside for 2 days and then we went for a walk another day while we listened to history on my iPod.


I don't use separate handwriting, copywork, or dictation lessons. Good handwriting is expected on all work, so we don't need the extra practice. Dictation/copywork is covered in Spelling.


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I have a 2nd grader this year. Here's what she's done so far:


Reading through the Magic Tree House series together

Independent reading from books she picks out from the library


Five in a Row


Math has been a rollercoaster. I think this kid may have a serious math bent. She loves math. We're reading through the Life of Fred elementary series right now. She completed one of the Miquon books and several of the Singapore Math books. She's also worked through a number of the Education Unboxed videos. I'm actually thinking about using Crewton Ramone's math (and buying a subscription for his site). She also checks out living math books from the library. I plan to buy Family Math and Plato's Solids for her this spring. She loves math so much that she has a Life of Fred T-shirt that she wears and she drew the author a picture. Lol. :001_rolleyes:


We read through about half of Apologia's Swimming Creatures (and she lost interest). We'll try to pick it up again later.


She finished a Map Skills 2 workbook.


Writing: she finished Getty-Dubay Italic HW B (? the blue book), some copy work and narration exercises. I bought a notebook with lines and a big, blank box at the top and she's been drawing pictures in the box and writing stories about the pictures on the lines.


She finished All About Spelling 1 and is trapped somewhere in All About Spelling 2.

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I have a 2nd and 4th grader... here's what the 2nd grader does.


Sonlight Science D (we do Science during breakfast, otherwise we find that it never gets done)

Sonlight Core D History comes next


The rest is workboxed and she does it in whatever order she wants

Grammar Lesson/ Worksheet every day (Scott Foresman)

Sequential Spelling

A Reason For Handwriting

Horizons 2

Primary Language Lessons (3x/week)


She does all of her independent reading in bed between 8:30-10 pm

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DS is on a 2nd grade level with everything.


We usually do Horizons math and phonics, R&S spelling and english before lunch. He takes about an hr- 2hr break for lunch and play then does Lifepac Science and history and a cursive worksheet. I plan to switch him to Story of the World soon.

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My second grader does the following:


At breakfast:

-listens to poetry and Bible story or hymn story with the family


During schooltime:

-reads on his own, from a book of his choosing, or of mine -- how much depends on the level of the book; he just made a jump in level, so it's taking him longer to read a page, so he reads fewer pages a day, but it's usually about 30 minutes of reading.

-listens to SOTW or supplemental books when I read them aloud (sometimes we do the supplemental books at breakfast); does the map and other projects.

-4 pages (approximately) from Miquon or a lesson (sometimes two lessons) from Singapore (depends on how difficult it is for him; I usually have him do 3-4 pages in the Singapore workbook).

-2-4 pages in the BrainQuest workbook for Grade 2.

-a lesson from Writing With Ease Level 2

-Bible memory work

-other special activities -- art, religious biography, etc.

-I need to get back to typing with them.





-co-op (he's taking a literature class and a gym class this spring; they cover picture study too).


Dinner (sometimes)

-picture study (We did this before Christmas, based on Nativity art, and it was a huge success; the kids want more.)

-English from the Roots Up cards


Evenings and in the car


-sometimes music study in the car

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3Rs here:

Math: Beast Academy

Spelling: Spelling Plus List C

Writing: Writing w/ Ease2


Usually Math is done first and then a break and Spelling w/ Writing. I have him do some work w/ Logic of English w/ dd1 sometimes as well.


I have him read during quiet time various books and we have family read-alouds at bedtime and sometimes before as well. Science and History are informal.

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Things are crazy in our home right now but this is our general schedule that I strive for in grade 2;


I try to get through our core stuff in the mornings:

Math - RS C

Handwriting - Penny Gardner's Italics

Writing - WWE

Spelling - Phonics Pathways

Lit Unit study/lap books (just starting this)

Silent Reading


We start our day w/ a morning meeting where we do Bible together w/ his younger sibling, memory work, a short read aloud (read by either me or ds). Right now I've added a Health unit to our morning meeting. Whatever core work I haven't got finished by lunch, I do after lunch and before the "gravy".


Our gravy is;

Science - ES grammar biology

Geography - EE (just starting this)

Poetry Tea


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I think two solid 2nd grade choices are Ambleside Online (year 1 or Year 2) or HOD's Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory. One of mine wasn't quite ready for the complexity of AO works in 2nd grade (even as read alouds), and HOD's Beyond was a great guide for helping him mature and listen to longer read alouds, etc. In fact I think those are two of the best years in both of those programs. (Maybe I'm just mentally stuck at the 2nd grade level, lol).


Next year my next 2nd grader will do the following (always subject to change, LOL):


Bible - Memoria Press Christian Studies year 2 - orally with siblings

History, Science, art etc.: Classical Conversations Foundations Cycle 2

History - MOH 2 and selections from AO year 2

Literature - Read alouds, going to try Logos Early Reader Guide (not sure exact title.... we're going to try it this spring which means we may be tired of it by fall, lol)

Math - CLE finish 200, start 300

Spelling - AAS - just teaching rules and doing dictation on a white board (this is working in level 1 and I'm hoping it will work in level 2 - I don't have time for tiles, cards, bells and whistles)

Writing/grammar - Writing Skills Book A (Also going to start it this spring, which means we may be tired of it by fall.... I'm not opposed to starting FLL3 with him sometime next year)


He also plays chess, does scouts, and needs a basketball team, and will hopefully start piano lessons.

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