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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning everyone? Are you ready to tackle a new week? I hope you are because ready or not, it's here!


Clean kitchen

Laundry. . . I have tons of stuff that needs to be folded and put away. 1 load folded and put away.

Call Mom and Dad


School specials:

Ds15 - Week Preview

Get him started on reading "Everyman"


Dd11 - Son of Charlemagne

Language Arts


Start music back up now that the piano is fixed.


Tidy, tidy, tidy . . . the house looks like the weekend threw up all over it.


What's for dinner?

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I haven't done one of these before but dh started me yesterday on making a list of what I need to do.. Some things don't go on the list since they are always there- pet care, unloading the dishwasher, taking meds, etc. But here is what is on today's list


Two things are left over from yesterday- water indoor plants

read my Fine Gardening magazine that just came




Schooling my dd - active -Physics, History, Math, Spanish, ACT prep supervision- Spanish, co-op class work, Venture work


Instruct, supervise and pay maids


Do my laundry


dinner- cook chicken cutlets (made by dd last week and were extras) and sides


Talk to dh about spring break plans

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Me, me, me. :D


Meals, school.

Maths lessons prep for rest of week.

Continue to work on master biography list

Figure out what to do about Latin... we're stalled and no one cares (including me), though DD the Elder wants to continue, maybe with a different program.


We had a party on Saturday, so all the house needs now is a quick sweep and vacuum.

Laundry - 2 loads

Sort the last stash of the picture books for storage/donation/disposal

Make a batch of breakfast muffins.

Get produce and meat for the week, make marinade and marinate chicken for tomorrow.


Tonight is out to pub trivia. We were sooooo close last week in a big field, coming back from the middle of the pack with a final question about Professor Cuthbert Calculus, only to lose by a smidge.

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I haven't posted here in a bit but I need to today! Lots to get done and lots of deadlines.



Order work stuff (waiting on the guy to call me back)

Make vacation reservations

Email my parents reservation info



Design a sign for work

Make work calls

Send work emails

Make dinner

One load of laundry




Kitchen cleaned

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It's Mon PM for me so here's what I did today:




Cleaned kitchen

1 load of laundry

Grocery store



Burned a DVD to send to James Bond

Wrapped 3 packages to send to JB (tomorrow)

Cleaned the toilets


Gave Han Solo a bath


I'm working on cleaning the house in small chunks so I'm not overwhelmed. The toilets are technically on the schedule for Wed when I clean the whole bathroom, but they needed it, so I did it today.

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Heeeeere Weeeeeee Gooooooooooo!


My/Dh laundry (2 loads)

Bedtime accident laundry

Ds to community college class (he rode his bike! :thumbup:)


Clean kitchen

Rewrite (as much as possible) lost iPad notes/lists

TOG Meeting


Give afternoon violin lesson

Make child's bed

Measure/prepare space to use and store rebounder

Read a book

Ds off to Vanderbilt classes/rehearsal

Help ds8 find collection for Cub Scouts

Take out chicken to thaw

Help clean rabbit cage


Lunch - bagels, leftover Superbowl chips

Dinner - baked chicken legs, veggies, salad

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Mondays are a busy day around here!


Work 8-12 at my part-time job


Kids did some schoolwork with their dad while I worked.


Lunch: Leftover meatball noodle soup for me; pizza for the rest of the family (I have to avoid dairy.)


I've got some schoolwork to do with them this afternoon.


Take dd to Spanish class this afternoon


Tutor Spanish teacher's dd in College Algebra while there


Supper: Chicken Stir Fry w/rice


Attempt to clean house and check on any laundry that needs to be done

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Good afternoon!

Got up and fed the feathered and furred.

Thanks to my Mom's getting me a birdbath heater for my birthday, I no longer have to take 3 or 4 kettles of boiling water out to thaw out the birdbath, clean and refill it. Gotta say, very nice!


Woke eldest up early for new meds protocol, day 2 and let her go back to sleep til 9. Hopeful.


Made lunch for dh and a fresh pot of coffee that we promptly went through.

Got stove going and brought in wood.


Did some more straightening, vacuumed the living room and staircases, went over Chemistry with older dd for lab this afternoon.


Making a ham for supper, need to figure out what to make with it. Maybe biscuits and peas?


House looks lovely I must say.


Kids did all their chores and school is done for youngest who is back downstairs playing new game. It is pretty fantastic. http://ninokunigame.com/


In my new quest to avoid reading something new, to avoid dealing with stressful things and avoid knitting a second sock to match the one I already made, I have reached 67.8 % completion on my Lego Lord of the Rings. Due to my yelling "Legolas, you rat bastard" one too many times, dh has suggested that perhaps I might try something else for a bit. ;) So I got out my Lego Harry Potter.


Spent 3 hours writing intros to the scenes from Shakespeare recital in two weeks only to realize there is almost no way we can pull it off in two weeks. Panic has set in. Spent another hour writing a letter to kids and parents about costumes and props.

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11 am check in : Cleaned the kitchen, including mopping the floor, which I needed to do after spilling raw egg on it this morning while cooking breakfast.


Talked to RC - she got me through my kitchen cleaning and I go her (almost) through peeling potatoes for beef stew.


Next up: morning school with dd11


The FedEx truck is here! :willy_nilly:

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Mondays I am out of the house most of the day and when I get home I tend to just collapse. But I've just had a little nap so now I am ready to tackle what's left of Monday:


Start dh's laundry

Make dinner, eat, clean up

Make boys do math homework

Force everyone to go to bed at a decent hour ( stayed up too late last night due to Super Bowl)


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It's almost 6pm here and we accomplished a good amount of things:


-Bible, English, art, PE (playing outside in the snow!), cooking

-Kitchen is clean

-grocery shopping done

-three loads of laundry done

-the girls made yogurt covered banana pops

-letter to ps mailed

-bought DH a surprise sub for after work!

-Made appointment with our accountant

-House is picked up, beds made

-dh lunch was made and sent him off to work


To be done:

-supper and clean up

-Big girl is going to shower

-Small amount of math work

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I haven't gotten too much done today, poor dd is still sick, so no school has been done at all. Zero. Again. She hasn't done anything since Thursday! Arrrgh - I can just feel us getting behind...


Anyway, today:

I walked a mile, outside in the sun - beautiful day here!

Did a load of laundry

Bought extra computer paper and more groceries

Revised course summaries and printed them out - they were due last week - oops!

and that's about it. We are having easy heat up dinner tonight, so no cooking - yay!

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It's almost 6pm here and we accomplished a good amount of things:


-Bible, English, art, PE (playing outside in the snow!), cooking

-Kitchen is clean

-grocery shopping done

-three loads of laundry done

-the girls made yogurt covered banana pops

-letter to ps mailed

-bought DH a surprise sub for after work!

-Made appointment with our accountant

-House is picked up, beds made

-dh lunch was made and sent him off to work

-supper and clean up

-Big girl is going to shower


To be done:

-Small amount of math work


Math class canceled because my big girl got hurt in the shower...she is ok, cut her thumb on my razor. Her right thumb so we are going to rest it tonight. Math will resume tomorrow!




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