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How much time do you spend reading aloud to your dc?(CMers in particular)


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I was wondering how much time, on average, others spend reading aloud?

My two dc are 5 and 8. With history, science, literature and more it seems it could be a lot of read aloud time. We are using a somewhat CM ish approach, but it seems that the reading times would often be more than 15 minutes. And with several subjects requiring reading aloud, I'm thinking it may be too much, particularly for younger ds. (older ds would probably love it.) Also, last year I still had some problems having younger ds occupied while I did things with older ds.(Particularly reading that did not interest him.) So, I've rambled a bit here. Just wondering how it is for others, particularly CMers. Thanks.

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We read between 15 min to 2 hours a day, depending on the season (summer less so). It is one of our great joys in life.

Now that some of our kids are older I have to say that reading aloud together has created some of our favorite memories- books shared have afforded us with such a common frame of reference. It is time well spent! :001_smile:

P.s. - we just finished "Twice Freed"= wow. What an awesome book (cc)

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I spend any where between 2 and 4 hrs reading out loud a day.


Most of it is in the evening after dinner; so much better to curl up on the couch with a book as family than having the TV on.


I do have only 1 child, so maybe it is easier for me to read out loud for longer periods of time.

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I read aloud to my little one at least an hour a day between his Calvert curriculum work and just our fun reading. My oldest reads to himself and we do some reading aloud at night right now. It is getting ready to be much more often, though, as we are going to read History and Science together each week once he starts his curriculum.

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I am just beginning HSing, but I aim for 2hrs per day. I generally have 4 30min chunks of time - Bible in the am, Poems and "Mom's choice" before bed, and a couple sessions of kids' choice in between. I'm not doing any formal history or science, but ds chooses atleast one book on an animal every day. When he starts first we'll make one session history reading.


Some days we read more, some days we read less.

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history readings usually take around 15 minutes

science readings usually take around 10 minutes

novel readalouds usually take 30-45 minutes, but sometimes up to an hour when they don't want me to stop


My kids listen to 10-20 hours of audiobooks every week on top of what I read to them.


My two older girls are heavy readers who read for a minimum of one hour/day on top of whatever I assign for them.

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There are MANY days that I don't read out loud at all. There, I've said it. I have major guilt about it, I should do better, in my head the ideal is 1-3hrs a day! But I am a major RA failure!!!


I will not give up! I will continue to keep making schedules with the RA time allotted! I will fall down and get back up!


Really, I just need to DO. IT. (What is wrong with me?!?):confused:



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We don't tend to do evening read alouds any more because my kids (ages 12 and 14) now associate read alouds with school :( however, they still love read alouds during school time. 3 days a week ( do between 1 and 2 hours of reading aloud. Another day I do 30-45 minutes.

I am glad for this thread because I was beginningI might be doign too many read alouds- but i feel they do plenty of alone reading too and wouldn't like to increase their independent reading by much. Doing read alouds that are above the level of reading they can do independently (and get much out of ) allows us to cover a lot more work. I also feel we get more out of some books by reading aloud, and discussing, than if they read it alone.

And I am becoming more and more convinced of the value of oral narrations as a continuing thing through highschool (on top of written ones of various type- covering all writing types). We are covering so much more work nowadays.

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that this is the "plan" not actually what is currently happening but what will be attempted.


-Bible story reading for PreK, scripture reading with 3rd grader

-Fun read aloud for 15 minutes (both kids)

-Nonfiction reading during history time 15 minutes

-Science reading 15-20 minutes

-Composer biography reading during lunch 15-20 minutes

-Independent reading time 30 minutes

-Bedtime reading 30 minutes each child (PreK'er gets multiple books, 3rd gets 1 book)


Additional weekly reading

- 2x a week, afternoon tea with fairy tale and poetry reading (20 min)


Total Daily : 3.0 hours of reading, alternative days almost 3.5 hours of daily reading time.

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In addition to the lessons? Probably 1-1.5/day. I still very much enjoy picking out read aloud books for them. We just finished a condensed version of "Journey to the Center of the Earth" for ds. He loved it and would beg for me to read, "Just one more chapter." :)

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Thanks everyone! Well, I do think I have a lot of reading aloud planned. We'll have to see how it goes with younger ds. I'd say with all subjects it will be anywhere from 1 hour minimum to 3 plus if possible. I am trying to create time with each of them that is one on one while the other is in his room, so this may help. It seems much of what I've chosen is literature based, which is great for older ds, but younger will need more hands on stuff. I'm working on getting him to listen but do something else at the same time. Got my fingers crossed.

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I read 30 min in the am to the 6 and 8yo upon waking (we're working through the Oz books right now) and then another 30-60 min in the afternoon (more Oz and another book - right now it is Ginger Pye). I read for an hour to the boys (12 and 14) in the evening (right now Animal Farm, Shadow Spinner, Arabs in the Golden Age and A Glorious Age in Africa) so I guess I'm doing the bare minimum of 2.5 hours.


We're not doing any academics right now though; just reading books, boys are doing Teaching Textbooks (don't need me to read anything there) and we're writing.

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