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6 yr old boy kidnapped off bus; driver shot and killed


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I was so worried someone would post this. It's actually happening here. It's just unreal something like this can happen here. The man still has the child hostage and one news source says he's autistic but talking and receiving medication through a PVC pipe.


The children were still on the bus when the man shot the driver. Needless to say many of the schools are closed today.

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Not that it matters, but I bet we can guess what set the guy off. I bet he didn't like the bus turning around in his driveway. :(


Miller says Monday, the day before the shooting and kidnapping, Dykes got on Poland's bus and spoke with him, though the nature of the conversation is not known. The next morning, Miller says Poland offered Dykes a gift of eggs and marmalade as a way of saying thanks for clearing off the driveway where the bus had to turn around.



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I haven't read any of the reports but when I heard about the bunker and his age my very first thought was this guy had PTSD and was a vietnam vet. I don't know if that actually true it was just my first thought. I live in rural alabama and know many of these vets that hate the goverment because of Vietnam, they have paranoid ideas and stuff because of the PTSD. They tend to fear others and want to keep people off their property and away from them. I can take you to several vietnam men with this type of issues. When I was a child one of them pointed a shot gun at my cousin and I he was very serious about his privacy


I don't think he wants to hurt the child. He may even believe he is protecting the child. The thing is he is mentally unstable. He may of had a flash back from Nam if he was vet or if he is just paranoid schizophrenic which maybe his issues. He is playing out a halluncination or whatever.


The best thing they can do is keep all information off the TV. THese type can find or think its sometype of "special message for them" or whatever that would cause him to do more to that child


I so feel for this family and continue to pray.

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I haven't read any of the reports but when I heard about the bunker and his age my very first thought was this guy had PTSD and was a vietnam vet. I don't know if that actually true it was just my first thought.

Yes, according to the neighbors, he is a Vietnam vet with PTSD and a hatred of the gov't.


The bus driver was killed when he tried to block the aisle to allow the kids to escape off the back of the bus. Supposedly the little boy who was taken was so terrified he fainted, which was how the guy was able to get him. :crying:


I wonder if the guy would allow them to trade hostages, and let the boy go if someone else took his place? If that were my child, I'd be begging to swap places — or even just be allowed to go in there with them, even if he wouldn't allow the child out.



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I hate schoolbuses and have a huge phobia about letting my kids on one (my husband shares this phobia so ours never rode them while in school). This isn't helping. :crying: I'm hoping to hear an end to this soon, with a good outcome. I'm getting very sick and tired of people terrorizing little kids. We are going to have to get harsh about protecting the innocent.

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