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No/Low Spend Week 4 & 5 (1/21-1/31)


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Lately I have been feeling deprived. I don't know why exactly. I know I have been resisting buying "little things" that make me happy. Like small purchases on amazon, coffee on the way to work. Am I going through withdrawal or should i indulge myself sometimes? I am actually feeling a bit down, and not sure it has to do with this or not. Seems ridiculous that it would be related, but it;s the only change I've made besides starting running, which I think makes me feel BETTER/ Thoughts?


:grouphug: Can you reframe this? I try to frame every "little thing" that I resist as a small victory. If I take the time to see if my library has a book available, rather than just one-click it to my Kindle, it makes me happy, it makes me feel like I "won" that little battle. I feel good when I can find a way around an expense while not depriving myself or my family of the perk completely. So I'll make cookies, say, rather than buy them. We could survive without cookies, but (since a low grocery cost isn't a matter of life and death), I accept spending some money for cookies, just not as much as I would if I kept buying packaged cookies. (Healthier alternative, too, and more environmentally sound.) You can also give yourself little "gifts" that cost nothing or much less than buying something out. I gave myself the "gift" of sitting in my sunroom for an hour on Sunday morning, leisurely drinking my home-brewed coffee, watching the birds at my birdfeeder. (Okay, birdseed does cost something, though! ;) ) I tend to slave-drive myself most of the time, so this was a little pleasure I allowed - just enjoying the quiet house while the kids slept in. We went to a later service at church.

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Thank you Danielle. That is helpful. The thing is, I DO enjoy baking cookies over buying them, it gives me pleasure. And I have always borrowed from the library rather than purchase on my Kindle (especially since I found out that my library has many books available through Kindle on Overdrive-what a pleasure!) But I see your point. I guess the things I am "missing" are things I need to buy, like new running shoes. I do need them, but I don't want to buy them, and then I feel badly. And like I said, there are the "little things" that I miss. Last night I treated myself to a Chipotle burrito after my day at work. I wasnt in the mood to go home, needed some time alone (DH was with the kids, and happy to watch them), so I just went there and sat with my book. I really enjoyed that. So I think I will give myself an allowance of a certain amount every month and not feel guilty about spending it, even if it means buying a burrito when we have a full fridge at home.


It really is about reorienting one's thinking, though, isn't it? Instead of BUYING myself a little something, I need to think of other ways to indulge myself, like you said. I enjoy running at the gym, and that;s a standing cost (the gym membership) so I did that yesterday which was nice. I enjoy going to the beach, so I will try to do that more. I love knitting and scrapbooking, and dont really need to buy anything for that (have plenty of yarn, and enough scrap supplies to do a few layouts) so I think i need to give myself the gift of TIME. Not always feel like I need to be doing something for the family, or cooking, or teaching, or cleaning, or planning curricula, or making flashcards for DS' Latin class, or organizing the school room, or working on the church website, or building my own business. Whew. Yes, I think I need to find time for just me.



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Hey all! I have been following these no-spend threads with interest. But, since we had a vacation at the beginning of the month, I didn't feel right participating!! Anyway, we are home and into the swing of things. I'd LOVE to be able to join you next month. My 15 year old is desperate to get us on another cruise later this year and is willing to do without in order to do it!!! Having kids willing to help out will help me with these no-spend months! I'll join you next month if that's okay!

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So, last week.....


1/14: $0! I am using up stuff from the pantry to try to stretch our groceries a few more days!

1/15: $20 for a box of diaper wipes--I have cloth ones at home, so this was discretionary.

1/16: $0

1/17: $0

1/18: $11 for pizza...forgot to put dinner into crockpot, $30.01 on amazon (general grevious--birthday present, avery project paper, and a pair of baby legs for the baby as we're having a hard time keeping her warm enough even with hat & onesies)

1/19: $32....dh took me out on a date as my mom was able to come babysit....greek food, yum!

1/20: $0


So, now I'm at 11/15 no spend days. I spent $93 in discretionary money this week....I need to buckle down this next week.


1/21: blew it...spent $34 at Hobby Lobby (paper to make Star Wars wall art for ds's birthday, paint + wood plaques to display art on in the girls' room

1/22: $11 for pizza...forgot to put dinner into crockpot

1/23: $0: spent the day deep clean scrubbing in the kitchen. I am going need to replace some items--cookie sheets, a 7 qt. pasta pot, etc., but I've gotten a decade of heavy use out of them. I also came across a bunch of stuff our kids had to have (pancake puff pan, slushy cup, empanada press, etc.) that has not been used more than once or twice. I didn't think they ever would be and I am sick of the space they take up. (Dh always buys these. *sigh*) On my part, I realized that I am a spice addict....apparently I have lots of intentions of making tandoori chicken, curries, and chinese food but don't. Time to put those on the menu. Pairing the declutter challenge with the no/low spend challenge has been insightful for me.

1/24: $0

1/25: $0

1/26: $9 at the dollar store....bought some new white mugs because the boys kept breaking mine. I used a sharpie to draw designs on them. Drawing clone trooper helmets is harder than it looks, but my Tardis mug is awesome.

1/27: $0

1/28: $40 on amazon for curricula....dh told me to stop trying to re-invent the wheel and just buy. After spending many evenings planning stuff out, I'm happy to be able to move on.





I think I need to stay in for February. Knowing I have to report in is good.

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Week One:

Jan 1: $57 curriiculum

Jan 1 cc: $1.99 kindle

Jan 2 $4.65 date stamp, cc: $19.99 nytimes sub, cc: $75 ymca sub,cc: $52 afterschool

Jan 3: $9.42 toothpaste, water for office and gum.

Jan 4: $12.05 shipping, vet: $143.50. cc $1.99 kindle book

Jan 5: $9.65 photos

Jan 6: $2.00 pen, cc $130 Groceries,cc $40 gas


Week Two:

1/7: $0

$50 cell phone (auto pay)

1/9: cc $52 afterschool child care. (autopay)

1/10: $0

1/11: $5 menu planning app.

1/12: $150 grocery, $4 comic.

1/13: $30 movies (Hobbit, long awaited)

1/14: $0


Week Three:

1/14: $0

1/15: $5 donut, hot choc, $15 omega 3 cc

1/16: $0

1/17: $5.50 snack, $21 Netflix cc, $20 gas, $18 groceries, $52 cc afterschool fees

1/18: $0

1/19: $150 groceries

1/20: $3.50 coffee and donuts


Week Four:

1/21: $27 scrap sub, recurring cc $7.99 Kindle book for son.

1/22: $7 dining out.

1/23: $3.00 toothpaste, $2.00 photos

1/24: $15 groceries

1/25: $20 curriculum


Amount Transferred to Savings This Month: $75

No Spend Days This Month: 6/5

Eating Out: $15.50

Groceries this month: $465/$600

Nothing outside budget so far.

Month so far ALL expenses except mortgage and utilities (inc. gas, groceries, childcare, phone, medical): $1216



1. To get my spending UNDER a certain pre-set amount each month and contribute the remainder to emergency fund.

2. To start creating sinking funds for car repairs and vet bills.

3. To begin paying off extra on the mortgage.

4. To use food in cupboard for staples.

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Nothing spent today and wasn't tempted by anything either.


Week 1:


1/1- 2.99 Les Mis kindle book

1/2- 0

1/3 -129.64- eating out, groceries, misc purchases

1/4- 0

1/5- 2.91 video game, book

1/6 -0


Week 2:

1/7 0

1/8 0

1/9 -27.74 new toaster

1/10 -2.16- kindle book

1/11- 0

1/12- 22.83- pizza out and 1.18 in screws

1/13 0


Week 3:

1/14- $15 over my grocery budget. I picked up some cold stuff to have on hand. I felt like I was coming down with something

1/15- $11.77 fast food. In my defense we were out of the house from 11:30-7:30 and very hungry!

1/16- 0

1/17- $20 over budget on groceries

1/18- $96.74-new drill for DH

1/19- 0

1/20- 0


Week 3:

1/21- 24.38 2 pairs of jeans for my daughter.

1/22- $6.34 poster board and stickers

1/23- 0


Total: $362.50

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My Valiant son dropped the butter dish lid yesterday and broke it. :glare: I was near a Goodwill tonight; stopped in to see if they had one. No such luck. I could have gone to the Walmart next door to GW, but I know I won't come out with only a butter dish. So - still without a butter dish.

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My Valiant son dropped the butter dish lid yesterday and broke it. :glare: I was near a Goodwill tonight; stopped in to see if they had one. No such luck. I could have gone to the Walmart next door to GW, but I know I won't come out with only a butter dish. So - still without a butter dish.


Oh no! That stinks.

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Jen, I'm falling victim to new curricula as well. I wonder if I'll do this every year, because we are dragging in Jan.



I honestly don't think I made good choices this year. I'm sort of soul searching about curricula at the moment, so I haven't actually pulled the trigger.



I really want this waldorfy math curriculum, but it's 134 dollars. I'm sure it wouldn't last 6 months before DS moves past the content, but I still want it. Lol

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Amber, I went through the same thing. I really have had to reevaluate what I'm doing with ds7 and make sure I'm meeting his needs. He is completely different from the way my other 2 are. He needs a bit more unschooly interest led projects that will keep his hands and mind busy. Last year was so much more difficult than this year.


Same here! I really want to do unit studies but planning it makes my head spin!

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I'd kept our spending down to groceries, gas, and a night out for pub trivia, right up until the washing machine died. No more low-spend January for me.

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Same here! I really want to do unit studies but planning it makes my head spin!


Oh gosh! I started out trying to use Konos. Because of that, we did practically no science or history until my oldest was in 4th grade. I feel like she is starting high school with some basic things not covered because we lost so much time to the unit study approach.


I will say K itself can take up a lot of time. There's so much out there that looks cute and fun, but requires so much prep that it's almost not worth it. I had all the file folder games, laminated everything and tried to do it all. We were much better off when I would just print out or purchase a good workbook and get the basic subjects done, then have time for arts and crafts and games, plus I'm less stressed.


I've found this to be true as well.

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1/1 -- $0 (Yay me!)

1/2 -- Walgreens $9 (various Xmas clearance)

1/3 -- Groceries $83, Children's Place $38 (leggings for under skirts & hat for middle dd)

1/4 -- DH wanted pizza, and I am weak... $17

1/5 -- Groceries $66, Pet Supplies $7, Children's Place $7 (needed to return 1 item from the 3rd and I picked up another pair of leggings)

1/6 -- Groceries $29, Curriculum $5 (had $15 in TRU rewards and bought a CSI kit for $20)


1/7 -- this was supposed to be a no - spend day, but... $75 for a new car battery & $35 for gas, since DH had to take my car to work this morning. Just found out that DH bought $11 worth of toys from the clearance area while waiting for the car. So adding that.

1/8 -- $0

1/9 -- $25 gift for family member, $36 chess tournament entry fee, $40 gas

1/10 -- $11 medicine, $35 dinner

1/11 -- $20 parking at museum

1/12 -- $12 groceries (donut run by DH), $35 robotics class fee for oldest

1/13 -- $0 (YAY!!!)


1/14 -- $108 for groceries & ice melt, $3 shipping (for an ebay sale, so I've been paid for this!), $3 library fine (DOH!)

1/15 -- $0 (Woot! Woot!)

1/16 -- $0 Two days in a row!

1/17 -- $80 science museum membership (planned), $20 art classes for middle dd, $35 gas, $17 pizza

1/18 -- $0

1/19 -- $55 groceries

1/20 -- $13 curriculum (I had a gift card to Amazon that was like a sirensong to me, so I now own WWS and a google earth book)


1/21 -- $0

1/22 -- $40 Delivery for dinner (I'm sick & DH had a bad day at work)

1/23 -- $0


Groceries: $353/$600

Eating Out: $109/$125

No Spend Days: 8/10


I forgot to post yesterday's total. I have really been beaten down by this cold this week, so I barely moved from the couch yesterday, let alone spent $$. Although I did spend a lot of time surfing "home decor" pinterest boards. Now, I want to organize, container-ize, and paint everything in sight. :bored:

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This week I spent $30 at Target for food items..milk, bread, eggs..etc..that's all we've spent this week so far. Saturday is dh birthday and I save the money in cash out of my budget to go out for dinner. His presents were purchased in cash out of our budget...so far January has been great. I'm looking to have my emergency fund of 1000 funded Feb 1st. Also doing the 52 weeks savings thing and I'm on track for that. :)

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$63.22 ($20.00 gas, $26.99 lunch out, $5.96 mail gift to Malawi, $10.27 gag gift for pastor)


I spent $63.22 yesterday, most of it non-essential. We had a prepaid field trip to attend about 30 minutes down the freeway from here. DH called and told me I should leave early because the traffic was REALLY bad. I thought I had enough gas for the trip, but not for being stuck in traffic, so I stopped for some gas. Because of the field trip, we were eating an earlier and lighter breakfast than we were used to (cereal instead of cooked breakfast). Because of the traffic warning, we had to rush out without making lunch to take with us. And DD13 didn't even eat breakfast. So I grabbed money from our eating out envelope as we rushed out the door and bought lunch on the way home. Since I had already spent a bunch of money, I figured I might as well head to the post office to mail a gift to the child we sponsor through World Vision (it's been sitting around waiting to be mailed all month). While I was out, I picked up a gag gift we've been wanting to give to our pastor. It just compounds, doesn't it?


I'm not expecting to spend anything today, which will make 3 no spend days this week. Yay!

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Jen, I'm falling victim to new curricula as well. I wonder if I'll do this every year, because we are dragging in Jan.



I honestly don't think I made good choices this year. I'm sort of soul searching about curricula at the moment, so I haven't actually pulled the trigger.



I really want this waldorfy math curriculum, but it's 134 dollars. I'm sure it wouldn't last 6 months before DS moves past the content, but I still want it. Lol



It took me years (and years) of homeschooling before I really hit the sweet spot with curriculum. Now I'm comfortable with my materials and am not (much) tempted to buy more. I will buy next year's probably around March or so, but I don't expect to buy anything unplanned. I have so much stuff I need to sell and give away because of years of good intentions that didn't pan out. :tongue_smilie:

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It took me years (and years) of homeschooling before I really hit the sweet spot with curriculum. Now I'm comfortable with my materials and am not (much) tempted to buy more. I will buy next year's probably around March or so, but I don't expect to buy anything unplanned. I have so much stuff I need to sell and give away because of years of good intentions that didn't pan out. :tongue_smilie:


So there is a "sweet spot?" Lol

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I have lost track and stopped posting....grrr....I know I haven't gone crazy or anything, but I have made a few rash purchases. Something this thread has made me aware of is that I need to find an alternative to "eating out" as entertainment with my kids. And I also need to budget $ for gifts....we have spent about $75 just on birthday gifts this month--and I did not plan for that.


I'm really impressed with everyone's resolve and discipline!! You all inspire me!!

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1/1 -- $0 (Yay me!)

1/2 -- Walgreens $9 (various Xmas clearance)

1/3 -- Groceries $83, Children's Place $38 (leggings for under skirts & hat for middle dd)

1/4 -- DH wanted pizza, and I am weak... $17

1/5 -- Groceries $66, Pet Supplies $7, Children's Place $7 (needed to return 1 item from the 3rd and I picked up another pair of leggings)

1/6 -- Groceries $29, Curriculum $5 (had $15 in TRU rewards and bought a CSI kit for $20)


1/7 -- this was supposed to be a no - spend day, but... $75 for a new car battery & $35 for gas, since DH had to take my car to work this morning. Just found out that DH bought $11 worth of toys from the clearance area while waiting for the car. So adding that.

1/8 -- $0

1/9 -- $25 gift for family member, $36 chess tournament entry fee, $40 gas

1/10 -- $11 medicine, $35 dinner

1/11 -- $20 parking at museum

1/12 -- $12 groceries (donut run by DH), $35 robotics class fee for oldest

1/13 -- $0 (YAY!!!)


1/14 -- $108 for groceries & ice melt, $3 shipping (for an ebay sale, so I've been paid for this!), $3 library fine (DOH!)

1/15 -- $0 (Woot! Woot!)

1/16 -- $0 Two days in a row!

1/17 -- $80 science museum membership (planned), $20 art classes for middle dd, $35 gas, $17 pizza

1/18 -- $0

1/19 -- $55 groceries

1/20 -- $13 curriculum (I had a gift card to Amazon that was like a sirensong to me, so I now own WWS and a google earth book)


1/21 -- $0

1/22 -- $40 Delivery for dinner (I'm sick & DH had a bad day at work)

1/23 -- $0

1/24 -- $0


Groceries: $353/$600

Eating Out: $109/$125

No Spend Days: 9/10


Apparently it's good for my budget to be sick. 3 out of my 9 no-spend days have been this week. Tomorrow I must re-enter life, so we'll see how that goes.

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I lied. Sigh. It wasn't a no spend day. On the way home from work, I bought a bottle of wine. And ice cream (the ice cream is for the kids. I swear. What sane adult eats cookie dough ice cream, right?............).


I had a tough day. At least they were both on sale, right? :ph34r:

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Yeah, I expected a spend free day too. I'm caving and going to the store now to buy Zyrtec. I ran out and have been trying to get by on Claritin, because we have some, but I'm miserable...sniffing, sneezing, watery eyes that burn and itch, itch, itch...they never stop itching.

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{Week 1}

1/1 - $0

1/2 - $30 copays for sick twins

1/3 - $27 ($7 for prescription $20 for various personal needs)

1/4 - $10 (moleskin notebook)

1/5 - $0

1/6 - $9 (snapfish deal!)


{Week 2}

1/7 - $150 blech

1/8 - $0

1/9 - $5 (wine for dinner guests)

1/10 - $7 coffees

1/11 - $51 shoes for kids

1/12 - $5 the happiness project kindle

1/13 - 0


{Week 3}

1/14 $15 (copay)

1/15 - $39

1/16 - $25

1/17 - $3

1/18 - $1

1/19 - $25

1/20 - $0


{Week 4}

1/21 - $0

1/22 - $22 (Allegra & tape at target)

1/23 - $0

1/24 - $0





{Week 5}







Total for month: $419


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I'm doing amazing except for having to spend $265 to have the boiler fixed (so I didn't freeze to death) and $155 so the vet could give the dog an injection so she would throw up the sock she ate.


I am going to try and cut back on my weekly spending (food, etc) so I can hopefully replenish my savings account.

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I'm doing amazing except for having to spend $265 to have the boiler fixed (so I didn't freeze to death) and $155 so the vet could give the dog an injection so she would throw up the sock she ate.


I am going to try and cut back on my weekly spending (food, etc) so I can hopefully replenish my savings account.



Oh no! That stinks. It's always one thing after another, isn't it?

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I got some Starbella yarn to make ruffle scarves. I've never worked with it before but the scarves are gorgeous.


I made one of those for a friend for Christmas. I don't remember if I used Starbella or another brand that was similar. It took a bit to get used to the idea of only working with part of the "yarn", but it worked out nicely. The scarf only took one ball and worked up really fast.

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Is anyone else afraid that "No spend January" is going to lead to "Spending Spree February?" :scared:


I am sitting on my hands waiting to buy some new curricula. I have a want list a mile long!



I'm aiming for a Low Spend February. I realize that February will be a much higher spend than January, but I'm looking for the majority of our spending to be planned spending (school fees, restocking staple pantry items, restocking our stationary supply while the back-to-school sales are still on, etc.), not mindless spending (stopping by McD for lunch as I couldn't be bothered fixing the meal at home)

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Okay, I've been ignoring these threads, but I'm facing the fact that I need to be IN! I need some supervision (other than DH). For now, I'm just going to list what I've got in my EEBA app!



Food: $668.41/$700

Gas: $0/$100 (filling up at the end of the month)

My personal spending: $50/$50 (my house organization stuff comes out of here :()

DH's personal spending: $43.20/$50

Date night: $50/$50


$7.31 - Used homeschool books

$68.00 - BrainPOP Jr. subscription (it was on sale!)

$6.45 - Work boot laces for DH

$16.88 - New Corelle bowls

$30.82 - Wall repair materials (bad night)

$36.52 - Dump (how do my in-laws create so much trash during a 5-week visit?!?! :eek: )


Spent so far (not housing, utilities, charity): $977.59

Paid toward credit card: $500

No-spend days: 5

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Week One:

Jan 1: $57 curriiculum

Jan 1 cc: $1.99 kindle

Jan 2 $4.65 date stamp, cc: $19.99 nytimes sub, cc: $75 ymca sub,cc: $52 afterschool

Jan 3: $9.42 toothpaste, water for office and gum.

Jan 4: $12.05 shipping, vet: $143.50. cc $1.99 kindle book

Jan 5: $9.65 photos

Jan 6: $2.00 pen, cc $130 Groceries,cc $40 gas


Week Two:

1/7: $0

$50 cell phone (auto pay)

1/9: cc $52 afterschool child care. (autopay)

1/10: $0

1/11: $5 menu planning app.

1/12: $150 grocery, $4 comic.

1/13: $30 movies (Hobbit, long awaited)

1/14: $0


Week Three:

1/14: $0

1/15: $5 donut, hot choc, $15 omega 3 cc

1/16: $0

1/17: $5.50 snack, $21 Netflix cc, $20 gas, $18 groceries, $52 cc afterschool fees

1/18: $0

1/19: $150 groceries

1/20: $3.50 coffee and donuts


Week Four:

1/21: $27 scrap sub, recurring cc $7.99 Kindle book for son.

1/22: $7 dining out.

1/23: $3.00 toothpaste, $2.00 photos

1/24: $15 groceries

1/25: $20 curriculum, $31 sodastream refill cartridge, $4 candy for DS for his Explore test tomorrow. Special treat!


Amount Transferred to Savings This Month: $100

No Spend Days This Month: 6/5

Eating Out: $15.50

Groceries this month: $465/$600

Nothing outside budget so far.

Month so far ALL expenses except mortgage and utilities (inc. gas, groceries, childcare, phone, medical): $1251



1. To get my spending UNDER a certain pre-set amount each month and contribute the remainder to emergency fund.

2. To start creating sinking funds for car repairs and vet bills.

3. To begin paying off extra on the mortgage.

4. To use food in cupboard for staples.

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DD leadership club is making shirts so had to get DD a shirt and some fabric paint today. I'm not planning on going anywhere all weekend so shouldn't spend anything.


Week 1:


1/1- 2.99 Les Mis kindle book

1/2- 0

1/3 -78.86- eating out, groceries, misc purchases

1/4- 0

1/5- 2.91 video game, book

1/6 -0


Week 2:

1/7 0

1/8 0

1/9 -27.74 new toaster

1/10 -2.16- kindle book

1/11- 0

1/12- 22.83- pizza out and 1.18 in screws

1/13 0


Week 3:

1/14- 0

1/15- $11.77 fast food. In my defense we were out of the house from 11:30-7:30 and very hungry!

1/16- 0

1/17- 0

1/18- $96.74-new drill for DH

1/19- 0

1/20- 0


Week 3:

1/21- 24.38 2 pairs of jeans for my daughter.

1/22- $6.34 poster board and stickers

1/23- 0

1/24- 28.16 yarn

1/25- 9.00 t-shirt and puff paint for a project for DD


Total: $315.06


Grocery Budget $538/$500

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1/1 -- $0 (Yay me!)

1/2 -- Walgreens $9 (various Xmas clearance)

1/3 -- Groceries $83, Children's Place $38 (leggings for under skirts & hat for middle dd)

1/4 -- DH wanted pizza, and I am weak... $17

1/5 -- Groceries $66, Pet Supplies $7, Children's Place $7 (needed to return 1 item from the 3rd and I picked up another pair of leggings)

1/6 -- Groceries $29, Curriculum $5 (had $15 in TRU rewards and bought a CSI kit for $20)


1/7 -- this was supposed to be a no - spend day, but... $75 for a new car battery & $35 for gas, since DH had to take my car to work this morning. Just found out that DH bought $11 worth of toys from the clearance area while waiting for the car. So adding that.

1/8 -- $0

1/9 -- $25 gift for family member, $36 chess tournament entry fee, $40 gas

1/10 -- $11 medicine, $35 dinner

1/11 -- $20 parking at museum

1/12 -- $12 groceries (donut run by DH), $35 robotics class fee for oldest

1/13 -- $0 (YAY!!!)


1/14 -- $108 for groceries & ice melt, $3 shipping (for an ebay sale, so I've been paid for this!), $3 library fine (DOH!)

1/15 -- $0 (Woot! Woot!)

1/16 -- $0 Two days in a row!

1/17 -- $80 science museum membership (planned), $20 art classes for middle dd, $35 gas, $17 pizza

1/18 -- $0

1/19 -- $55 groceries

1/20 -- $13 curriculum (I had a gift card to Amazon that was like a sirensong to me, so I now own WWS and a google earth book)


1/21 -- $0

1/22 -- $40 Delivery for dinner (I'm sick & DH had a bad day at work)

1/23 -- $0

1/24 -- $0

1/25 -- $14 for McD's with girls.


Groceries: $353/$600

Eating Out: $123/$125

No Spend Days: 9/10


I had to take oldest to a meeting at our local comm.college today to discuss how dual enrollment works. By the time I got through that and picked up the youngers from the sitters, it was well past lunch, and I was hungry, and youngest was needing a nap, and I sped through McD's. There goes the Eating Out budget for the month. Longest week ever coming up.

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Week One:

Jan 1: $57 curriiculum

Jan 1 cc: $1.99 kindle

Jan 2 $4.65 date stamp, cc: $19.99 nytimes sub, cc: $75 ymca sub,cc: $52 afterschool

Jan 3: $9.42 toothpaste, water for office and gum.

Jan 4: $12.05 shipping, vet: $143.50. cc $1.99 kindle book

Jan 5: $9.65 photos

Jan 6: $2.00 pen, cc $130 Groceries,cc $40 gas


Week Two:

1/7: $0

$50 cell phone (auto pay)

1/9: cc $52 afterschool child care. (autopay)

1/10: $0

1/11: $5 menu planning app.

1/12: $150 grocery, $4 comic.

1/13: $30 movies (Hobbit, long awaited)

1/14: $0


Week Three:

1/14: $0

1/15: $5 donut, hot choc, $15 omega 3 cc

1/16: $0

1/17: $5.50 snack, $21 Netflix cc, $20 gas, $18 groceries, $52 cc afterschool fees

1/18: $0

1/19: $150 groceries

1/20: $3.50 coffee and donuts


Week Four:

1/21: $27 scrap sub, recurring cc $7.99 Kindle book for son.

1/22: $7 dining out.

1/23: $3.00 toothpaste, $2.00 photos

1/24: $15 groceries

1/25: $20 curriculum, $31 sodastream refill cartridge, $4 candy for DS for his Explore test tomorrow. Special treat!

1/26: $17 dining out, $40 gas


Amount Transferred to Savings This Month: $100

No Spend Days This Month: 6/5

Eating Out: $32.50

Groceries this month: $550/$600

Nothing outside budget so far.

Month so far ALL expenses except mortgage and utilities (inc. gas, groceries, childcare, phone, medical): $1291



1. To get my spending UNDER a certain pre-set amount each month and contribute the remainder to emergency fund.

2. To start creating sinking funds for car repairs and vet bills.

3. To begin paying off extra on the mortgage.

4. To use food in cupboard for staples.

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