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Wine recommendations?


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Hubby and I have decided to start adding red wine to our at home dinners for health reasons. He comes from a family that doesn't drink at all. When with me he's somewhat enjoyed the more fruity drinks (like Mai Tais), but not beer or similar. I gave up most alcohol (except said fruity drinks once or twice a year) back when I was pregnant (two of mine are in college now). Before that I enjoyed wine coolers or rum & coke or similar.


So... some of you with FAR more experience than we have, what recommendations do you have for us to try? We do want to stick with red wine as that seems to be the type that has the most health benefits. We also don't want to spend a ton per bottle, but don't need the cheapest either. We want something we can enjoy and not break the budget.


Oh... and to show my total wine non-knowledge... I DO know it's best at room temperature, but do you refrigerate it after opening? How long will it stay good? Any other tips?

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Here are some reds I've enjoyed recently:


Trapiche Malbec - http://www.snooth.co...ak-cask-2010-1/

14 Hands Merlot - http://www.snooth.co...merlot-2009-69/


As to whether or not to refrigerate wine after opening, it depends. Once you uncork a bottle of wine, it begins oxidizing. Refrigeration slows down oxidation, so generally speaking, you can keep wine longer if you refrigerate it. However, some wines (due to their chemistry) actually taste better as they oxidize. This brief article does a good job explaining this: http://www.nj.com/en...s_easy_ans.html


Personally, I generally don't refrigerate wine. I leave it out at room temp and we finish the bottle in 2-3 days. Wine doesn't necessarily "go bad" after that amount of time (meaning, it's still safe to drink) but the taste will change significantly enough that you might not enjoy drinking it after 3 days.


If you do decide to refrigerate it, let it warm up to room temp for about 30 minutes before consuming.


Have fun exploring wine! :)

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Are you looking for dry or sweet red wines? If you're not used to reds, I'd suggest something that doesn't make your mouth feel like you've licked the Sahara. I have friends who like wine like that, but I just can't hack it. I'm not a huge fan of reds, but there are a few that I like. Aglianico is one of my favorites. It's from Italy and has a mellow feel to it and undertones of cherry and some have a soft blackberry taste. Some of them can also have a slight minerally flavor, which sounds weird, but is quite good. You have to be careful though as some of these are drier than others. I don't know how much they sell for in the States, but I don't think they're expensive.

I also like a red Dornfelder. This is a German wine and it is delicious if you get a semi-sweet/off-sweet one. It's a bit more mellow and sweet that Aglianico, and doesn't have quite as strong a flavor. This is one of my favorites.

Many people are snobby about Lambrusco, but I like it! It's a semi-sweet sparkling red and it's just yummy! Get a real Italian one though and NOT Reunite. Blech.

I personally like my reds a little on the chilled side, so I'll put it in the fridge about a half an hour to an hour before drinking. Lambrusco is much better chilled, IMO.


If you're not a fan of drier whites, I suggest you start with the Lambrusco first, then move on to the Dornfelder and then the Aglianico.



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I'd recommend finding a place with free tastings so that you can try a few things at once and get an idea of what you like.


If you can't do that, start with a merlot. They go with more things and aren't very tannic, which could be overwhelming for a new drinker. I'd also choose something from South America, because they tend to cost less for the quality.


You can find really good wines for $15 (or even $10 or less), but you'll probably want a salesperson to help you. I'm a pretty seasoned wine drinker and still really appreciate a knowledgeable salesperson.


I usually pop reds in the fridge while I'm finishing up dinner. You actually want it to be cellar temperature, not room temperature. Experiment a little to see how you like it best.


Swirl the wine in your glass before you drink it. It releases more aroma and allows it to mix with oxygen.


The most important thing is to drink what you like! And have fun with it!

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I've always liked the idea of red wine more than the actual taste ;) but one that I enjoy is Blackstone Merlot. Nice flavors, smells really good, and won't break the bank (but isn't dirt cheap, either).


I sampled these at the ChocolateFest here yesterday. The dark red was nice (and plenty sweet), but the others were too sweet for me.





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All of these are under $10 and have fairly mild flavor as reds go:


Livingston Merlot

Lucky Duck Malbec

Rex-Goliath Cabernet Sauvignon

Rex-Goliath Merlot

Riunite Lambrusco (yes, this has a screw top and is not for wine snobs, but is very sweet and bubbly!)


We just stick our wine in the refrigerator, before and after serving.

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Thanks for the links! We've been checking them out. We do have a winery a little more than half an hour away that does tastings TH - SU, so we may try to stop in there sometime soon. We'll also get up to wine country in NY this summer, but that's a few months off yet.


Otherwise, I suspect I'll like sweet as I don't care for coffee or black tea (green tea is tolerable and I often drink it at lunch - freshly brewed - again, for health reasons). I seem to recall trying a Cabernet Sauvignon once with an Anniversary dinner and not really caring for it. Is that sweet or dry?


Tonight we tried a French Wine:


Tertre du Moulin 2003 Cuvee Millesimee Saint-Emilion Grand Tru It's from Bordeaux.


How did we choose that you wonder??? Because a few years ago we hosted two French exchange students for a couple of weeks when they were on a class trip and one of them gave it to us. ;)


Personally, I found it kind of tasteless (SORRY if that's taboo to say!). Hubby was neutral about it, but he also likes coffee and black tea.


Next on our agenda is Ernest & Julio Gallo's Cafe Zinfandel - another freebie given to hubby by his parents after his mom (a teetotaler) received it as a gift and was annoyed. She told his dad to get rid of it. He did. Now we have it... It's been in our cupboard for a few years at this point.


BUT, that's all we currently own. Soon we'll be needing to figure out where to buy wines (PA is rather picky about alcohol sales) and what we want to buy. Is there any such thing as a "Wine of the Month Club?" That "wine finder" link on the one site doesn't have any stores within 10 miles of us... but I know there are some "Beverage" stores.


A new adventure! Quite honestly I appreciate any and all advice and suggestions while we start to figure things out! Many thanks for those who have already gotten us started!

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I've always liked the idea of red wine more than the actual taste ;) but one that I enjoy is Blackstone Merlot. Nice flavors, smells really good, and won't break the bank (but isn't dirt cheap, either).


I like that one too. I also like most of the Australian shiraz(s) I've tried. I'm not sophisticated enough to know why I like some wines and not others. We might have a bottle a month and I just don't remember the names from bottle to bottle. Just find a decent wine store and ask the owners. They can be VERY helpful.

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Wine recommendations?


Yes, I'd recommend Wine. ;)


I generally get a good 'cardboard handbag' every month-6 weeks.


In Alice Springs these were referred to as Green Handbags because of the popularity of a very cheap brand. Now all cardboard handbags are banned. (Alcohol related social issues).


I generally spend around $15-22 on a 4 litre cask. Some brands are bland, some like Stanley, Morris etc are good 'uns.

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My favorite red wine of the moment is Belle Glos' Meiomi Pinot Noir. It's wonderful!


ETA: Just saw your post about not liking Cabs. I can't stand them, either. I also am not a huge fan of Merlots, but I can tolerate them. In addition to Pinots, I also very much like a good Shiraz.



We did some googling last night and saw that the wine we tried was most closely related to Cabernet, Merlot, and one other M one, so it kind of made sense that it wasn't my favorite. (We'll finish it today anyway.) I'm really glad you posted with other alternatives based upon your taste buds. We'll try for a Pinot or Shiraz next.


We also hunted for a place to buy wine. The next town over has a store, so we'll also just have to see what they offer. PA does not allow wine to be shipped in :glare: or I could have tried some of the recommendations listed in the thread. When we travel out of state, we'll see what else we can pick up.


I'd love other "opposite" to cabernet suggestions out there. We aren't really trying to match any foods (at least, not yet), we're just working on what we like.

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I would find a big store with helpful staff, get a little notebook, and start buying. I live in a neighborhood with a ton of great wine for $6-10 a bottle. Tell the employees you are just starting out and want to learn about wine without spending too much. Try every bottle under $10 unless he says it's undrinkable. Write down the ones you especially like and then see if you can get a case discount on those. Then, once in awhile, add in wines under $15. Then just keep moving up as your budget and tastes allow.


I think you should drink the best wine you can afford but there is no shame in drinking cheap wine. Some wine is cheap--doesn't mean it's bad.


There are also some decent boxed wines out there now. Ask about those, though you might want to try a bottle first to make sure!

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I've found for reds that I prefer blends. There's one out there that's not to expensive called Menage a Trois. I've found it for between $7 and $11 so not terribly expensive and it's always good.


I would highly recommend going to a tasting if that's at all an option. Even the wine store might have them, I would call and ask. We went on our first winery tour last spring and had a great time. We told them we were just getting started in wine and they helped explain to us how to taste, what flavors we should be looking for, how to store wine, how to drink it, ect. It was a lot of fun, and something DH and I are hoping to get to do every couple of years now.

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Our favorite cheap red at the moment is Menage a Trois. We've gotten for about $7 when buying a full case.




We use an air pump and rubber cork on our wine after we open it and we want it to last a few more days kind of like this ...




We do refridgerate opened wine. I just pour out a glass before dinner and let it sit for bit before I drink it.

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I've found for reds that I prefer blends. There's one out there that's not to expensive called Menage a Trois. I've found it for between $7 and $11 so not terribly expensive and it's always good.




Oooo .... I missed that you already posted this. This one truly is our current standby for day to day.

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Thanks for the suggestions. We finished the first bottle last night and both of us liked it better chilled. We may have had it too warm the first night - or maybe we like it better somewhat oxidized. Who knows? Later this week we're going to try the wine store. On weekends the wineries (we've found two now) are open, but I don't think we can go this Saturday. Someday...

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