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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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My only project today (other than everyday stuff) is researching whether it's worth getting a repair person in to look at our 11 yo washer or if we should just get a new one. I was pro- new one, until I saw that they're approximately twice the cost of our old one. Inflation, inflation... :eek:


Oh, and to hand-wring all the sopping wet items sitting in the washer.



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I will, Jean! I hope you are feeling better!


So far:


Cleaned hall bathroom

Cleaned kitchen and tidied family room


My dd heads back to college this p.m. So we are taking her out to lunch. But i do hope to get some more housekeeping done later. Not sure what yet.

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Took youngest to crew winter training in town from 8-10:00


Doing a load of towels then comes the bed sheets


Took Christmas tree down yesterday - that seems to make the rest of the house look "shabbier" so maybe if I vaccuum each room and straighten up a bit maybe that'll "calm" me down


Nmoria - our 15-year old washing machine is on its last legs, too. When it broke down before x-mas I found a appliance warehouse that only sells parts - told the guy the symptoms - he told me to try one of the two parts - bought them - looked on internet to install - and for $35 my washing maching lives ......for now! Or did I jinx it by mentioning it here!


And Jean - you need to take a day off this weekend. I'm getting tired and guilty reading all the work you do daily! Ha!



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I'm not putting in too many expectations for the day...


Done Already:

Got ds's concert tux together/printed out music for him/got him off to rehearsal

Collected library books to return

Library - returned and picked up books

Empytied Dishwasher

Washed remaining dishes

Wash ds8's bedding


To Do:

Find and mail niece's birthday present (I'm late already :glare: )

Concert this afternoon




Lunch - sandwiches

Dinner - penne pasta with meatballs and broccoli, salad

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Nmoria - our 15-year old washing machine is on its last legs, too. When it broke down before x-mas I found a appliance warehouse that only sells parts - told the guy the symptoms - he told me to try one of the two parts - bought them - looked on internet to install - and for $35 my washing maching lives ......for now! Or did I jinx it by mentioning it here!


Thanks. :) I think I've narrowed it down to two candidates, one of which we could install ourselves. Now to price parts.

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I'll make a list, but I'm not going to be too upset if I don't get to it all.


I've already run a load of dishes and folded and put away several loads of laundry.


Need to:


Clean up the kitchen from lunch

Vacuum entire downstairs

Vacuum the steps going upstairs

Dust the downstairs

Clean guest bathroom

Clean upstairs bathroom

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Done so far:


Froze my lower parts off traipsing around the U's botanic gardens as part of a class I'm taking. My upper parts in my new LandsEnd down jacket stayed nice and cozy :)


To do:


Wash towels once dd is finished with her laundry

Go to grocery store

Pick up holds at the library

Plan school for next week



An easy day today :D

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2nd coat of color on ds's room, plus trim. Filling holes in concrete floor in ds's room, getting leveler tonight and leveling tomorrow- woot! Then next week paper bagging the floor.

Dh is feeling better than he has in 2 mths and is gettting trim out and measured- got a space for the saw.

We got the sanded door out of the shed and are ready to stain it for ds's room. We might actually have a totally finished bedroom soon!!

Plus 4 loads of laundry, moving the entire contents of bedroom to basement main room, made hummus, omelettes, roast in crock-pot and looking at jobs again.

Dh and I spoke to a MOps group yesterday and ran into a gal who went throug the MFT program with me. I could so see getting lisenced.....looked at jobs this a.m. and dh and I are talking mid-long range plan for the house/work for both of us-. Doesn't sound like much, but the emotional energy to think/talk this way-kwim?

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2nd coat of color on ds's room, plus trim. Filling holes in concrete floor in ds's room, getting leveler tonight and leveling tomorrow- woot! Then next week paper bagging the floor.

Dh is feeling better than he has in 2 mths and is gettting trim out and measured- got a space for the saw.

We got the sanded door out of the shed and are ready to stain it for ds's room. We might actually have a totally finished bedroom soon!!

Plus 4 loads of laundry, moving the entire contents of bedroom to basement main room, made hummus, omelettes, roast in crock-pot and looking at jobs again.

Dh and I spoke to a MOps group yesterday and ran into a gal who went throug the MFT program with me. I could so see getting lisenced.....looked at jobs this a.m. and dh and I are talking mid-long range plan for the house/work for both of us-. Doesn't sound like much, but the emotional energy to think/talk this way-kwim?



Holy cow! You get more done in a day than I do in a week. I am the slowest thing when it comes housekeeping/ manual stuff. I stand in awe!

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Had nice lunch with dd where we tried the escargot. I almost threw up but didn't. Snails really are as bad as I thought they would be!


Took same dd to airport, said goodbye. She's off to her last semester of college. Won't see her again til she graduates in May.


Came home and cleaned and decluttered my half of our bathroom sink area in the master bathroom.


Cleaned jack n Jill bathroom


Vacuumed kitchen, family room, front hall and powder room and bottom half of stairs.


Wet swiffered kitchen, family room and front hall.


I should plan meals for the week now and maybe hit the grocery store.



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Okay Jean, I will join in today because we(dh and I) have had an exhausting day!


We have been busy all day trying to pack for the States. Luggage is in car. Prepare the house --repair work is being done in pretty much every room while we are gone by the landlord so massive tidying.


We have returned library books. Dropped a baby present off with the parents to be. Bought the food and made dinner. Lots of laundry. Ripped a part my stored school books because I couldn't find one that dd thought she had to take with her, it was on the bookshelf, then it was part of the luggage reduction sort. It has been busy!


Really tired. We still have a lot to do tomorrow.:)

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Need to:


Clean up the kitchen from lunch

Vacuum entire downstairs

Vacuum the steps going upstairs

Dust the downstairs

Clean guest bathroom

Clean upstairs bathroom


I did quite a bit so far, and I also roped dh into helping take down the outside Christmas lights and putting them away. Taking a break before I do the last two things and make some dinner.

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Shoot. Washing machines no longer qualify for tax credits from the state.


But it's done. The guy at Sears had a heck of a time matching the online price, but I assured him I had all afternoon. :D

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Holy cow! You get more done in a day than I do in a week. I am the slowest thing when it comes housekeeping/ manual stuff. I stand in awe!

You are a sweetie. I think I lost some i.q. points spray painting a ceiling fan! yowza- paint fume city. What was I thinking?

I have high "performance" i.q. - LOL! I am so married to a psychologist!

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Planned the week's meals and went grocery shopping.


Came home and made grilled cheese sandwiches and not homemade tomato soup for supper.


I really feel like I have gotten a lot done. Now I plan to soak in a warm bath and catch up on my 52 books reading challenge. I'm behind!

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I got 3? loads of laundry done, including putting away.


Finished dishes.


Went food shopping.




Worked on dd's gerbil report with her and she got her handwriting done.


Did all of ds's work with him.


May have found a science program i want to use next year (Year starts in March).


Planned a good portion of dd's math. Need to make a decision for ds.


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Oh dear! So whatddya have for dinner instead?
Oh no!!!!!!!!! So what did you eat? Or did you plan it that way so DH would take the fam out?? ;)


What do you mean "instead"? We had pizza! One pizza was fine. The one that caught fire was still eaten by the teen boy with a hollow leg who doesn't seem to mind things being carbonized.

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