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Dr. Hive and Prayer Warriors: I'm not doing so great

Jean in Newcastle

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I would recommend going to the doctor so he can see what you look like when you have a flare. How did the rule out arthritis? Let me tell you what happened to me WHen I was 22, I had a swollen red, painful finger joint and went to a doctor. He suspected RA and told me to go to a rheumatologist. I didn't since I was young and thought arthritis was an old person's disease. Fast forward to me being 27, after the birth of my son, the pain and stiffness came back. I had tests and they mostly came back inconclusive. THe rheumatologist said I had some type of arthritic disease but he didn't know which one. THen a few years later, I was diagnosesd with Sjogren's. After that, most rheumatologists thought my arthritis was secondary to the Sjogren's Syndrome and would be a painful, inflamatory, but non destructive type of arthritis. Now I am 50 and that appears to be wrong. I am back with the RA diagnosis, I do have joint damage, and am now being referred to an orthopedic surgeon to see if I need knee replacements or if something else can be done in the meantime. Apparently, I probably am one of the 25% of RA patients who do not have a positive rheumatoid factor. Do you know how many times I told doctors I thought I had RA? I had the symptoms- bilateral joints, more painful and stiff in the mornings, etc. but I didn't have the so called correct bloodwork. I did have lots of other blood work that was abnormal but not the RF one.

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Well, I'm at a point in my pain levels where I can't think straight. So here is my immediate plan - take all my meds (did this about 15 mn. ago). See how I feel once the meds (hopefully) work. I'm functional - not at all cylinders but I've still got a few cylinders firing. Both my doctor and my dh have told me fairly recently (in much more diplomatic terms) "Life's a b*tch. You just have to deal with it." I think I'd have to push some to have him look further. Not sure I have the energy to do that.



I hope you are feeling better. I'm not a fan of the life's a witch theory. Something happened to cause such a response in your body. Apparently something is still happening.


A lot of our problems Have to do with diet. Either too much SAD or a missing piece in an otherwise healthy one.


Have you ever been to a homeopath? I so wish I could go to one and get my whole person checked over instead of just the isolated bits that are wrong here and there.


Prayers that you finally find an answer to what ails you.

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Jean I know you said arthritis has been ruled out, but I wanted to mention my friend's diagnosis. It is psoriatic arthritis. Her symptoms are very similar to yours and she too has a few bad flair ups a year. It was a very difficult diagnosis to get...took several years.

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Hi everyone. I was having battery problems and didn't get the batteries changed until last night in my meters but now I discover that both my blood sugar and my blood pressure are sky high. I am so glad that you all urged me to make this doctor's appointment today. I don't know if they are high because I'm in pain and have a flare up of something (possible) or if I'm in pain because they are high (also possible).

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Home just for a minute. As I predicted, I'm coming out it today. (Of course, yesterday in my pain I thought that I never would.) The Dr. took me more seriously on the pain issues this time. They took a boat load of blood and are testing me for RA and other arthritises and are testing my blood sugar more thoroughly. He also thought it would be "fun" to see how my potassium level is doing. Fun! Fun!

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I'm sorry you're in so much pain. Do you eat too many sweets? When I do, I get extreme inflammation and pain. Found this site, and although I've never purchased any of their products, I might do so in the future.




Hope you're feeling better soon.


Sugar does give me joint pain. I try to stay away from it (not 100% successfully). But no, it didn't trigger this amount of pain.

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