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How have you benefited from the spirituality/religion you've chosen?


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My beliefs are sort of a mishmash of Paganism, Buddhism, and a few other things thrown together. But I think I've benefited by having a degree of peace, because I believe that the universe and people are basically good. I love and accept all people, which has definitely made my life better and fuller. I think that God wants us to be who we are, not some unreachable standard, and that has helped me to accept myself. I believe that every moment is something to treasure, and living in the here and now has made my life better.

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Uh. I've constructed my religion the way I like, so I suppose I benefit in much the same way one benefits from a tailor made pair of shoes!


They fit, we go places, no one cares how they look because they don't want to borrow them and I can toss them out in favour of new ones if they start to rub. It's very convenient and I like to feel my I own my own head space. It is comforting believe the universe needs me in order to be the way it is, that the universe can do perfectly well without me and that this applies just as well to everyone and everything else. Nobody wants to be unimportant, but the pressure of being too important is uncomfortable too. I like having a system that doesn't promote polar opposites. I am much healthier viewing the world in a way other than Good V Evil.

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You want me to articulate that? I'm very sorry, I do not have time to write a book. (and it would probably be rambly as I don't articulate well.) It has been a total transformation of my life. I see where I was coming from, and the likely course my life would have taken had I not embraced my religion and developed a very deep belief in God, and His teachings. It's peace, it's equanimity, it's learning how to "let go and let God". It's Faith and assurance in Jesus Christ and that He is the Christ - with all that that means. there is much I"m still learning, but I have learned many things.

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I'm an atheist. The biggest benefit has been that realizing we humans need to look out for each other more. If I want the world to be a better place, the only way to make that happen is through my own actions. Sure, I knew I should do the hard thing before I was an atheist, but I think there was always a subconscious belief that the supernatural would take care of it somehow. Because I realize now that no one is pulling the strings, it's that much more important that I do what I can to help my fellow man.


I hope I'm expressing this correctly. It's not that I was a terrible person before I became an atheist, but I can distinctly remember feeling that although it bothered me to hear that Jane was in desperate need of rent money (or something similar where it would require real sacrifice on my part to help someone), I was complacent because of my faith. I would just "help" her by praying for her (isn't it great that praying takes so little effort?). Perhaps I would give her a little something, but just a little. God would provide. Now, I take full responsibility for my actions and make it a priority to help others because I know that all we have is each other.

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Apart from being able to rest in the fact that God loves me, it has given me a culture and intellectual history that is Truth. Meaning, I can rest--I don't have to endlessly and frantically pursue every avenue searching for the culture that would be the safest to nurture my family in. I can now bend our hearts toward it and feel secure. And, the mystery of it all is endless, so it's a perfect balance--mystery, intellectual and culture. This is where I am content to eat for the rest of my life.


Does that make ANY sense? Lol, sorry, trying to condense.

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Honestly, I don't know. My whole set of beliefs is under construction. The outward part has taken several hits over the years. Large hits that make me wonder what in the world I'm trying to accomplish by attempting to fit in somewhere. Most of what I saw as benefits at the time has been unraveled.


Inwardly, I have peace about the direction I am now taking in my journey.

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