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Doxycycline--on empty stomach only?

Julie in CA

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You can take it with food. I took it for Lyme disease, and it can be very hard on your stomach, so my doctor I'd it was fine to take it with food.


Also, be sure to drink a full glass of water with it, and absolutely do not lie down afterward for at least 30 minutes. I know that sounds crazy, but you want to be 100% sure it has passed through your esophagus before you lie down, or it can dissolve there and cause a horrible burn that will make you feel like you're having a heart attack, and make it painful to eat for a week or more afterward. (Ask me how I know. :glare:)


If you take it with food, drink plenty of water, and remember not to lie down after you take it, you will be fine. I hope I didn't scare you about it, but I would hate to see you get sick to your stomach or get the burned esophagus thing, because they will make you miserable. I was on doxy for a long time, and once I learned those few little tricks, I did just fine with it.


I hope you feel better soon, Julie! :grouphug:

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I took it for a long time for Lyme as well. My bottle said the same. I did it a couple times on an empty stomach and thought I was going to die. I talked to my doctor and he said it wasn't necessary to take it on an empty stomach. He said to take it with as little food as I could and still keep it down...so not a Thanksgiving feast, but enough that I could handle it. Also doxy caused EXTREME sun sensitivity for me. I know it's January, but keep it in mind. I got the worst case of sun poisoning after I had put SPF 75 everywhere...but on the knuckles of my hands and toes...it was ridiculously crazy. Just keep that in mind til you know how you react.

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You can take it with food and many people cannot tolerate it without. Dh took it for Lyme's. What you should NOT do is take it with a food high in calcium. Calcium blocks absorbtion of this particular drug. And definitely slather the sunscreen or stay covered. The sun sensitivity is no joke...in actuality the warning isn't as strong as it should be. My dad took it, only used SPF 25 or so and ended up badly burned. Even in winter, I'd use something like baby sunscreen that is quite strong but hopefully moisturizing and gentle on the skin. Dh was, in general, skin sensitive the whole time he was on doxy.



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You're not supposed to take it with calcium or iron, as it binds and is not properly absorbed. But throwing it up is worse. Apparently the doctors think we're too stupid to just find foods without iron and calcium, so they say no food. :glare:


We've had some bouts of Lyme here. I searched high and low for a "no nutrition" food they could take - white rice would've worked, but that's too much work. Most crackers are made with enriched (iron) flour. I finally found that most oyster crackers (but not all) are made with unenriched flour. So they'd take them with that. Poor dd never wants to see another oyster cracker again!


Carr's water crackers are also made with unenriched white flour.

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I took it for a long time for Lyme as well. My bottle said the same. I did it a couple times on an empty stomach and thought I was going to die. I talked to my doctor and he said it wasn't necessary to take it on an empty stomach. He said to take it with as little food as I could and still keep it down...so not a Thanksgiving feast, but enough that I could handle it. Also doxy caused EXTREME sun sensitivity for me. I know it's January, but keep it in mind. I got the worst case of sun poisoning after I had put SPF 75 everywhere...but on the knuckles of my hands and toes...it was ridiculously crazy. Just keep that in mind til you know how you react.



Yes, this was true for my daughter, too. She lost all her fingernails because her nailbeds got sunburned. For real.

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You're not supposed to take it with calcium or iron, as it binds and is not properly absorbed. But throwing it up is worse. Apparently the doctors think we're too stupid to just find foods without iron and calcium, so they say no food. :glare:



That's exactly what the doctor told us. The warning is non-thinking people. Thinkers can figure out something to eat without iron or calcium. BTW many organic and gluten-free foods are not enriched, so they may be more likely to fit the bill.


ETA: I just remember magnesium was included on that list, too.

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Dh and I were just talking about this, and he commented that you can find studies on the decay curve when you look up research on the use of doxycycline for treating malaria -- blood concentrations vs. dosage vs. time. He commented to avoid metals. He's not a doctor, but it being treated for Lymes, and wants to know why and how about everything he takes.

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I thought I'd taken doxycycline before, but this time the bottle has a sticker saying to take on an empty stomach and then not to eat for an hour. I don't think it said that last time. Does it really matter?




I take it for acne and my dr. said to take it with food because it would cause stomach upset otherwise. He was right!

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  • 8 years later...

Hello, I am 45 and former soldier. I just took my first tablet. I am pretty tough but this med has taken me to my knees. 1st you feel sick for 30 minutes. You don't want to hurl, but then your like let's get this out me. When you start to hurl, I made the mistake of not eating. Oh joy, so for the next 30 minutes it's cross between dry hurl and hurling of what ever is in your stomach. Now I am scared to take another later on. Yes I said it scared ! They wanted to keep me in the V.A hospital for another 2 weeks doing it I.V. I finally got my way and you know the end result. I know what every doctor is going to say what I am about to say, but I think I am going to take my chances and hope I got enough while I was in the hospital. Man it really sux !

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