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No/Low Spend January Week 2 (1/7-1/13)


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I've done great this week. I've only had one expense and that was 25.00. I need to pick up milk, butter, cheese and bread today for the weekend. I'm thinking that will be around 20.00. The guys are having a free pizza from Papa John's for dinner and dd and I will have something along the line of leftovers. Not a bad week at all.


Also...staying out of the stores to avoid the flu.

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For those who are trying to cook out of their pantry, supercook.com is a great resource. Enter the food you have, or the "biggies" like chicken breast and it shoots out all the recipes you can make. There is a quick click option to click and add the most common pantry ngredients. According to the site, i can make about 8,000 recipes if i just takeadvantage of the chicken and bacon sale at Publix tomorrow. Who knew?

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I've done great this week. I've only had one expense and that was 25.00. I need to pick up milk, butter, cheese and bread today for the weekend. I'm thinking that will be around 20.00. The guys are having a free pizza from Papa John's for dinner and dd and I will have something along the line of leftovers. Not a bad week at all.


Also...staying out of the stores to avoid the flu.


Good job! I am going to do a grocery run tomorrow so i can do some freezer cooking. I am only buying sale stuff and fruits and veggies, so hope to keep it under 100 or so.

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1/1 $0

1/2 $0

1/3 $0

1/4 $85 hair cut and color (already budgeted, but it seems kind of frivolous!), $10 Panera (lunch out by myself after hair appt, couldn't resist), $10 Walgreens (face cream), $0 Victoria's Secret!! Used an expired coupon for free panties (P.S. their coupons don't really expire! and a $10 voucher they sent me for my birthday)

1/5 $0

1/6 $14 over budget on groceries

1/7 $0 (the library is a wonderful source of free entertainment when you just need to get out of the house!)

1/8 $0 (Used a gift card at Starbucks....so, what happens when my gift card runs out??? :nopity: That will be a sad day.)

1/9 $1 for coffee (but it doesn't "count" because it was change I found around the house!)

1/10 $5 at a consignment shop.....got new items for my dd's room re-do and used store credit (I sell stuff there, too), so I only needed $5 to make up the difference and and a MAJOR victory was driving past Chick Fil A at dinner time with little one saying "I want to go to ChickILa!!!!" Well, I wanted Chick Fil A for dinner, too....but I just kept driving and we ate at home! Yay!!!

1/11 $8 lunch out with 3 y.o.....I'm happy, though, because the $ came from my Rainy Day envelope:) $4 Pinewood Derby kit for Cub Scouts for 9 y.o.



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So far, other than budgeted expenses (gas, groceries, bills) I have spent $1. I broke down and bought a coffee at church yesterday. My coffee pot broke (as in shattered all over the floor). I had enough change to buy the coffee.




Just a heads up. . . our Goodwill and Salvation Army always seem to have a ton of coffee pots. Just the glass part and seemingly from all makers. Worth a try.

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I'm looking for 10 no spend days, as well as groceries under $600 & dining out under $125.


1/1 -- $0 (Yay me!)

1/2 -- Walgreens $9 (various Xmas clearance)

1/3 -- Groceries $83, Children's Place $38 (leggings for under skirts & hat for middle dd)

1/4 -- DH wanted pizza, and I am weak... $17

1/5 -- Groceries $66, Pet Supplies $7, Children's Place $7 (needed to return 1 item from the 3rd and I picked up another pair of leggings)

1/6 -- Groceries $29, Curriculum $5 (had $15 in TRU rewards and bought a CSI kit for $20)




1/7 -- this was supposed to be a no - spend day, but... $75 for a new car battery & $35 for gas, since DH had to take my car to work this morning. Just found out that DH bought $11 worth of toys from the clearance area while waiting for the car. So adding that.

1/8 -- $0

1/9 -- $25 gift for family member, $36 chess tournament entry fee, $40 gas

1/10 -- $11 medicine, $35 dinner

1/11 -- $20 parking at museum


Groceries: $178/$600

Eating Out: $52/$125

No Spend Days: 2/10


We went on a field trip today. I did have to pay tolls, but they hit our cc, and I don't even pay attention to how much it is. We brought our lunch and only paid for parking, since it was free admission day (we didn't pay for any of the extras, although my kids really wanted to do the flight simulator).

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Happy weekend everyone! I'm staying home so as not to tempt myself. I may need to cancel the Internet. Lol


You're good! Just stay off Amazon! I have to do grocery shopping today.. And we didmpromise the boys we wold see the hobbit either this weekend or next.....still, we are under budget for the month overall!

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You're good! Just stay off Amazon! I have to do grocery shopping today.. And we didmpromise the boys we wold see the hobbit either this weekend or next.....still, we are under budget for the month overall!


But I just got my snap fish prints, and no scrapbook to put them in! :) Hee hee.


Have fun at the hobbit! At least you'll spend a considerable amount of time watching the movie, and not spending more money. Lol

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We really should be posting all of the things we DON'T buy. I have been passing up things I normally would have bought. Mostly online. But I've been looking and then just closing the page. I have Amazon Prime and so it is really easy to order something I need and it is here 2 days later. And I don't even have to leave the house. It is especially bad because I follow a lot of deal sites on facebook and they are constantly posting these great deals. Hard to turn down, but it makes me feel good when I do! I have been doing really good with that lately.

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We really should be posting all of the things we DON'T buy. I have been passing up things I normally would have bought. Mostly online. But I've been looking and then just closing the page. I have Amazon Prime and so it is really easy to order something I need and it is here 2 days later. And I don't even have to leave the house. It is especially bad because I follow a lot of deal sites on facebook and they are constantly posting these great deals. Hard to turn down, but it makes me feel good when I do! I have been doing really good with that lately.


I think FB status updates from businesses and marketing emails are evil! I need to unlike a bunch of pages and unsubsribe to a lot of emails, too. I find myself clicking through to see the "great deals" all the time....and then I have to talk myself out of buying. If I just didn't know about the big sale or whatever, I would be blissfully unaware. Agghhh! Amazon and Shutterfly are my big temptations online.

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Okay, so i spent 150 at the grocery, which is normal for me, BUT Because i super duper meal planned, i bought enoug food to make...

1) 30 cinnamon rolls---done!

2) 20 beef and bean burritos---done!,,

3) two loaves od banan bread---done!!,,

4) six servings of asparagus, pine nuts and cranberry

5) 12 servings of baked spaghetti and tomato beef sauce-done..more like 15 servings!

6) 15 homemade pizza pockets with pepperoni

7) 18 blackberry cereal bar snacks---done!

8) 12 servings of Middle Eastern Lentil soup

9) 10 servings of Roasted Broccoli Bacon Quiche

10) 15 servngs of Southwest Chicken and Black Beans

11) 2 loaves of zucchini oatmeal bread

12) 8 servings of baked oatmealwith raisins.

13 12 bacon cheddar breakfast muffins



For a grand total of 47 separate lunches, 37 dinner servings, 50-60 breakfast servings, and 18-25 snacks...plus a side dish......Plus spinach, kale, strawberries, apples, romaine, bananas, cherries and apples.



Think i can go two weeks only buying milk and produce? I do.


(thanks for letting me write all that out. I am just a little thrilled!)

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Okay, so i spent 150 at the grocery, which is normal for me, BUT Because i super duper meal planned, i bought enoug food to make...

1) 30 cinnamon rolls---done!

2) 20 beef and bean burritos---done!,,

3) two loaves od banan bread---done!!,,

4) six servings of asparagus, pine nuts and cranberry

5) 12 servings of baked spaghetti and tomato beef sauce

6) 15 homemade pizza pockets with pepperoni

7) 18 blackberry cereal bar snacks

8) 12 servings of Middle Eastern Lentil soup

9) 10 servings of Roasted Broccoli Bacon Quiche

10) 15 servngs of Southwest Chicken and Black Beans

11) 2 loaves of zucchini oatmeal bread

12) 8 servings of baked oatmealwith raisins.

13 12 bacon cheddar breakfast muffins



For a grand total of 47 separate lunches, 37 dinner servings, 50-60 breakfast servings, and 18-25 snacks...plus a side dish......Plus spinach, kale, strawberries, apples, romaine, bananas, cherries and apples.



Think i can go two weeks only buying milk and produce? I do.


(thanks for letting me write all that out. I am just a little thrilled!)


that's amazing! Way to go! Is there a website you recommend for your freezer meal recipes?
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Just read a story about how college students can feed themselves on a budget- it was touting 3 meals a day for ONLY $60 a week. For one person!!! What college student can afford that?


This week I only did 'ok' with spending. Groceries were right on budget, gas was $23 under budget. Discretionary spending was zero, which was good. However, we did eat dinner out last night because I was tired from working all day and I just didn't feel like cooking. Still, eating out came in at $20 under budgeted amount.


Things I wanted to buy this week but didn't: Les Mis cd, rotary cutter blade (same two items that tempted me last week).


Up this week: Killing two hours Monday night waiting for ds to finish a class- there is a TON of shopping available, and it's way too cold to sit in the car and read while he's in class.

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I'm looking for 10 no spend days, as well as groceries under $600 & dining out under $125.


1/1 -- $0 (Yay me!)

1/2 -- Walgreens $9 (various Xmas clearance)

1/3 -- Groceries $83, Children's Place $38 (leggings for under skirts & hat for middle dd)

1/4 -- DH wanted pizza, and I am weak... $17

1/5 -- Groceries $66, Pet Supplies $7, Children's Place $7 (needed to return 1 item from the 3rd and I picked up another pair of leggings)

1/6 -- Groceries $29, Curriculum $5 (had $15 in TRU rewards and bought a CSI kit for $20)




1/7 -- this was supposed to be a no - spend day, but... $75 for a new car battery & $35 for gas, since DH had to take my car to work this morning. Just found out that DH bought $11 worth of toys from the clearance area while waiting for the car. So adding that.

1/8 -- $0

1/9 -- $25 gift for family member, $36 chess tournament entry fee, $40 gas

1/10 -- $11 medicine, $35 dinner

1/11 -- $20 parking at museum

1/12 -- $12 groceries (donut run by DH), $35 robotics class fee for oldest


Groceries: $190/$600

Eating Out: $52/$125

No Spend Days: 2/10


DH decided he needed donuts for breakfast, so he ran to Walmart. I'm adding it to the grocery bill.

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Okay, so i spent 150 at the grocery, which is normal for me, BUT Because i super duper meal planned, i bought enoug food to make...

1) 30 cinnamon rolls---done!

2) 20 beef and bean burritos---done!,,

3) two loaves od banan bread---done!!,,

4) six servings of asparagus, pine nuts and cranberry

5) 12 servings of baked spaghetti and tomato beef sauce

6) 15 homemade pizza pockets with pepperoni

7) 18 blackberry cereal bar snacks

8) 12 servings of Middle Eastern Lentil soup

9) 10 servings of Roasted Broccoli Bacon Quiche

10) 15 servngs of Southwest Chicken and Black Beans

11) 2 loaves of zucchini oatmeal bread

12) 8 servings of baked oatmealwith raisins.

13 12 bacon cheddar breakfast muffins



For a grand total of 47 separate lunches, 37 dinner servings, 50-60 breakfast servings, and 18-25 snacks...plus a side dish......Plus spinach, kale, strawberries, apples, romaine, bananas, cherries and apples.



Think i can go two weeks only buying milk and produce? I do.


(thanks for letting me write all that out. I am just a little thrilled!)




Awesome job! I love the results of OAMC, but hate actually doing it. But I hate cooking every day, too.

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Awesome job! I love the results of OAMC, but hate actually doing it. But I hate cooking every day, too.


I am spreading out the cooking over a few days...much easier. I just finished the healthy cereal bars and the kids LOVE them.... and the baked spaghetti, so i figure i will be done with everything by tuesday. Then no more real cooking for at least 2 1/2 weeks, hopefully longer. I actually dont mind doing n all in one chunk..you get in the right head space and just keep pumping stuff out. Pretending i Am a chef lol.

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You have inspired me! I'm going to look into this.



We have a tiny freezer, but I would love to have some stuff premade!


U could do once a week cooking, or once every 10 days. You could also invest ina small freezer (i did that when i lived in a tiny nyc apt) for 80 bucks.

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Total non-budgeted spending: $186.11

Total no Spend Days: 6


1/7 0

1/8 0

1/9 27.74 new toaster

1/10 2.16


1/12- 22.83



I spent $1.18 at Home Depot on some screws for my fence. Then I caved and got pizza for dinner. Time got away from me today and I had nothing planned for dinner and it was getting late.

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I am spreading out the cooking over a few days...much easier. I just finished the healthy cereal bars and the kids LOVE them.... and the baked spaghetti, so i figure i will be done with everything by tuesday. Then no more real cooking for at least 2 1/2 weeks, hopefully longer. I actually dont mind doing n all in one chunk..you get in the right head space and just keep pumping stuff out. Pretending i Am a chef lol.




Do you have a recipe for the cereal bars?

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Looking at week 2's totals, we definitely did better week 1. Almost half of our monthly total is due to what dh bought on TradeMe :glare: . All the things he bought will be used, but none were really things we needed. Goal for week 3 "Keep DH off TradeMe!"


I am very pleased with our Grocery/Food totals, as they are much, much lower than I ever anticipated :hurray: . I'm amazed at how the simple act of menu planning & being committed to shopping my pantry/freezer/garden first has streamlined my kitchen duties. The only thing that needs a bit of help is that I have yet to find a breadmaker recipe (750g / 1.5 pound) that slices neatly for toast & sandwiches. Any ideas?


1 Jan---$0

2 Jan---$0

3 Jan---$6 (2 x 2 litres milk)

4 Jan---$0

5 Jan---$2 sausage at sausage sizzle for DH+ $28 lotto tickets for us & mil+ $8.90 fish bait for ds#2

6 Jan---$0

***Week 1 subtotal =$44.90


7 Jan---$11 seed raising mix +$6 (2 x 2 litres milk)

8 Jan---$24 for two books dh bought on TradeMe (but he sold some scrap metal for $35)

9 Jan---$16.50 for two more books dh bought on TradeMe (but mil gave him $10 from the winning ticket we gave her last weekend)

10 Jan---$6 (2 x 2 litres milk) + $8 fish bait + $18 med (to replace some that expired in '95 :ohmy: )

11 Jan---$80 four stationary motors from TradeMe for ds#2 to rebuild to help finish the quadbike he's rebuilding+ $8 fishbait + $22 beer for dh + $30.50 shorts & sunscreen for dd

12 Jan---$37 for two books dh bought on TradeMe + $18.70 for coffees for dh, me, dd, & ds#1 (dd shipped out today & the captain told us to take her for a coffee when we dropped her off, so that $$ was on Captain's orders :001_cool: )+ $14 Lotto

13 Jan---$18 dive tank rental (for dh to do a job for dd's ship as they lost something overboard & his tanks are old & empty)

***Week 2 subtotal =$317.70


January total = $362.60

No Spend days = 4

Groceries/Food = $18

Beer/Eat Out = $42.70

Unexpected income = $45


My goals for January:

#1---Spend as little as possible as estimated monthly income is $0.

#2---Eat mainly from our pantry / freezer / garden.

#3---Learn to make do or do without whenever possible.

#4---Use our month of summer holidays to help instill healthy habits.

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1/1 $0

1/2 $0

1/3 $0

1/4 $85 hair cut and color (already budgeted, but it seems kind of frivolous!), $10 Panera (lunch out by myself after hair appt, couldn't resist), $10 Walgreens (face cream), $0 Victoria's Secret!! Used an expired coupon for free panties (P.S. their coupons don't really expire! and a $10 voucher they sent me for my birthday)

1/5 $0

1/6 $14 over budget on groceries

1/7 $0 (the library is a wonderful source of free entertainment when you just need to get out of the house!)

1/8 $0 (Used a gift card at Starbucks....so, what happens when my gift card runs out??? :nopity: That will be a sad day.)

1/9 $1 for coffee (but it doesn't "count" because it was change I found around the house!)

1/10 $5 at a consignment shop.....got new items for my dd's room re-do and used store credit (I sell stuff there, too), so I only needed $5 to make up the difference and and a MAJOR victory was driving past Chick Fil A at dinner time with little one saying "I want to go to ChickILa!!!!" Well, I wanted Chick Fil A for dinner, too....but I just kept driving and we ate at home! Yay!!!

1/11 $8 lunch out with 3 y.o.....I'm happy, though, because the $ came from my Rainy Day envelope:) $4 Pinewood Derby kit for Cub Scouts for 9 y.o.

1/12 $30 unplanned Walmart trip....ugh.....but I desperately needed more undies for my potty trainer and a birthday gift for my grandmother....



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Week 2 I spent $0 all week. BUT next week (wk 3) I am going to blow through $8K in practically 1 day (paying a huge amount of overdue bills, paying off the dance studio for the rest of the year, buying a new livingroom set, groceries, pet supplies etc). I will have a proper total at the end of next week and see how much spending is being carried into the following week. The good part is it will save me money and spending down the line, (for example I need a livingroom set, I tossed mine when I started the renos and this set is 1/2 price until thursday; paying off dance means saving that amount monthly, paying car insur saves me from tickets, paying off the late bills saves me from late penalties and reconnection fees if they cut me off, etc) so yeah huge amount getting spent, so glad at least this week was $0

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Week 2

1/7: $0

1/8: $40 out for dinner

1/9: $0

1/10: $0

1/11: $7 Starbucks, after school Friday celebration

1/12: $0


Non-budgeted items: $47.


It could have been worse. I'm looking for some high school books right now. Hopefully I'll find them used somewhere. Thanks to the cooler weather, colds, no one has wanted to go out. It helps!

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I spent over $500 today. Yeesh! We almost never do that. Fortunately, all of our expenses are budgeted for.


Today was DD's big day. She's turning 13 on Tuesday. Our gift to her, in lieu of a party, was a haircut with styling consultation, a makeup consultation with purchase, and a shopping spree. She had a $300 budget for all of it. The money is what was our car payment for the car we paid off last month. She did awesome. At the hair salon she got a cut that she loves and a Knot Genie and advise on products to use for her hair. At Clinique, she got a makeover, facial cleaning supplies, foundation, and lipstick. At Target, she got mascara, eye shadow, blush, makeup brushes, a makeup bag (clearance), new Converse (clearance), a mirror for her bedroom door, cork tiles, and push pins. At Kohl's she got a new pair of jeans, new sweats, and 5 tops (three of them were on clearance for $1.35, $1.50, and $2.10 plus we had a 30% off coupon). She was slightly under budget, so we gave her the rest of the cash. She's one happy almost teenager!


The rest was groceries.

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Do you have a recipe for the cereal bars?




Here they are...http://onceamonthmom.com/homemade-cereal-bar-cookies/


Theyre delicious. Must be all the butter. But still, much better than the crap in the boxes. I am going to make another batch next week using no sugar organic strawberry jam.


Today we are going to see the Hobbit. So that's four tickets. Luckily, we found a different theatre a bit father away that charges less for tickets, so we will be going there (i will already be most of the way there as it is close to our church).


Have a great last day of the week!

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I had a bad day on Monday the 7th. Dd had an interview 3+ hours away from home (she doesn't drive), so we were out all day. I don't regret spending the money to get my eyebrows threaded (it had been 4 years), but am not happy about spending the money for the pretzel or sandwich I ate.


I was great the rest of the week. (I can't believe how much money I would have spent if not for this commitment. Now, if I could just find a way to commit to exercising daily!)


Anniversary is tomorrow, so dh and I will go out to dinner (a relatively inexpensive one). Funny thing is that we usually stay home, but dh wants to go out this year.

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Edited: decided i needed to "see" what has happened over the whole month in one place. Looks like most of my spending takes place the first week...


Jan 1: $57 for Lively Latin Book 2 on sale.

Jan 1 cc: $1.99 kindle book (fun money)

Jan 2 $4.65 date stamp for project life (fun money), cc: $19.99 monthly nytimes sub on kindle, cc: $75 ymca monthly family membership,cc: $52 next week's afterschool care fees

Jan 3: $9.42 toothpaste, water for office and gum.

Jan 4: $12.05 for shipping of free Project Life stuff from a friend, vet: $143.50. $1.99 on cc for kindle book (budgeted in fun money)

Jan 5: $7.65 for 120 photo prints on snapfish, $2.00 for Project Life Photos at walgreens

Jan 6: $2.00 acid free pen for Project Life.(fun money) Resisted massive sale at Michael's and just bought this. Go me! $130 Groceries $40 gas


Week One:

Total so far cash: $230.62

Total spent so far credit card(paid off monthly): $329

Amount transferred to savings: $50

No Spend Days: 0/5

Nothing outside of budget so far.


Week Two:

1/7: $0

1/8: $50 cell phone bill on cc (auto pay)

1/9: $52 cc after school child care. (autopay)

1/10: $0

1/11: $5 menu planning app. Love it.

1/12: $150 grocery, $4 comic for son.

1/13:$30 to see the Hobbit


Week Two Totals: $0 cash, $285 cc.

Amount Transferred to Savings: $25

No Spend Days: 2/5

Nothing outside budget so far.



1. To get my spending UNDER a certain pre-set amount each month and contribute the remainder to emergency fund.

2. To start creating sinking funds for car repairs and vet bills.

3. To begin paying off extra on the mortgage.

4. To use food in cupboard for staples.

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I'm looking for 10 no spend days, as well as groceries under $600 & dining out under $125.


1/1 -- $0 (Yay me!)

1/2 -- Walgreens $9 (various Xmas clearance)

1/3 -- Groceries $83, Children's Place $38 (leggings for under skirts & hat for middle dd)

1/4 -- DH wanted pizza, and I am weak... $17

1/5 -- Groceries $66, Pet Supplies $7, Children's Place $7 (needed to return 1 item from the 3rd and I picked up another pair of leggings)

1/6 -- Groceries $29, Curriculum $5 (had $15 in TRU rewards and bought a CSI kit for $20)




1/7 -- this was supposed to be a no - spend day, but... $75 for a new car battery & $35 for gas, since DH had to take my car to work this morning. Just found out that DH bought $11 worth of toys from the clearance area while waiting for the car. So adding that.

1/8 -- $0

1/9 -- $25 gift for family member, $36 chess tournament entry fee, $40 gas

1/10 -- $11 medicine, $35 dinner

1/11 -- $20 parking at museum

1/12 -- $12 groceries (donut run by DH), $35 robotics class fee for oldest

1/13 -- $0 (YAY!!!)


Groceries: $190/$600

Eating Out: $52/$125

No Spend Days: 3/10


It's too cold to leave the house today!! I spent the day tucked up underneath a blanket planning semester 2 & thinking of options for next year's school.

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1/1 $0

1/2 $0

1/3 $0

1/4 $85 hair cut and color (already budgeted, but it seems kind of frivolous!), $10 Panera (lunch out by myself after hair appt, couldn't resist), $10 Walgreens (face cream), $0 Victoria's Secret!! Used an expired coupon for free panties (P.S. their coupons don't really expire! and a $10 voucher they sent me for my birthday)

1/5 $0

1/6 $14 over budget on groceries

1/7 $0 (the library is a wonderful source of free entertainment when you just need to get out of the house!)

1/8 $0 (Used a gift card at Starbucks....so, what happens when my gift card runs out??? :nopity: That will be a sad day.)

1/9 $1 for coffee (but it doesn't "count" because it was change I found around the house!)

1/10 $5 at a consignment shop.....got new items for my dd's room re-do and used store credit (I sell stuff there, too), so I only needed $5 to make up the difference and and a MAJOR victory was driving past Chick Fil A at dinner time with little one saying "I want to go to ChickILa!!!!" Well, I wanted Chick Fil A for dinner, too....but I just kept driving and we ate at home! Yay!!!

1/11 $8 lunch out with 3 y.o.....I'm happy, though, because the $ came from my Rainy Day envelope:) $4 Pinewood Derby kit for Cub Scouts for 9 y.o.

1/12 $30 unplanned Walmart trip....ugh.....but I desperately needed more undies for my potty trainer and a birthday gift for my grandmother....

1/13 $10 over budget on groceries, otherwise a good day for me!







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So who is in for an accountability thread for February, too? This thread has really, really helped me watch my spending. Just knowing i have to post everything here makes me think twice, kwim? I would love to keep on track with you guys. Anyone?




I'm in :coolgleamA: . I should be able to do this on my own, but knowing that I'll be posting my spending makes me really want to NOT spend.


As February's estimated income is the same as January's ($0 :eek: ) I'd better continue to keep a very tight rein on our outgoings. Ds#2 looked in the pantry today & said it didn't look any emptier, so I don't think we'll starve. :rolleyes: If I can even just keep our grocery bills to 10% or less of 2012's monthly average, we'll be spending ~$1000 less each month & that doesn't take into account the misc. little spendings here & there.


So sign me up for the February Low/No Spend challenge. (& the March one & the April one ...)

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So who is in for an accountability thread for February, too? This thread has really, really helped me watch my spending. Just knowing i have to post everything here makes me think twice, kwim? I would love to keep on track with you guys. Anyone?



I'm in. We are moving across the country this summer and I need to save as much as I can.

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I'm in for February!


1/13: Cosco for groceries/in budget. $13.00 for tacos for dinner. Not part of budget!


I like the accountability factor, and the fact that everyone is very willing to share. I'm trying, and that's all I can do. We have dd9 birthday in two weeks, so I do expect to spend some extra there.

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well, it was a week. not so much "fun" spending, but....


sunday #35- ballet summer intensive audition + 4.50 for pics for audition

monday - gas (in budget), $15- at starbucks for dancers who witnessed a car accident with me, a gross dinner at mcdonald's for me while dd did a two hour dance class in another city (i should have eaten at home or starbucks, but at starbucks i was being frugal.... starbucks was on a gift card, so do i count that or not?)

tuesday - pet food (cat and dog) $28- (in budget)

wednesday - 0

thursday - $98- food at super target (in budget)

friday - $4300 (last payment on house repairs.... this was the extra it cost that wasn't in the initial estimate), $4.50 for dance audition photos)

saturday - land taxes $2054 incl. late payment : (, $35- dance audition fee

sunday - walmart $9- for food, trader joes $34- food, petfood store $43- (3- over budget)


its a lot, but most of it was budgeted. the $200- late fee on the land taxes was a killer. the mcdonalds was gross, but was the only free internet i could find. and i was a basket case after witnessing the accident, although i didn't crack up until the girls were all in dance class.


today's problem is that there is a dress i really, really want, and actually might need, that i've watched for a year and that is finally marked down 33% and i am trying so hard to not buy it.

dd's 13th birthday is this week, so that is where any discretionary spending should go!



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1/1 - $0

1/2 - planned eating out, still unnecessary, though. $35 for my RX, $24 for a new crock pot (mine is defective) Neither of those necessary I guess, but I really need the RX and the crockpot will help me eat at home instead of out, I shopped for the one with the best ratings and the lowest cost I could find.

1/3 - um, this was REALLY BAD. We ended up buying a new car. We had been discussing it and it was in the plan, I just hadn't planned on it being now! We ate lunch out after we got the car, because we spent all freaking day at the dealership and I was done.

1/4 - $0

1/5 - Planned outing today $30, Dinner out (also, planned, but still not a great idea) $45

1/6 - Lunch Out, bought used coffee table $10, maple tree $4, sold $25 worth of clutter in my house :), and groceries $74 (stocked up on chicken breast that was on sale, our groceries are normally $50ish a week)

1/7 - $0

1/8 - $0

1/9 - $0

1/10 - $13 - we all went to the zoo, rode the train, and I bought snacks, too.

1/11 - $320.00 car expenditures (planned, but not a necessity), $3.52 dishwashing detergent

1/12 - $0

1/13 - lunch, groceries

1/14 - $0

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