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Dental question--7 yo needs baby teeth pulled


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How bad will this be? He's 7 and has to have 2 baby teeth pulled because the adult teeth behind them are impacted. The adult teeth are pushing into the baby teeth that are still in his mouth, and dissolving the baby teeth at the top and also are starting to get crooked as they try to come down.


I'm going to go ahead and let them pull out his teeth, but my mama-heart is scared. How bad will it be? They won't give him twilight or anything like that. Just numb the area and a needle, and then rip out the teeth. They tell me it's not as bad as when I had my wisdom teeth out, but it sounds pretty awful to me.

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Quick and easy. My 8 year old dd was going to have a cavity filled on a baby tooth. Well, she totally freaked when the procedure began. I'm talking like trying to get up off the chair. We were holding her down. The dentist looked at me and asked if he could just pull it. I was like heck yes! It was that bad. Literally 10 seconds later it was over. She held gauze on it for 10 minutes and ate soft food that night and the next morning. No pain meds. It was simple.

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My poor kids have small mouths and huge teeth. Between them, we've had about a dozen teeth pulled, both baby and adult. We have had a few troublesome teeth, that were difficult to extract, I won't lie, but I think it was more nerve-wracking on the dentist and ME, than the kids. *Most* baby teeth are quite easy.


I'm sure your son will be fine. The first couple times we went through this, I promised a small Lego kit afterwards. We ended up having to do it so many times that little tradition fell by the wayside :D .


:grouphug: It probably will be hard on YOU, mama.

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It's nothing like wisdom teeth. I assume they are incisors, very different than a molar.


I have one son who eventually had most of his teeth pulled because the baby wouldn't come out by itself and the permanent was coming in in the wrong place. didn't phase him too much.

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You could just have him run into a door frame. My 9 yo did that this weekend and knocked a non-loose baby tooth right out. He is going to have major dental work in the next year or so,, including up to 8 extractions, so I figure he just saved me a few bucks. Let me know if you want to borrow my door frame.



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You could just have him run into a door frame. My 9 yo did that this weekend and knocked a non-loose baby tooth right out. He is going to have major dental work in the next year or so,, including up to 8 extractions, so I figure he just saved me a few bucks. Let me know if you want to borrow my door frame.



brothers work too.

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I'm in the same boat. Found out today that my 7.5 year old needs 2 baby teeth pulled on the bottom. The new teeth are at least 1/2 way through, but much farther back than the baby teeth. We go back in 3 weeks for the procedure. One is loose, but he doesn't like to wiggle his teeth to get them to come out. I'm going to work on it for the next 3 weeks (hopefully will save $115 to not have to have that one extracted :-)!


My son has some oral sensory issues (big aversions to tastes and textures) so will likely do a little laughing gas along with the novacaine (sp?). We did this for a baby tooth that was extracted last November and he did great with that.


Funny story -- my other 7.5 year old son had a loose front tooth a couple of weeks ago. He'd been wiggling it like crazy to get it to come out. At dinner one night, he was sitting on his knees on the chair (should have been on his fanny). Well, he slipped off the chair, hit his mouth on the table and out came that tooth. There's another idea -- LOL.

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DS8 had to have one pulled 2 weeks ago and another will be pulled on the 4th of Feb. Both were/are molars and had been previously filled but something went wrong with the fillings and the first filling fell out and the tooth abcessed and the second filling is on its way to falling out so the dentist just recommended yanking it. Basically, they numbed the gum with a swab, then injected with the medicine. That took a long time because they went slow and DS was a little scared. Then the dentist told DS that it would sound like Rice Krispies cereal - a snap, a crackle, and a pop. When she began to pull she said "there's the snap, there's the crackle, and pop." Took less than a minute and he just held gauze to it, didn't bleed much and was fine. He is actually totally okay with going back in Feb and isn't worried at all.

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Two of my kids have had teeth pulled--including ds at 7:). I was told it would be a breeze, but it wasn't. Turns out my kid had big, stubborn roots. He handled it well, but it was tough. Dd 6 had a front tooth pulled, and it was much, much easier.


So, there's everyone's favorite answer: it depends:).

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We've had several baby teeth extractions in this house and the ones done by the dentist have all been very uneventful. You said the permanents have been "dissolving the baby teeth at the top". That sounds like the baby roots should be pretty much gone and it will be very easy for the dentist to pull them out. Nothing traumatic at all.


My disabled dd has had many pulled by the oral surgeon--those were more involved (full anesthesia).

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When DS was 8, he had two baby teeth pulled. I knew they were coming in funny (like shark teeth), and brought it up at a routine cleaning. She pulled them then and there, before he had time to worry about it, and he barely even noticed it happening.


I love our pediatric dentist!

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