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I can't believe what I found in the snow.


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I spent 2 years going barefoot even in the winter. It was cold yup, but for me the alternative was major pain if I wore shoes. I don't know why someone would choose to go barefoot in the snow. I was very happy when I had my minor operation to fix my foot so I could wear shoes again.

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unfortunately, this happens all too much here. I have a dd that has bare feet all winter and wears snow boots all summer---




:laugh: This reminds me of my son. He comes out from his bedroom in the summer wearing sweats and now that it's cold out, he walks out every day in shorts. Each day, each season, I have to tell him what to wear. He's 15!! :banghead:

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I was expecting flip-flot prints in the snow, but this is way worse! My feet are cold in the house with my socks and boots on. I can't imagine going outside barefoot in the snow! As a kid I got cured of going outside barefoot even in the summer after tearing off a toenail and another time skinning my toes while biking barefoot. Fortunately my dd is fond of wearing shoes outside!

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Ha! We went to Washington, D.C. in 2009 for the inauguration, and it was the first time my Florida Boy was in snow. It snowed in Maryland where we were staying. He left something in the car, and had no shoes on when he realized it. I warned him he should put something on his feet but he scoffed. The look on his face when he came back in was priceless. His feet had never experienced such temperatures!

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