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What Happened to Lands' End?


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Guest canine

Probably about half of my outer clothes are from Lands End. (and the clothes from LE seemed to be worn more.) I need men's tall sizes so store purchasing is not really an option.  I have noticed the change and was looking on the web for discussion.


As I see it


1. They rarely have free shipping, no minimum, any more, and the $50 minimum is kind of high.  (They probably lose money or make very little on some of the purchases with no minimum.)

2. They seem to liquidate their overstocks with this "on the counter" thing, which for me requires too much work and too many orders to get what I want(New sale every week).  The "on the counter" seems to work out well for them because a lot of the stuff sells out before it hits rock bottom.  (Stuff goes on sale, reduced twice during the week. http://www.landsend.com/otc/index.html?seq=1&tab=8&page=1&pageSize=12)

3. The regular sale prices do not seem as good to me, though I can see how some of the really good sales they used to have would eat into there more profitable sales.)










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I used to buy a bunch of things from Lands End.  Diaper bag, baby clothes, toddler clothes, dresses, jeans, towels, sheets, shirts, bedding and various Christmas or birthday gifts.  For a brief period of time, our local Sears had a LE section but I could order online.  I stopped buying jeans first because no 2 jeans fit the same on me.  I would order 2 pairs of the same style in the same size and 1 would be too big and 1 too small.  The ordering, trying on, sending back, reordering just got too expensive and too much of a hassle.  They stopped carrying some of dd's favorite shirts and shorts. 


I did switch over to LL Bean.  But, again, jeans are tricky and they are expensive. 

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This is very interesting. I've noticed that my jeans have been wearing out more quickly recently no matter what the particular label. Anybody still sell more durable jeans? I hate jeans shopping so much that I'd pay a higher price initially if if means I can keep them longer...


So far, Diamond Gusset is a huge winner for jeans.


And don't get me started on J.C. Penney. I used to buy a lot from them too. Most of DH's work outfits came from them. Never again. Everything I've bought from them lately was of poor quality and/or wore out quickly. Even jeans from them aren't what they once were. They always had my tall pants, and now I'm mostly wearing nurse's scrubs because I can't find basic tall pants that are around $20-25 anywhere else.

I got My dh got some khakis for work from Penney's. They were supposed to be 32 inches in the waist. There was no way. He couldn't even suck in enough to button them.  REturning them wasn't too horrible, but I was disappointed. I prefer shopping online, because my dh hates store shopping. Online I can say, "Hey, do you like this. Fine. I'm getting it" With men's clothes, you can often go by measurements for fit...unless it's JCP, apparently.

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Lands End was bought by Sears.


Moderators buy clothes too!!!



lol  And here we all thought that moderators were nekkid.  ;)


I don't pay a lot of money for jeans.  Never have.  Never will.  I've found that Levi's don't hold up as they used to. However, I have been pleased with my cheapish Old Navy jeans.  They are of thicker denim than Levi's and hold up well.  With my Levi's, if I hauled them up by the beltloops, it tore the fabric.  Not cool.

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I have been pleased with a swimsuit that I purchased at LE. I've been very disappointed in a fleece parka. I really really liked the look, but it started to pill within a couple months. Back in the day, I bought my kids fleece parkas from LE. They are still going strong in hand-me-down land years later (like 10+ years) and look good. The quality has just changed so drastically.

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I got so tired of crappy clothes that I now have fewer clothes that I Pay :( for. BUT, I love them because they stand up well. Almost too well. LOL I'm ready for a jeans change of scenery but at $110/pair, over two years old, and not a worn spot in sight, it'll be a long while before I replace the ones I have.


They are the Miss Me brand. Denim and elastic, not Lycra, so they stay in shape -no stretched out, saggy, poopy looking pants by the end of the day. Maybe that is why they last longer ... because they don't have to be washed back in to shape after every wearing.

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