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My sister is having a baby today


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My sister has dealt with infertility, and her MIL was the hardest to deal with, our own mom could be a bit rough too. I chalked it up to the fact that the older generation doesn't get the infertility treatment thing. But still, it was hard. And I remember when I thought I was pregnant (it would have been my 6th) while she was still recovering from losing her 1st (after 7 years of treatment). I cried at the thought of telling her (I wasn't pregnant). I can't imagine being so cruel.


I'm sorry they've put you through so much. It really stinks. Your sister should not be such a jerk. Maybe someday she'll learn understanding and compassion towards her family. Why do people think they can treat their own family members like dirt?



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My sister has dealt with infertility, and her MIL was the hardest to deal with, our own mom could be a bit rough too. I chalked it up to the fact that the older generation doesn't get the infertility treatment thing. But still, it was hard. And I remember when I thought I was pregnant (it would have been my 6th) while she was still recovering from losing her 1st (after 7 years of treatment). I cried at the thought of telling her (I wasn't pregnant). I can't imagine being so cruel.


I'm sorry they've put you through so much. It really stinks. Your sister should not be such a jerk. Maybe someday she'll learn understanding and compassion towards her family. Why do people think they can treat their own family members like dirt?




Especially wondering about the bolded!! Op ((hugs)).

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:grouphug: I'm not sure what is going on, but I'm sorry that you are in pain. My little sister has struggled with infertility for the past five years, and I had a difficult time telling her that I was pregnant with #4. She acted excited but I could tell over the phone that she was crying. As the due date approaches, I know that she is struggling. I would never intentionally say something to hurt her, but I do worry about accidentally offending her.


Praying for a safe birth, a healthy baby, and family healing.



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:grouphug: I'm so sorry. In my experience, everyone get's one of those challenges at some point in their life that require us to dig deep. maybe young, maybe old, may be quick and dirty or may be prolonged. some remain cluess, some learn compassion for others regardless of the circumstance requiring compassion. and maturity is not a number.



. Why do people think they can treat their own family members like dirt?



because it's "family" and were supposed to forgive and forget. though sometimes their are lines crossed that require hard boundaries.
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It's just frustrating because my mom and my sister think that if I just keep doing more treatments, if I just spend more money, etc. that I'd get pregnant. So, by stopping treatments, it's really my fault and I obviously just don't want a baby bad enough. It's very frustrating and very painful.



Some people don't realize the enormous emotional and physical toll that treatments can take on both you and your marriage. And "wanting" isn't enough to make it happen. You can't know for sure if you have an 80% chance of something working or a 1% until it actually works. And if you keep going, hoping for that 1% (or less).... At some point, the only sane thing to do is hang up the towel.


In my case, miscarriage is the bigger issue than infertility. I have 7 m/cs that I know of--probably a LOT more that I never even found out about. People say the opposite in my case. But after being evaluated 6 ways to Sunday by the RE and doing stimulated cycles (working on pretty much the only theory that might do any good with the m/cs), I have to say that I REALLY underestimated how much it was going to cost in terms of my health and marriage. Oh, and the 6 IUI cycles? They didn't work--or rather, they got me 3 more m/cs.

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