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What do we think could help this family

Elizabeth in MN

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I was following rabbit holes on the Interent and came across this video





What do we think is the challenge this boy is facing. I haven't been able to find any more information about him. My heart breaks for this family, and I wish I could help. The spot with his sister, where he's having a meltdown and she hugs and kises him, shows to me that he is very loved. It also just broke my heart.

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Guest inoubliable

That didn't seem like a kid with horrid behavior issues. To me, that seemed like a mentally unstable person. Young children in the house and he's throwing threats like that?? The mother has been strangled?? I'd have my kid in psychiatric care, pronto!

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I was just getting ready to post the same-- this kid may have been disappointed by his birth father, but I wonder if Birth Father has mental illness? Because this kid seems more like someone with severe psychiatric issues to me. "There's someone inside of me...." and the kinds of threats make me think there's not much of a firm tie with reality there. Perhaps inpatient psychiatric care? At any rate, the family needs a respite. That poor grandmother. And mother! And the baby sister! It's so heartbreaking.



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I dont know (obviously) what the underlying problems are, but letting him stay home from school and sleep, watch tv, or play computer games is a recipe for disaster!


I'm sure being left on the side of the road by his father didnt help too much. The siblings by his mom and step dad is probably hurting him a lot, too.


The video made me cry. That is what my 8 year old looks like right now. We do not have real threats or attempts of harm, but he sure does throw that crap around a lot.


They didnt say anything about in home help. I dont even know if that's available, but it would be a start.


She also seemed way too hopeful that the psych program would fix him, and i dont see that happening. When he gets home, he's going to crave the structure and strict discipline of the program. It is hard adjusting back to home after any residential program.

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I'm probably being harsh, but it seems to me that the parents are in denial. He needs psych help, period. To blame it on bullying, on issues from when he was a toddler, saying she wants 'her' son back...he IS her son. This isn't a new issue, it's been happening for yrs.


Expecting the school to put effort in is wrong...it's up to them to make him go, not the school, but they aren't.


Physically, he's going to get bigger and bigger.


I really and truly hope for his sake, and everyone else's, that he gets some intense psych help. I don't see a boot camp being anywhere near equipped to assist him.

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That child needs to be in psychiatric care NOW. I feel awful for the younger siblings and Grandma - nobody should have to live like that. How do you think those two younger kids are going to feel when they grow up?




Not getting this child in intensive care and meds is child abuse. Why on earth did they go on TV??

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Uncontrolled ODD. Poor parent-child mismatch. "Loving" him does nothing. There is NOTHING wrong with that kid that parent didn't cause and couldn't have solved.


I had a neighbor who was raising a kid like that. She adopted a number of my parenting principles then eventually modified them to fit her family better. Now the kid is 95% appropriate in public, has friends, and is no longer violent.


5 years ago, I'd say that I could "cure" him in three months. Today? Much less likely.

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