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Thanks everyone!


We told the Littles after the u/s. They came running to the door, begging, "Did you get us something? Didja didja didja?" Yup, a new baby brother coming this summer!


They were thrilled, even once we admitted that no, we don't know for sure it's a baby brother, it *could* be a sister (but I doubt it). Princess and Diva are lobbying for a girl, reminding me that that would follow the pattern.


We have ds, dd, ds, dd, ds.

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Thanks everyone!


This is the part of pregnancy that I dislike the most, tbh. I feel a lot better when there's movements to count, etc. Right now, I just walk on eggshells, waiting to get past 12 wks, then to about 18 wks when movements start getting regular, then 28 wks, where I heave a sigh of relief, knowing that the statistics get better w/each passing day.


I'm not a good pregnant person, not after knowing what can go wrong. Ignorance was def bliss before I knew all this stuff!

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Thanks everyone!


This is the part of pregnancy that I dislike the most, tbh. I feel a lot better when there's movements to count, etc. Right now, I just walk on eggshells, waiting to get past 12 wks, then to about 18 wks when movements start getting regular, then 28 wks, where I heave a sigh of relief, knowing that the statistics get better w/each passing day.


I'm not a good pregnant person, not after knowing what can go wrong. Ignorance was def bliss before I knew all this stuff!


Statistics sure change when u become one! :crying:

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