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Thanks everyone for all your prayers, and keeping us in your thoughts.


The move is a bit of a gong show. Done for now, but still have stuff in storage. Poor Wolf had to do the majority of it on his own, only Diva to help. Done w/a utility trailer...just long, long, long days.


MIL is currently having 6 kinds of hissy fits.


Wolf had called her x2 from our new place, but didn't realize that our # was unlisted, and therefore didn't show up on caller ID. (I've had to change it to listed since). So, he assumed she had our new # by simply calling her...and she didn't ask.


Well, our old ph is connected til the 27th. She's been leaving increasingly hysterical msgs b/c she can't get ahold of us, and figures we deliberately didn't give her our new #. He'll be calling her today to straighten that out. He was just too exhausted yesterday to deal w/her.


The idea that we're actually *busy* just doesn't occur to her.


Apparently, she's sending another letter, counting on the post office forwarding it. Which, if his call doesn't prevent her from sending it, will likely lead to more demands from her for me to steal it before he gets it. *sigh*


We're all simply bagged.

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Oh, we figure there's LOADS of MIL drama on the horizon.


1) She seems obsessed w/our new place. Unhappy that there's 1 bathroom, and stairs. Even quizzing Diva as to how many stairs there are, and demanding that the carpets be steam cleaned. This leads both Wolf and I to think that she's going to once again push to move in. This will not go well.

2) She was not pleased when I was pregnant w/Princess. Even less pleased w/Boo. She's going to be simply furious about this go 'round.

3) She's *not* going to be welcome to visit late in pregnancy, or right after the baby is born. This will provoke a huge meltdown.

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