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Horse people---roll call

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Just wondering who else out there has or rides horses. Tell a bit about what you do with them, your horses, etc.


We have had horses for 6 years now. My girls have been riding with therapeutic riding/lead line with friends since they were 3.


I rode only a few times as a child but never LEARNED to ride until I bought my first horse 6 years ago (don't suggest that route). Right now I have a 21 year old Paint gelding who is about 15hh and jsut about as round. He is a plain jane trail horse. A good solid drop his head and walk down the trails type horse which is exactly what this nervous mom rider wants and needs. I take a few lessons here and there but mostly just trail ride with friends, my girls, and now even go out by myself.


My 17dd is now riding our 30ish year old 13hh POA pony. We had to put down her 30+ year old QH this summer and are hoping to adopt his granddaughter next spring. She is mentally impaired but great with the horses. She mostly enjoys trail riding but does a bit of arena work and very occ. shows. She is also a great groom and loves to brush and love on the horses.


My almost 16dd has a 20 year old 14.3hh Morab (1/2 Morgan 1/2 Arab--best we can figure) gelding. She rode the pony until a year ago. She shows 4H (western, English, and trail), jumps, runs some speed events, trail rides and even tried dressage this fall. She takes weekly lessons at a jumping barn which she LOVES as well.


Our 3 horses are in our back yard which means we do all of the care for them.


The picture of the girls is them riding a Clydesdale and a Percheron at the local fair this summer. They LOVE the big horses and would LOVE to own one if our stalls were big enough and our trailer was big enough.

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Lurker here but we are horse people. My ds 14 has a 2 year old he's just started working with. He lost his horse he had been riding for years in April due to injuries from being caught in a cattle guard. We work and live at a boys ranch were all the boys have horses to ride. The major focus here is team roping but we also work with the boys on their horsemanship skills. The boys really bond with their horses!



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We have four horses and one shetland pony. I have a 20 year old Quarter Gelding that gets occasionally ridden, but he mostly has the easy life due to some arthritis. Each of my girls has a horse they ride. I usually ride one of theirs because all four of us rarely ride altogether- probably just a few times a year. We love trail riding and also do a bit of showing. A really nice lake with 30 plus miles of horse trails is about a 15 minute trailer ride from our home so we try to go there every weekend. Our horses stay on our place. We have had horses since I was 13 years old and I have totally cared for them on my place since I was 21 yo. That's over 20 years now. Wow!

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I don't ride, but my 12 year old does. She took lessons for 4 years from from a really sweet lady, but Anna pretty much "maxed out" on what the lady could teach her. This summer we switched to an instructor who is...I don't know, just sooooooo much better, and she has taught Anna so much in just a few short months. Anna is doing some amazing things with horses. We don't own a horse, yet, but we are looking and praying for the right horse.


Anna was in her first show two weeks ago, and she did really well (especially since it was her first show and she was competing against high school age kids!). At this point, we are not planning to get heavily in to shows; she mostly wants to trail ride and just enjoy horses. :D


Here's my favorite picture from the show, just because it's such a sentimental shot:



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Well, I'm not sure if we qualify as 'horse people' since we don't own one, but I'm hoping it's ok for me to lurk here.:001_huh:

Dd7 has been taking riding lessons for about 6 months now. We are on our *fourth* barn, and I finally feel like its a perfect fit for her. It is an unfulfilled childhood dream of mine to ride, so I'm living vicariously through her.;)

She adores it. She loves 'her' horse (she is the only person currently riding on Lily) and we go a few times a week just to bring her treats and brush her. Lily is an AMAZING, sweet, gentle horse. Seriously, I've never seen such a wonderfully calm animal. Interestingly, despite her demeanor, they don't have any other kids riding her right now because she requires a very soft hand and most kids do not have that as they are first learning. Both her instructor and the barn owner were astounded at how well dd and Lily get on. It's almost like they are having an unspoken conversation...Lily does exactly what dd is asking her to, without dd moving more than an inch.

My dd has had a rough go of a lot of things, she has had a hard time with school work, has attention issues which makes everything harder for her. Riding is her solace. It is her favorite half hour of the entire week. I wish more than anything we had the money to pay for lessons everyday. :(

Her instructor is wonderful as well. She is very soft spoken, gentle, and seems to really understand kids, despite being rather young (just out of college). I am so happy we kept looking for the perfect fit.

My dream is to buy land, lease a horse, and eventually be knowledgeable enough to own our own horse. This is years away, but it's a goal we are working toward. I'd love to learn from you!

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I took lessons for several years as a kid, and last year finally got the opportunity to get my own horse. He's a 15.2hh Standardbred gelding, about 20 years old. I ride him very occasionally. Basically, he needed a home, and I had one, so a friend talked me into taking him. He's a sweet boy and has good manners.


Earlier this year, same friend talked me into taking a Shetland Pony as well. :lol: She's small enough for my boys to ride, and she used to be a pony party horse. She follows you around like a little dog. She loves the other horse and was depressed when he went away last year. She's happy to be back with her buddy. :D


The equines live with a small herd of goats. The horse used to be afraid of baby goats. Now there is one that follows him around and licks his eyes. It's weird. He has also allowed the goats to climb on him when he's laying down. It's a hoot to watch the horse-goat interaction.

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My son and I have been taking horseback riding lessons (Western style) since June. We love it! We take lessons from a friend who trains horses, teaches riding, and competes in cutting. She's going to college to get a degree in equine science.


We absolutely love our weekly mornings in the country. We have our favorite horses to ride, and enjoy getting to know all the horses and their personalities. The one we most often ride for our lessons is a tall paint who can be stubborn and lazy when she wants to be, but is very well trained and a great lesson horse. We are learning to take care of the horses, to control them on the ground as well as ride them. My son will be loping soon, probably this week.



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I've got 6 horses (although 1 I plan to sell fairly soon, if I can't convince my friend that she's the perfect fit for her daughter that rides with me). Unfortunately my 2 boys don't appreciate the horses - they'll ride once a year or so, and occasionally enjoy petting and talking to the horses, but otherwise are apathetic. It turns out, however, that they really like COWS! Lol - we just got our first cow today, in fact, and they are jumping off the walls excited to milk her tomorrow. So, maybe I can be a horse person and they can be cow folk? :D

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We have three horses: 15 yr old Jeaux a 16.2hd Standardbred/QH/Arabian cross, 5 yr old Charmer a 14.2 QH, and heading into his mid 20's Napoleon a 12 hd QH/Welsh.


I mostly trial ride, but I may start looking into some english lessons with Jeaux.


Next weekend I'm heading out to the cabin with a few girlfriends to ride in the woods. I can't wait! This will be Jeaux's first time this far away from home. He'll do great.





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So, maybe I can be a horse person and they can be cow folk? :D


Maybe they could learn to do some cow work on the horses :-)


My poor girls don't have any cows to work here so they try team penning and sorting the chickens, cats, and dog........none of which really appreciate it.

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We raise English show ponies - at least - most of them go on to be English show ponies...


BUT... we're winding down. My youngest son is now a junior in high school and we plan to sell the farm when he goes to college, so we're gradually selling our herd.


We still have 11 here + one out being free leased for training and sale.


1) Our stallion - a 13hh buckskin registered Quarter Pony who is also 1/4 Welsh


Two broodmares:


2) a 1994 registered Welsh B chestnut roan mare - she rides and does w/t for kids, but doesn't like to canter.


3) a 2000 registered APHA black breeding stock mare - she was green broke, but hasn't been ridden in years.


4) One on layup - an 8 year old chestnut mare who was winning quite a bit, but then couldn't pass a vet check due to fluid in her leg, so is here for a year taking the year off. We'll try her again in the spring.


Then our trainees - or soon to be trainees (5):


5) a 5 year old black 13.2hh gelding - started, but then the trainer went to FL to be a working student. I'll need to get him placed in another stable soon (or spring).


6) a 4 year old chestnut pinto 12.1hh filly - also started, but with the same trainer who went to FL. I'll either sell her or place her - will advertise her soon.


7) a 4 year old 14hh bay gelding who is going out to a trainers very soon - being free leased, trained, then sold


8) a 4 year old 12.1hh chestnut roan registered half Welsh gelding - plans for him to be sold and/or go into training fell through recently. We'll see what happens in the spring.


9) a 3 year old 13hh buckskin gelding - his lines mature (mentally) later, so we'll see about plans for him next year (we don't start two year olds and sometimes do wait until they are 4).


And two weanlings:


10) a buckskin filly - sold - will be delivering her next week if all goes as planned.


11) a liver chestnut Half Welsh filly - just finished taking pics and will be advertising her soon


Our pony out in training is a 7 year old dark bay 13.1hh filly. She's doing great... and will hopefully sell as a Christmas pony. If not, she'll continue doing lessons and be around to sell in the spring.


As for us? We don't ride anymore. We just raise the babies.


I learned to ride when I was 8 and loved it - rode English/Western and did games. I started training at 14. At that time I couldn't imagine not riding and had no patience for babies. Times certainly do change!


My boys never inherited my "horse" gene. To them, ponies are work. I assume they'll have horse loving daughters to pester them...


So, with the delivery of the weanling we'll be at a max of wintering 10 ponies here (possibly less if more sell). We've never, ever, had such low numbers. It seems weird. Our high was 28 back in our prime... ;)

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Our horse has not been ridden in 2 years. He is in retirement. He does give me horsey cuddles and kisses (lets me kiss his nose) every morning...he loves to play/greet our 2 dogs at mealtimes (through the fence of course).


Black Jack is around 30 yrs old. He is a solid black (well he has grey mixed in how) quarter gelding.


In his past life he was ridden English and Western-- he is 'dead broke' and was an excellent first horse for our 'no idea how to care for a horse' family.


We inherited him when our neighbors divorced and left him behind to starve. He was over 300 pounds underweight when we called the neighbors (I was actually working with the 'wife' at the time) and assumed ownership (-- Hi this is Jann. Jack is now our horse. Bye).


We have a plan in place with our vet (who makes house calls because Jack will not trailer) for his last days-- if he gets injured or ill that will be the end... but for now we enjoy him.

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I had to let my beloved American Paint mare go last year. We don't have a farm and boarding just kept going up and up and she wasn't being treated as well as she should have been for the price we were paying. However, the family that took her is doing a wonderful job with her and the deal I made was that if they took ownership - I would give her to them in exchange for liberal visitation and riding. She's a gorgeous animal - heavy on the red markings with blond highlights in her main, smooth gait, sensitive to commands.


Dressage - I was a late beginner/early intermediate when I had to give up lessons due to the cost.


I still do some farm sitting and currently regularly care for a 26 year old Arab gelding, a 17 year old black Friesien, and a lovely black pony whose breed I cannot remember...she's one of the larger pony breeds and is about 13.5 - 14. hands....not all that much shorter than the arab, but her bone structure is definitely more petite. Her personality is a hoot! Her name is Gracie and for whatever reason she reminds me of Sandra Bullock's character in "Miss Congeniality" and so we refer to her as Gracie Lou or Gracie Lou Freebush.


As far as I am concerned, at 7:15 a.m., there is nothing better than horse love following the morning coffee...that muzzle against my cheek and the soft nickering sound that follows makes the day start a little better!



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We just sold our neighborhood home and am moving 12 hours away and buying a farm. My dd9 is anxiously awaiting a horse. We think we'll have one given to us (fairly sure) but the cost of owning one is kinda scaring me right now. My dd wants to barrel race and show. She has a passion for horses like you wouldn't believe.



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We just sold our neighborhood home and am moving 12 hours away and buying a farm. My dd9 is anxiously awaiting a horse. We think we'll have one given to us (fairly sure) but the cost of owning one is kinda scaring me right now. My dd wants to barrel race and show. She has a passion for horses like you wouldn't believe.




Farm life is a whole new way of life. Do you have any horse experience? I would be VERY careful with a "given to us" horse. It might be a great horse but many free horses have behavioral, health, or soundness issues, or are quite a bit older that they need more care. Our "free" horses have been WONDERFUL but cost us WAY more than a typical horse----extra vet care, dental care, senior feed fed 3 times a day, premium hay, etc.


If you don't have any horse experience I would strongly advise lessons, 4H, etc. first.


Depending on your area, figure about $150/month for horse care at home. That should include hay, farrier, vet, etc. Some months are cheaper--summer when you don't need hay while other month are more--horse needs 4 shoes, needs hay all month and it is the month for a vet visit with shots and a dental visit. SO much depends on where you live, how much pasture you have, the type of horse you have (some need a lot more food/care than others).


Horses ARE our outside activities---we don't do other sports, music, etc. SO worth it for us but not cheap.

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Serious horse lover here! I got a new horse six days ago, and have started a Facebook page on our life together! He is seriously cute. :001_wub:


He's adorable! His personality sounds like one of my teacher's young horses (3yo). She will follow you around like a puppy, and can't get enough affection. So sweet! Your horse is really handsome and sounds like a wonderful horse! I have never seen that breed before.

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I have a horse and a pony. I had every intention of riding and teaching my girls to ride. I love my horse dearly but he will be my one and only horse. I have gotten a few concussions from him and can't risk riding ever again. I didn't realize the horse industry was such a dirty business and......... I was too trusting going into my horse purchase. All I ever wanted my entire life was to ride. Oh well. I love him just as much but I sometimes get sad that I can't ride.


My horses and pigs are like huge dogs, really. They have awesome personalities! I really do love them. My horse was overused and over worked so he gets pampered here now. I love to spoil him. On Christmas I give him and the pony a high ball. LOL!!! Dh was drinking one years ago and the horse went nuts trying to get some. Now they get one every year. LOL!!!


My pony is adorable and was being sent to slaughter when someone rescued him. He was also abused. Poor thing was TERRIFIED of my dh for years. He almost hurt me when he went into a serious state of panic the first time I walked into his stall with a manure fork. :sad: I realized that I had to turn away from him as it was less threatening. Poor little fella. He warmed up to me quite quickly. He is a SWEET HEART!!!!! Such a love! His mane grows SO long that we have to brush it regularly or it turns into dreadlocks! Dd loves to braid it. I cut it every year or two. I love walking outside and hearing him neigh "hello!" to me. If he lives to be 40, which I hear ponies can, I will have him until I am 70. :001_wub:

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I was a pretty serious horse lover, still am but they have had to hit the back burner for awhile. I grew up around them. Mentored under a couple different trainers. Took the equine science courses out of Guelph. I still have two horses. A rescue that was basically feral when I got him. He's supposedly QH. Very much my horse. We rescued a little pony last year. I think she's Welsh and she's very small. There's scars on her neck and it's taken a lot of work but she'll now let the kids groom her and love on her. My dd has saved her money and is hoping to shop for a horse of her own this year. It excites me as it would make it easier to be out there if at least one of my kids was into horses too.

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I have a horse and a pony. I had every intention of riding and teaching my girls to ride. I love my horse dearly but he will be my one and only horse. I have gotten a few concussions from him and can't risk riding ever again. I didn't realize the horse industry was such a dirty business and......... I was too trusting going into my horse purchase. All I ever wanted my entire life was to ride. Oh well. I love him just as much but I sometimes get sad that I can't ride.




Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience. Yes, the horse business can be nasty which is why I warned (likely too harshly) the other poster on the "free" horse.


Could you ride again on a safe school mount? I have been bucked off 5 different times now and got seriously hurt one of those times. I now have a 21 year old "old paint" who can walk fast if he wants but has no need for speed. He has really helped me rebuild my confidence.

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I have a horse and a pony. I had every intention of riding and teaching my girls to ride. I love my horse dearly but he will be my one and only horse. I have gotten a few concussions from him and can't risk riding ever again. I didn't realize the horse industry was such a dirty business and......... I was too trusting going into my horse purchase. All I ever wanted my entire life was to ride. Oh well. I love him just as much but I sometimes get sad that I can't ride.


Denise, I'm so sorry. I've been in your situation.

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Serious horse lover here! I got a new horse six days ago, and have started a Facebook page on our life together! He is seriously cute. :001_wub:


He is adorable. We got a new pony here a few days ago too! When this thread first came a round it was one day after having to put dd's mare down. Ugh, so rough. I actually took a look at Fjord last week, but we settled on a well broke part Paso Fino. I snapped this shot after we hosed him down this afternoon. The other is with my big paint mare.

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I love seeing the horse pics! My ealier ones didn't seem to transfer from the changover, but that's okay. Jeaux and I just got back from a big ride at Homochitto Park. Those hills there are about as good as we can get around here, lol. It was just beautiful and he did amazing. I'm the one in the green flannel shirt on the big sorrel/chestnut gelding

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I wish I lived near some of you horse folks. I am really starting to think about living in the country someday, and having a couple of horses. But I know they are so much work! This week, I spent a long time grooming "my" horse at our teacher's place, while the teacher and ds gave "ds's" horse a bath. She's taught us a lot about their care.

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I wish I lived near some of you horse folks. I am really starting to think about living in the country someday, and having a couple of horses. But I know they are so much work! This week, I spent a long time grooming "my" horse at our teacher's place, while the teacher and ds gave "ds's" horse a bath. She's taught us a lot about their care.


Thats an excellent way to start! I did that and recommend it to anyone who is looking to start into horses. They are quite a time commitment. I bought my first at 21 and have had up to four at one time. I have three now with one hopefully going to a small child as a lead line pony...but I may have another one coming in on a free lease for my husband and dd. I really need a nice calm horse for them.

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