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Quick: More advice from Dr. Hive - to call an ambulance or not?

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First, let me make it clear that my DD is not in serious respiratory distress. I would not be online if that were the case.


She is however is some mild distress, says it's hard to take a breath in, and can't quite speak in extended sentences. This is our life and I know my DD - what she needs are some hour long treatments, IV steroids and maybe IV mag. This is on the bad side of a flare up for her.


But I have no way at all to get her to the hospital. She needs to go for sure, but this is not a life threatening situation. In this situation is calling an ambulance appropriate or ridiculous? Help?

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Why can't you take her to the hospital? Do you know anyone who could take you, like a neighbor? Will your insurance pay, if you call the ambulance under those conditions? How fast would a cab be under the circumstances?




And, when in doubt, call an ambulance if you think she will need to get to a hospital anyway.

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Why can't you take her to the hospital? Do you know anyone who could take you, like a neighbor? Will your insurance pay, if you call the ambulance under those conditions? How fast would a cab be under the circumstances?


Car's in the shop. We have probably a dozen friends that could help and none are able to right now. Insurance would pay. I don't know if we can get cabs way out here in the country. I'll check real quick though.

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If you can't get a cab easily, call an ambulance. You don't know when this might turn into something more serious.


No cabs out here without prescheduling and mega money. She needs to go but I feel bad calling when this isn't a life threatening emergency. We do this every couple of months but I nearly always have a car.


Ugh. Poor girl.

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No cabs out here without prescheduling and mega money. She needs to go but I feel bad calling when this isn't a life threatening emergency. We do this every couple of months but I nearly always have a car.


Ugh. Poor girl.


I'm so sorry for her and you. Please do call because it could become life threatening. Praying for you guys.



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Thank you all. I did. We are at the hospital now and I can't believe what a difference it made for her to get treatment in route. I don't know if I would have had the courage to do it without you all! I felt like I shouldn't somehow...I don't know. We're waiting to see a doctor but she's breathing easier.

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Absolutely agree with amo mea filiis.

Are you tracking peak flows? Do you have a neb?


Poor girl and poor mom!


Ds' asthma doesn't bother him nearly as much anymore, but I can relate to scary breathing problems.


Yes. We have a great plan. She just has severely compromised lungs. We track peak flows and have nebs etc.


Thank you all. It's so hard.

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yeah call when you need too.


I hesitated a couple of times on calling the police when I was working a neighborhood pool. a friend whose dh was an officer really scolded me. She said that is what they are there for. Because I kind of thought the things were a bit minor, but one involved a child/adult incident and she was like ALWAYS call for that.


Just felt silly to me too.


but I had resolved to call the police from there on out. This is similar. Don't ever hesitate if there is the thought of a need.

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