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Using ovulation predictor kits - worth it?

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Do they actually work? How do they work? What are the general "rules" for these things?


Dd (who was just married last weekend) and her dh want to start trying to get pg next month. They have dated 4 years, and they are both very ready for children (YAY).


I mentioned to her that this might be something she could do so she wouldn't have to do months of charting to figure out her fertile times. Is it worth doing? Is it necessary? Helpful?


She has started prenatal vitamins, and they are both cutting out all alcohol (neither are heavy drinkers, but they wanted to just eliminate it completely before trying).


Any input would be appreciated.

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OPKs work by detecting the spike in Leutinizing Hormone that occurs just before ovulation. If she does not have any reason to suspect anything like PCOS, then yes, the OPKs are likely to work for her. (PCOSers tend to have chronically high levels of LH, which makes the OPKs inaccurate, because they'll always read positive.) If her cycles are pretty regular, then her fertile time is almost certainly about 14 days before her period starts. In cycles that vary in length, it's the first part that can vary; ovulation to period is almost always the same (and usually 14 days).


However, if they don't have fertility issues, drinking teA regularly will likely result in pregnancy fairly soon. There are other signs of peak fertility times that can be very helpful too. When the woman is fertile, the cervix often feels soft, like a lip; otherwise, it feels more like the tip of the nose. The other big sign would be fertile cervical fluid -- lots of it, and it will look/feel like egg whites.


Get her to read Taking Charge of Your Fertility; it's very helpful and informative.


Also, if she charts her temps, some women find a small drop in temp right before ovulation. That's not foolproof, though.

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I think it would be a waste of money unless they had been trying for a while without success. Does she have any reason to suspect she may have fertility issues? I recommend Taking Charge of Your Fertility, as the information is helpful whether you're trying to get pregnant or prevent pregnancy.

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I bought a basal thermometer and it was right on the money.


Maybe. I bought "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and learned pretty quickly how to figure out my ovulation pattern, even without taking my temp every day.



After my miscarriage, I figured I could get pg again pretty quickly. Wrong. After 3 months of negative pg tests, I read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and started taking my temps. Temps were all over the place, so I bought the ovulation monitoring kit. I did this for 18 months. i even purchased a sp*rm count kit for Dh (much to his horror). At the end of my 18th month, I went to my OBGYN, armed with my 3-ring binder of daily temping, ovulation results, sp*rm count results, and period dates. I ended up on Clomid, and got pg on my second round.


The ovulation kits work, but the temp readings worked better. I would also recommend getting "Taking Charge of Your Fertility". I read that book in my early 30s and learned quite a few things about reproduction that I honestly never knew. Every girl/woman should read it.

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Guest submarines
Maybe. I bought "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and learned pretty quickly how to figure out my ovulation pattern, even without taking my temp every day.



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taking your temp doesnt have to take months either- even if she did it 3mo, she could learn her cycles.


For example many women believe they have a 28d cycle and O on cd14. BUT you can have a 28d and O on cd 12 and miss O because you didnt have TeA until cd14. Same as you can think cd14 and not O until cd16 and miss it too early. Temping can help her learn her body.


why waste money on OPKs when temping is FREE. You dont have to even use a site like Fertilityfriend.com or TCOYF.com to track it- a pc of paper will tell you to.

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I've read the book. I think I've mentioned it to her in the past, as she's always said she will never take BC.


I think her cycles are fairly regular, with a few day range (27-32 days, averaging around 30). I told her that should put her ovulating around day 16 most of the time, but maybe start having teA every other day starting around day 10 or 12 through about day 18.


I'm definitely gonna have her get the book, but with them wanting to try this coming cycle, I told her I'd ask about the OPK.

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I've read the book. I think I've mentioned it to her in the past, as she's always said she will never take BC.


I think her cycles are fairly regular, with a few day range (27-32 days, averaging around 30). I told her that should put her ovulating around day 16 most of the time, but maybe start having teA every other day starting around day 10 or 12 through about day 18.


I'm definitely gonna have her get the book, but with them wanting to try this coming cycle, I told her I'd ask about the OPK.


with the SMEP (Sperm Meets Egg Plan). She could do that this cycle, she could still use OPK but she could just baby dance the days the plan says:


"Try" every other night starting Day 8

Buy 10 ovulation predictor kit sticks

Begin ovulation testing on Day 10

When test is positive, "try" that night, plus two additional nights in a row

Skip one night, then do one last "try"

Take a home pregnancy test 15 days after your ovulation test was positive, if your period has not begun

If your ovulation test never goes positive, continue "trying" every other night until Day 35, then do a pregnancy test if your period has not begun.


so shed "Try" 8,10,12, 14, 16 (if this was O), 17, and 18, then 20.

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why waste money on OPKs when temping is FREE.


Because those of us who are POAS-aholics need OPKs! :D


If I was just starting out ttc, I would chart my temp, though. It can be incredibly revealing not only with ovulation but during the post-ovulation time as well (are temps staying high enough above coverline, for example).

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Because those of us who are POAS-aholics need OPKs! :D


If I was just starting out ttc, I would chart my temp, though. It can be incredibly revealing not only with ovulation but during the post-ovulation time as well (are temps staying high enough above coverline, for example).


I like to POAS too, but stupid PCOS makes OPK frustrating for me. :glare:

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I found OPKs didn't work for me. I never got a positive on one, and I followed the directions to the T. I have two children and certainly seem to have been ovulating. I was trying OPKs (in the bathroom at work, no less) the cycle I got pregnant with DD, and no positive OPK for me.


She can get them on eBay pretty inexpensively, though--Wondfo makes inexpensive OPKs and HPTs and you can get a lot of 25 or 50 or more for a very reasonable price. Wondfo tests are very reliable, too.

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I found OPKs didn't work for me. I never got a positive on one, and I followed the directions to the T. I have two children and certainly seem to have been ovulating. I was trying OPKs (in the bathroom at work, no less) the cycle I got pregnant with DD, and no positive OPK for me.


She can get them on eBay pretty inexpensively, though--Wondfo makes inexpensive OPKs and HPTs and you can get a lot of 25 or 50 or more for a very reasonable price. Wondfo tests are very reliable, too.


Be careful theres a bad batch out there of them.

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I also recommend her reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility. I loved the combo of temp charting and OPK! Combining them I always got a very accurate picture of what was going on. I bought OPK and HPT in bulk (who doesn't love POAS!?) from http://www.early-pregnancy-tests.com/ . Cheap way to get your POAS fix. It might be waste of time since they are young and just starting and may get pregnant with no problems, but it's a nice way to feel like you are doing everything possible.

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Be aware that just because she may read "fertile" on the ovulation kit, or Phpaper or any sort of kit, she may not actually be ovulating.

A body may show all the signs of ovulating, including hormone surge, and not actually ovulate.


This is what happened to me. I did everything, including charting basal temp, etc, and doctors confirmed that I was not actually ovulating. I wound up taking Clomid in order to ovulate.


If she's trying to get pregnant and she's reading all of the ovulation signs and still having no luck, it's something to consider.


I haven't read all of the replies, so don't know if this is helpful right now--it's just helpful knowledge, hopefully.

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