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Teachers Lounge (Manic Monday)

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It's just another Manic Monday. :tongue_smilie:


7am came way too early this morning. Took the dog to the dog park only to have her picked on my a bigger dog that should have been in the big dog part of the park and me to get barked at incessantly and occasionally nipped at by some little squeaky toy of a rat with big ears that someone tried to pass off as a dog. This same said someone thought it was funny when I got made at their dog. :glare:


*just breathe*


Welcome to Monday! Welcome to the Teachers Lounge!


I have several varieties of cereal available, along with candy corn, coffee, crackers, and I even have pancake mix if one of you would like to make pancakes. The stove's over there. :D


Plans for today? My homework (late start already), and easy day for kids with just reading, reading aloud, and outside history class.


Coffee or tea? I'm going to need the coffee this morning. Maybe tea later in the day.


Do any of you have an animal that likes to lay by your feet? My dog usually does during the day. My cat does at night while I sleep.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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just another manic monday.

dh left on travel at 8pm last night; back friday night late.


kids slept in until 8am! having a slow, 9am start. then its my hope to do a full day of school. and file the PSA so that we're legal here in SoCal.


vinegar going in the dishwasher to try to remove build up.

left over homemade bagels for breakfast :001_smile:.


tonight, both younger dds dance, in different cities. what were we thinking? carpools are my friend.


and the decluttering continues.


time for mozart!


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Good morning, Scrap!


I have a love-hate relationship with dog parks.


I'm doing the gf thing so I'll stick to my eggs with veggies and a green smoothie. Disgustingly healthy, isn't it!


Plans today - not quite sure what my niece and her friend (who are visiting) are doing so all plans here are tentative. We need a family meeting to figure out if we need to take a few days off - I'm getting behind on grading etc. because of health issues. I also need to call my MD today and set up an appointment.


Animals - mine do not lay quietly at my feet. The big one with puppy ADHD, despite being 10 years old, will bounce at my feet and lick me obsessively. The small disabled wonder dog will sit at my feet and kick me repeatedly with her disabled paw (great therapy!) in order to get my attention and pats. The cat will pounce on my feet at random.

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Veritaserum - :grouphug:


Coffee was much needed this morning and I am thinking I will need something else with caffeine later. Not much sleep last night.


Breakfast was not breakfast food but leftovers from the weekend.


Plans -- lots of school & lots of house work :ack2:


No pets here


May I please go back to bed now????

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Good morning.


I have gf pumkin scones this morning. I got up at 5:30 to make 3 dozen for older dd to take to school for a tea party and a dozen for younger dd and dh for breakfast. There are plenty to share. I had greek yogurt with coconut and berries for breakfast.


Plans ? the scones were my big plans for the day :D SO now, I just have work, cleaning, schoolwork and dinner to think about although we're going to try to sneak the dogs to the dog park afterschool today. We have a bunch of dog parks in town, but we stick to a really big one with lots of room, trails, hills and river - the smaller ones are dangerous and my dogs have been bullied there.


My dogs sleep under my desk during the day - they keep my feet warm.

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It's been an interesting morning, and dd isn't even up yet. I finally had breakfast of a toasted bagel with butter & sugar - I was getting sick and needed to eat.


Today's plans? Cleaning, Laundry, trying to get ahold of my Dr. for a script, looking at houses online, and oh yeah we really should do some school - we haven't in nearly a month thanks to being sick and stressed.


I wish I could have coffee, but it doesn't agree with me anymore. I might cheat and have a little later though with lots of creamer.


Animal? I used to have one who did. He was a giant half siamese cat who weighed about 50 lbs I kid you not, and it was all muscle. He was twice the size of most house cats, in both height and length. I had him for over 10 years, but sadly he passed away a few years back. Now we have a very yappy inherited Chocolate taco dog who was my dad's - anyone want a taco dog? Free - I'll even send a bag of food with her!:D


I want to get a cat, but not until we figure out the whole moving vs. not moving thing.

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So - we had a family meeting. School is mostly cancelled for the week. We will take one week away from Christmas break - making it a two week break instead of a three week break. We have an extensive to-do list with lots of laundry today. I'm also using this week to work with ds15 on chemistry to get a major chemistry roadblock unstuck so that he can move on to the next chapter. I also have a bunch of doctor's appointments which is the main reason for the family meeting.

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You all have my permission to take ONE 20-30 minute nap any time today because it sounds like we all need one! :D


Oh, Karen, I may have to come visit you. I like the idea of a dog park with trails, etc. Although there are several trails around here on which people take their dogs, but those parks aren't off leash. That's okay. The dog doesn't mind the leash and I'd rather she have fun then get bullied.


Jean, glad you had the meeting and established that you need some time off. I understand about roadblocks,too. DD is stuck with percentages and I don't understand it enough to be able to help her. Meant to have hubby help her this weekend but unless I consistently remind people around here, those things don't get done. :/


Veritaserum - yeah, I don't know what you were thinking either. :lol: But I do know you'll survive. Really.

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I got up early to take two oldest to community college. I did phonics and math with Miss Bossy in the student union.


Then let ds practice driving to piano lessons, one hour away. Now I'm at the bookstore, then I'll treat us to some Jason's delli, then pick up oldest after her classes, then home for an hour before heading back out to venture scouts this evening.


I hate being this busy.

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I had to look up my dog park to see how big it is. It is 25 acres and the main trail loop is 3/4 of a mile. The small dog area is only 2 acres but the stream runs through both. Love our dog park.


Jean, Glad you are taking time off.


Veritaserum - want a scone and cup of coffee? Its the best I can offer today. I only have half the kids you you and never homescooled all of them at one time. but YOU CAN DO IT, right after you get a nap and a scone.

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Just a regular Monday here----school (only maths left), play rehearsal for dd17, ballet for dd12. I will work through some more math when dd is at ballet. I'm going away this weekend with some friends :D so I'm trying to do my regular Friday "things" early this week. I try to stay ahead of dd by several chapters in both her math books.


Tonight I get to assist dd17 while she fills in more of the Common App. Oh joy.

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Up early to take oldest to high school, then back, get youngest up and taught math, then he works it in the car whilst picking up oldest. I hate block schedules- one day an hour and a half of school, the next 3. Ugh.


But, school day went smooth- got oldest through algebra, science and foreign language, youngest almost done, ate lunch, dropped oldest at band for two hours, finished a bit of reading with youngest, folded laundry, looked at dinner, now off to get oldest, do English(biggest subject of today), start and eat dinner before running off to activities at 6and leaving clean up and paper writing to oldest for the evening. Oh yeah, may see dh in there somewhere...:tongue_smilie:


Our weeks just fly by...guess this is why!

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Well 5:10 came way too early after DH flipping on the hall light at 1:30am, tossing open our door to search if my dog was laying next to me. Nope she isn't, leaves said door open to me fussing: "what are you doing?"

DH: "looking for Sophie".

Me: "she's probably on the chain if the kids didn't bring her in" (she jumps fences...of any size, so she stays on a 30ft chain staked 2ft into the ground if we leave her outside-she has chewed through cables-she is an amazing escape artist). She'sactually an inside dog, but if the weather is nice and we have errands, we'll put her out. Anyways...

DH: "I didn't see her out there".

Me: "did you actually look good". She's colored like a Weimeraner...they can hide in shadows, lol.

DH: "I looked out the back door"

Me: "Hold On"....exasperated at this point because now I'm fully awake and it'll take me an hour to go back to sleep.


I go straight out the front door and whistle for her. She always comes if she hears me and I listen. I can hear nails clipping along the road in front of our house then down our drive. There she is and then I notice the lightening. Great....She HATES storms.


So she comes in all sheepish and runs to her bed. DH sees that the clip on her latch has come undone somehow. I head back to bed.


2:30, lightening then boom of thunder...dog jumps on door whining. We actually don't let her in because it has made her worse in the past, plus she has jumped on us getting into our bed during them and I don't allow my dogs in the beds...creates dominance issues and I have a few stronger breeds that I can't let that happen with. I was almost asleep by this point. :glare: I head to the living room to send her to her bed.


3:20, she comes back body bumping the door and whining a little...again just about asleep, I head out and send her back to her bed with a little growl in my voice to stay. Mean mommy


4:30ish again...she's at my door...by this time it's just the lightning outside going off...I put dining room chairs to block the hallway...


Headed back to bed. Fell asleep not too long after only to have my alarm wake me at 5:10 to take DD to seminary. Breakfast was a chocolate soymilk/peanut butter/banana protein shake w/oats for DD and I...


Then I took two naps later in the morning :D


Now I'm drinking a little vanilla creamer spiced sugar cookie herbal tea, cooking some chicken for DH for work tonight and checking out the boards.


I should be putting together the kids school schedule for this fall. They will finish week 36 on Wednesday and I've not even stapled their new schedules together! I also have to write in their math assignments, highlight the corners of their sheets (makes them easy to tell apart) and organize our binders...Another bad mommy moment. :tongue_smilie:


Then later it's mowing and off to fencing practice with DS...

Edited by CountryGirl2
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I got up early to take two oldest to community college. I did phonics and math with Miss Bossy in the student union.


Then let ds practice driving to piano lessons, one hour away. Now I'm at the bookstore, then I'll treat us to some Jason's delli, then pick up oldest after her classes, then home for an hour before heading back out to venture scouts this evening.


I hate being this busy.


Oh the driving...where is a nerve wracking little smiley?! Been letting DD drive along our back roads a little. I've been trying to remain calm...trying being the operative word. She was forewarned though, that I'd be a little uptight about it, so she's trying hard to be chilled and listen to what I say.


We won't be venturing out on the open road any time soon until she completes her driving class.


MMMM, Jason's Deli. We love that place!

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Good morning.


I have gf pumkin scones this morning. I got up at 5:30 to make 3 dozen for older dd to take to school for a tea party and a dozen for younger dd and dh for breakfast. There are plenty to share. I had greek yogurt with coconut and berries for breakfast.


Plans ? the scones were my big plans for the day :D SO now, I just have work, cleaning, schoolwork and dinner to think about although we're going to try to sneak the dogs to the dog park afterschool today. We have a bunch of dog parks in town, but we stick to a really big one with lots of room, trails, hills and river - the smaller ones are dangerous and my dogs have been bullied there.


My dogs sleep under my desk during the day - they keep my feet warm.


Pumpkin scones?! We are lovers of pumpkin, care to share the recipe? :D

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Welcome to Monday! Welcome to the Teachers Lounge!


I have several varieties of cereal available, along with candy corn, coffee, crackers, and I even have pancake mix if one of you would like to make pancakes. The stove's over there. :D


Plans for today?

Coffee or tea?


Do any of you have an animal that likes to lay by your feet?

Talk to me! :bigear:


It's been a pretty decent Monday so far. We got off to an early start on schoolwork this morning thanks to early-bedtimes last night (the kids were really exhausted yesterday evening). I managed to get in 2.5 miles on the treadmill mid-morning. I have done two loads of laundry, with one more waiting to be done. After we finished schoolwork this morning, I had to take ds to the store to pick up supplies for a boy scout project that he's leading this evening (nothing like waiting until the last minute to tell mom that you need stuff!). We got everything we needed and I treated the kids to Chick-fil-a for a late lunch while we were out. Now we're going to finish some more school lessons and do our afternoon chores. If my mom comes over later, I'm going to get her to throw some hair dye in my hair---I'm overdue for it and the gray is really showing! :tongue_smilie:


Other than that, dd15 has dance this evening (4:30-6), dd8 has Girl Scouts (6:30-8) and ds has Boy Scouts (7:30-9)....all of which are in different directions! I will be :auto::auto::auto: all evening!


No coffee or tea for me, thanks! I'll stick with my plain, old water! I have now been caffeine free for 35 days and am feeling great!


My dog likes to try to sneak under the kitchen table while we're eating, but we banish him to the living room instead!

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I do need a nap. I'd love some scones, but I'm off sugar, grains, and dairy for 14 more days. :tongue_smilie:


I've been mulling things over and I have an idea for a homeschool schedule change that will make our time more efficient for when I'm busy with the baby. Now I just need time to sit down and put together what it will take to implement it.


I'm going to steal a nap before I take the kids to piano because the baby is about to fall asleep.

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