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New glasses $$$

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We have insurance, so I don't really know what they cost. I just know that I have to pick from certain providers and certain frames.


However, if I did not have insurance, I have looked into the prices that they charge at wholesale clubs for glasses and it seems more reasonable.

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This eye problem is driving me nuts - but the cost of new glasses!!!!!:eek:

$575!!! for frames and lenses! Granted, it was cheaper than 4 years ago when I got my previous pair. But - has anyone else had sticker shock???


Definitely, I can barely see anything on TV, and people are looking blurry. I just cant afford it. I dont have vision insurance. I can just think of better things to buy. Like clothes for kids, than glasses. At least I can still read. Its just my far vision.



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You know, I haven't tried this place yet, but my brother has gotten a couple of pairs of really cheap glasses from http://zennioptical.com, and said a number of guys in his unit have too, and they've all been very content. I keep thinking I might order a pair from them just as a back-up pair next time I update my prescription.


I have such terrible vision, I end up spending a *huge* amount of money on the lenses themselves just so they aren't three inches thick. Sigh. It does make your stomach hurt, doesn't it?


But man it's good to *see*! ;)

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You know, I haven't tried this place yet, but my brother has gotten a couple of pairs of really cheap glasses from http://zennioptical.com, and said a number of guys in his unit have too, and they've all been very content. I keep thinking I might order a pair from them just as a back-up pair next time I update my prescription.


I have such terrible vision, I end up spending a *huge* amount of money on the lenses themselves just so they aren't three inches thick. Sigh. It does make your stomach hurt, doesn't it?


But man it's good to *see*! ;)




DH had 2 pairs of titanium no line biofocals from Sam's that both broke very quickly and cost $400 something each. We finally started ordering from Zenni (with everything the same, titanium, no line,extra this that about $65 at Zenni) and they have been great. We have ordered several pairs for him, me and the kids over the past 3 years. Mine were only $8.00, wow! Dd special glasses were only $25 or so and that was with super bendable frames, extra this and that. I have been very pleased with them!

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We all wear glasses, and before we got insurance, we used 39dollarglasses.com. We were pleased with the service. I'm considering getting a pair of prescription sunglasses from them.

That is a great site. Than if I lost them, I wouldnt feel bad. My question is with these online sites, do you get your own prescription, than what?



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That is a great site. Than if I lost them, I wouldnt feel bad. My question is with these online sites, do you get your own prescription, than what?




With Zenni, they are actually in China I believe. Now I know many are opposed to buying China goods (I am with this exception) but China can make good lenses (cameras, etc).


The company that takes all the info is in California but it is all sent to China for the work. You simply fill in the information off your prescription, you do not need to send them your prescription. If you go to Zenni, you can find a pair of glasses and put it in your cart and it will show you the information you need to fill in and you scroll and pick the right OD etc...super easy. They say it takes 2 to 3 weeks, but our have always come in about 10 days.

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YOu are so not alone!

I have been wearing the same pair of glasses for about 8 years. I so need a pair! I have to take them off to read and then I end up loosing them cuz I can't see any distance without them. This last pair with the doc visit cost over $400 back then. I don't even have the money for the doctor visit. So when I do get it I will be ordering from Zenni listed above. I have hear tons of testimonies on other boards, and they were all good.

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Have mercy! What is that Dior glasses?

I got glasses for the first time in 20 years last spring. The entire cost was less than $250 for appointment, glasses and lenses. Yikes. Insurance covered much of the cost, but won't cover a second pair for distance in the same year. Whatever, just wait until next March or whenever DH's company switches insurance policies, which is often.


Can you find a similar style over the counter (ie costco, target, etc)?

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I just ordered my first pair from Zenni yesterday. Total came to $20 with shipping & anti-reflection coating. I had my prescription, but not the pupillary distance # so I called the optometrist & they let me come in & get it. :) If I like these I'm going to order a backup pair & some sunglasses as well.

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That is a great site. Than if I lost them, I wouldnt feel bad. My question is with these online sites, do you get your own prescription, than what?


Yes, you need a copy of your prescription; it has to be a recent one (within 6 months maybe?). When you place your order, you will be asked to supply information from the prescription, including the doctor's name and the date of the scrip. It's quick and simple. :)

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Unfortunately when you have a really strong prescription, the lenses alone can run a couple of hundred dollars -- and then the lenses themselves can limit your frame choices.


Exactly!! I wear varilux progressive high index polycarb - with antiglare - thank you very much. The lenses drive the frame choices too. I only had 3 frames to chose from because I also prefer a semi-frame (or rimless on the bottom). I didnt like the semi-rimless until bifocals - then I cant stand anything with a bottom rim.


How in the world does Zenni get the measurements needed to accurately line up the bifocals?? I have had nightmares trying to get bifocals to line up properly! Today, we had 2 different techs take the measurements and double check each other.


Dd gets her new glasses next week too. But at least she is single vision!


And I need sunglasses!! I think I will start a thread about cocoon sunglasses since that is probably my only option.

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I've been putting off getting new glasses for this very reason, but my frames were cheap last time and I've developed an allergy to the metal. Along with not seeing my best, I have sore ears all the time too! We checked with our local Costco store and found that the exam and glasses are about half of what we paid for good quality glasses in the past. I'm finally going tomorrow to get it started and I can't wait!






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We get all of our glasses at Sam's Club. Youngest ds's Rx is -16.00 and -13.75 -- very strong!! His glasses cost us less than $150. And they are always top quality.


What we save on one pair of glasses more than makes up for the cost of our membership. And there are four of us who wear glasses.




Unfortunately when you have a really strong prescription, the lenses alone can run a couple of hundred dollars -- and then the lenses themselves can limit your frame choices.

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This eye problem is driving me nuts - but the cost of new glasses!!!!!:eek:

$575!!! for frames and lenses! Granted, it was cheaper than 4 years ago when I got my previous pair. But - has anyone else had sticker shock???


I've had my glasses for about ten years and decided last summer I'd splurge on a new pair. Whoa! That would have been *some* splurge!


I don't like new stuff anyway, so just had them put new lenses in my old frames. Less than $150 and I'm happy.


I don't like the new frames anyway -- I need bigger ones to cover up my face. :lol:

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Count me in as needing new glasses, too.

What I've found remarkable is that most people just go to the eye glasses place and plunk down a chunk of $, without ever discussing the price with the store!


They will take off a substantial amt of $--it is one store you can bargain with. I always say, "Wow, that's so high. Is that the best you can do?" "Are you running any specials now?" is good, but get the special price, then KEEP BARGAINING. I paid a lot for my glasses the first time--then I learned to bargain. I tell them I need the cheapest price they have, but I don't say that right away.

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I paid $24 for a gorgeous pair of glasses. Someone else on the boards had suggested them.

i was afraid to buy from them at first and bought $300 glasses but did order a similar pair from zenni. They are awesome!!! I will never again have to pay that much and neither do you! It took 2 weeks for them to arrive and I love them.

The one warning I will mention is in all my research on zenni, the one and major complint was that if you needed customer service you were out of luck. That was NOT my experience at all. In fact, I accidentally put in my prescription wrong and they were quick to email me and ask if I were sure about what I had entered! And just as quick to get my order out and to me.



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I paid $24 for a gorgeous pair of glasses. Someone else on the boards had suggested them.

i was afraid to buy from them at first and bought $300 glasses but did order a similar pair from zenni. They are awesome!!! I will never again have to pay that much and neither do you! It took 2 weeks for them to arrive and I love them.

The one warning I will mention is in all my research on zenni, the one and major complint was that if you needed customer service you were out of luck. That was NOT my experience at all. In fact, I accidentally put in my prescription wrong and they were quick to email me and ask if I were sure about what I had entered! And just as quick to get my order out and to me.




Oh my goodness :scared: !!!!!!!!!!!!!


I just ordered glasses from Costco yesterday and wish I'd read this post first. Costco (Sam's Club in some areas) is one of the least expensive stores to get glasses, but YIKES what a difference.


Here is the cost breakdown for my new glasses from Costco:


Exam & Prescription $60.00

Frames 64.99

Progressive Lenses with Transition Gray 129.99

Anti Reflective Treatment 29.99

Edge Polish 9.99

TOTAL $294.96


Add to this the fact that they will arrive in 7-10 working days and I have to go all the way back (23 miles) to get them.




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