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I think one of my fur-babies is close to the end

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I really hate this part of being owned by fur-babies.


My oldest rat, Lucy, has been having some pretty severe respiratory distress lately. I've had her on Doxycycline and she will continue on that for the rest of her life, however long that may end up being. Tonight, after a steam sauna to try to alleviate some panicky breathing, I had to dose her with a rescue inhaler... twice. She's finally stopped gasping and I won't euthanize while the treatments are able to work, but it's only a matter of time before I have to make a decision I don't want to have to make. :crying:

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You are right! Fur babies are beyond wonderful until they are overcome by the ailments of aging. I dread this period in their lives but wouldn't trade having had them in my life for anything. I've been where you are several times and it never gets easier. Sending big :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: and shedding a couple of tears with you.

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:grouphug: I'm sorry. I totally understand hanging on if there's a chance- a few years back I once rushed one of my ratties into a vet's office like it was an episode of ER trying to save her when she was near the end due to a respiratory infection. It's so hard watching them struggle to breathe. :(

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Aw, I'm sorry. Rats have so much personality! We had a pair that knew there names and came when called, were box trained (well, corner of the cage trained, so they could run around free) and just a joy. When one went downhill at age 3, we opted to euthanize both rather than have one be lonely. People were stumped I'd spend 10 times what a rat costs,and we were so sad, but if you have pet rats, you get it!


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:grouphug: We just went through this. We probably weren't as knowledgeable as you, but had some antibiotics in the house, so we gave them to our rat. She made a miraculous recovery (yay!) but didn't realize they couldn't go off the antibiotics :( Unfortunately two days after we stopped, she became really really sick and passed, despite us beginning the medicine again :(

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Thanks guys. It's so nice not to hear, "It's only a rat. You can buy a new one for $10." :glare: She's doing better this morning and I even got her to eat a little last night once her flare-up had calmed down a bit.

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Ooooh, big ratty hug... Yes, they are terrific little pets.


I am glad Lucy passed peacefully. You can now stop the antibiotic, nebulizer, yummy food, and steamy shower struggle. You did all you could and were really sweet and caring. It was simply her time to be done being a rat.


We've said goodbye to six of them and every death hurt a lot. But we've learned that with a little time it doesn't hurt quite as badly. We enjoy them when we have them, hurt terribly when they are gone, and then we find we can laugh and giggle and remember them after the rawness of the death is gone.


We now have three new rats (none are 1 year yet) and I just know that in two years we'll be having rattie funerals and tears -- and vet bills. That's how it goes with them.


The hurt is bad but it's balanced out by the joy of the 1000 or so days we get with each of them. The good outweighs the bad.


Thankfully, this board has not only a few rat people who "get it," but also a lot of sympathetic non-rat-people who understand too.



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