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Who remembers Pete's Pond?

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There is never anything there when I look. I am beginning to get a complex.



Okay, I just saw some fish.


LOL! That's why I was so excited to see the tiny cute animal. I remember when everyone was so obsessed years ago on the old boards, but I never saw anything but fish and birds.

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You gals are killing me. Darn husband and children demanding my time.

I did see an ostrich this morning. Still a bird but a more interesting bird then the ones I usually see. I dragged my son over to show him. He did not appreciate the awesomeness of watching an ostrich on the other side of the world.

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There are zebras right now! RIGHT NOW! :willy_nilly:


ETA: Oh, fergit it. Literally as soon as I posted here and went back over, they spooked and ran off from the water.


It wasn't me who spooked them. I was driving to swim practice.

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It wasn't me who spooked them. I was driving to swim practice.


:lol: They both turned, looked at something, and started to jog off, then the site abruptly cut over to generic advertising for awhile. All I could think was that one of them was being mauled by lions or something!!! I refreshed the page and it was back to just quiet watering hole. So I don't know, maybe you dodged a bullet there :tongue_smilie:

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This post has almost brought tears to my eyes . . Much simpler days when the kids were young and we were unaware of all their special needs. We're in such a hard space right now . . .i long for Pete's pond days. I loved Pete's Pond.


Big mama hug to you Rose... :grouphug: Hang in there.

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