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Does anyone buy encyclopedias anymore?


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I am wondering if anyone buys encyclopedias anymore - the book kind, not computer programs.


If so, what age do you recommend purchasing a set? We are planning on using Tapestry of Grace, so I don't know if that makes a difference at all.



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Used from my library. Call and ask if they have any sets they are updating, check library sales, ask to be put on a list. I got mine for $50. I'm sure that is MUCH CHEAPER than new!! By the way - they were only about 5 years old - most info I need to look up in that kind of reference doesn't get too out of date!

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We have a set of 1999 World Books that I bought at a library sale a few years ago for under $20. I would only buy World Books, so it took me a while to find them. Dc use them to write reports on anything historical, and for background on topics that they also need to find more modern information on (usually science or geography topics.)

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We bought a set from a door-to-door salesman when my oldest was six months old. Fortunately it came with a "My Book House" set, which turned out to be very valuable to us, but the encyclopedias just take up space. It was way too much money and there hasn't been enough use. Our computers all came with World Books, and more often than not we use Wikipedia for quick information, and do so few research papers (that require more than Wiki) that trips to the library to use their encyclopedias are quite doable.


I like Peekaboo's bookcase idea. I wonder how they did that? Wrap the covers around pieces of wood?

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I bought a set of World Books (the only kind I'd buy) at our library used book sale for $35. We use them at least 3-4 times a week, sometimes a whole lot more.


My two youngest "read" them even before they had learned how to read by putting post-it notes in the pages where their favorite articles were. They just liked looking at the pictures.


The rest of us are often pulling them out just for a quick "look up." I think I learned a lot of what I know by reading all the interesting stuff that caught my eye when I was supposed to be reading something else;).


All my children learned alphabetical order by my asking them to go retrieve a volume off the shelf and by asking them to look stuff up. You won't get that from wikipedia or an encyclopedia on a CD.


I often find one my children curled up in a cozy nook lost in one of the volumes, slowly flipping and reading, flipping and reading. I love that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We bought a set of used wold book encyclopedias at our library book sale for $10. They have been more than worth it. They get used lots for reading, looking up stuff and then holding down blankets when the kids make a fort. I'm all for multi-purpose tools around here! LOL ANd since I only paid $10, I'm not following them around every second worried about what they are doing with them!

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I recently purchased a 1991 World Book encyclopedia set left over from a garage sale. I found them on craigslist.org for $15, but I'm also on a list at one of our local libraries to contact if a newer set becomes available - although, I'm not sure how much it matters having an older set especially at this point since we're just starting our HS journey... however, my ds and I already enjoy having this reference resource easily accessible instead of having to boot up the computer all the time.


BTW... thanks again OhElizabeth (if you're reading this) for the helpful tips on this matter.


Now, I still need to figure out where to put them, LOL! They are neatly divided into two stacks, sitting on the floor in front of my full book shelf and waiting for a home.



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I personally hope to find a set. We have some from the 1950's. I'd like to find some on sale (like some of you lucky ladies have!) from the 90's. When I was a child, I LOVED reading our set of encyclopedias. We had World Book and I would come home, do my homework, then just sit and read whatever subjects were of interest to me.


We do have a set of "The Harvard Classics", several hardcover books with many classic and important authors, and "The Lincoln Library", a pair of books with a variety of information.

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I am wondering if anyone buys encyclopedias anymore - the book kind, not computer programs.


If so, what age do you recommend purchasing a set? We are planning on using Tapestry of Grace, so I don't know if that makes a difference at all.




I picked up a FREE set of 1993 World Book encyclopedias from my library a few weeks ago - someone donated them. I also picked up a set of free 1970 Encyclopedia Britannica. We look up things all the time. My kids use the World Books for now, but I sometimes use the Britannicas. I just keep searching Kijiji, and have my name at the library, to hopefully work my way up to newer and newer sets as my kids grow.


I'm MUCH rather have the books to curl up with.


I searched all last year so that we would at least have a set of World Books for when ds started 5th grade.

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As a child, I cherished the set of World Books my grandfather bought for us. For years they provided entertainment and learning. But as long as you have internet access, I would forego purchasing hard copies of encyclopedias unless you buy used set from library sale. We picked up a nice set of 1997 World Books for $25 at library sale in 2002 or 2003. Honestly, because of the convenience and speed, we first search the internet for encyclopedia articles.

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I am wondering if anyone buys encyclopedias anymore - the book kind, not computer programs.


If so, what age do you recommend purchasing a set? We are planning on using Tapestry of Grace, so I don't know if that makes a difference at all.




I wouldn't buy a new set. I got a set of World Books at the library for $20.00 and we use it all the time, mostly because the library is so far away.


The internet is okay, and I use it quite a bit to find things, but for academic research I think people should know how to use books. To me, they will never be obsolete.


Most internet sources (like Wikipedia, for instance) aren't suitable or recommended as sources for research, and the credibility of online sources is questionable, so I don't want my son to get into the habit of thinking that anything he finds on a website is true or useful when he is supposed to be doing a research project. Anyone can write and contribute to a Wikipedia article, so then you've got the added task of verifying the information. Go back in two weeks, and it might not even be there anymore.


Encyclopedia articles are written by experts and reviewed by editors. If I hadn't found the deal I did, I would have purchased World Book online or an encyclopedia on CD -- but not a new set of books. That cost would just be too prohibitive.


We had an old set of -- hum -- I want to say Encyclopedia Americana from the 50s when I was a kid. I used those beautiful books all the time. I've been thinking about them a lot lately, but didn't want to ask Dad about them -- I was afraid of the answer. Well, he called a few weeks ago and told me he's getting rid of all this "junk" that he's stored for years and years. So I did ask and, of course, those old books are long, long gone. I wish I'd said something earlier. But that is, of course, neither here nor there. :)

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