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IF you are continuing the 4 yr history cycle in 9-12, what are you using?

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Well, I'm scared of TOG!:tongue_smilie:


I want something with a schedule. I'm drawing a blank. What other options are there besides TOG?




Tapestry does have a weekly schedule so if this is your only hang up, you might give it a try (print out the three weeks of online samples). Here's the great thing about having a teen: you give them the weekly assignment, tell them when you are going to do various discussions, and then hold them accountable. At first, you may need to help them schedule their work, but you need to do that anyway if they are going to be prepared for anything else in life.

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Tapestry does have a weekly schedule so if this is your only hang up, you might give it a try (print out the three weeks of online samples). Here's the great thing about having a teen: you give them the weekly assignment, tell them when you are going to do various discussions, and then hold them accountable. At first, you may need to help them schedule their work, but you need to do that anyway if they are going to be prepared for anything else in life.


:iagree: We switched to TOG last year. It reduced my workload and improved our homeschool! Win-win. I print out the weekly reading sheet, check what I want each child to read, and post it on the wall in the kitchen. The kids schedule their reading assignments themselves. I just require them to be ready for the discussions on time. :D

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You people are really starting to tempt me with TOG!!!


I absolutely do not want the digital edition though. Should I even consider TOG if I would have to get the Classic edition?




A friend has been using the Classic edition and prefers it. She debated switching to the redesign, but always ruled against it. I actually borrowed her copy of Classic when I started before switching over to the redesign.


The classic doesn't have as much handholding and not all of the accountability questions can be found in the SAP. However it is more flexible, many resources are used for more than 1 level, and the books are easier to find at the library. :001_smile:

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I dropped TOG after three years (Y3, Y4, and Y1). The books at the Rhetoric level in Y3 are dry as crackers. Some of them are used in the last two units of Y2.


For Middle Ages this year, we are using TruthQuest, SWB's History of the Medieval World, History Odyssey Middle Ages Level 3, Take a Stand!, and various youtube and netflix videos.


If this year goes well, I'll probably continue with TQ and supplement with History Odyssey.




Edited by tvaleri
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SWB's history series is fabulous. It's VERY well written. Dd did ancients this past year, and will do both of SWB's Medieval and Ren books as well.


For the modern era, we are considering using a textbook by Palmer and Coulton OR possibly another book that I do not have right this minute. My co-op partner has the book, and I don't remember the author. If you want to know feel free to get in contact with me within about a week. I did not like the book SWB recommends by Paul Johnson--it's VERY advanced in vocab and syntax, and is heavy on interpretation without also giving a clear presentation of the facts and events.

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I remember I borrowed a friend's Classic a few years ago. There were these HUGE binders on my kitchen table for several weeks, but I never could get the "hang" of it. That's why I never bought it. I LOVE the idea, I just don't think I can make it work.


I was actually leaning toward Truthquest, I just wish it had more of a schedule. I did download a great one from the yahoo group that some wonderful soul posted that combines TQ, MOH, & SOTW.


But looking ahead, I can find no more schedules with TQ for AOR.


What is Take a Stand!?



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You people are really starting to tempt me with TOG!!!


I absolutely do not want the digital edition though. Should I even consider TOG if I would have to get the Classic edition?




Redesigned print edition might be the best of both worlds for you. You can order it now, you get whateve is up to date printed out and a Loom disc.

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If I was going to do the 4 year cycle again in high school, I would use History Odyssey Ancients and Middle Ages Level 3, then WTM w/ Spievogel for Early Modern & Modern, since Pandia Press apparently has no goals to make HO for those time periods/levels.:glare:


I had TOG and loved it, but I just thought it was too much work (prep wise) for one student.

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If I was going to do the 4 year cycle again in high school, I would use History Odyssey Ancients and Middle Ages Level 3, then WTM w/ Spievogel for Early Modern & Modern, since Pandia Press apparently has no goals to make HO for those time periods/levels.:glare:


I had TOG and loved it, but I just thought it was too much work (prep wise) for one student.


I wrestled with that, too. I LOVE the looks of TOG and used it 10 years ago with my son. But for one child, it's too much and too $$. When I pressed DD on what she liked about TOG, it was the discussion questions and the lapbooking. So, we'll talk and I'm signing her up to use The Notebooking Publisher so she can create notebooking pages and print them up. I told her notebooking was the high school version of lap booking. LOL

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I use Omnibus to do the 4-yr WTM lit/history plan. Due to time limitations, we only read about 2/3 of the primary books. Planning is very simple. I just let my children know for which sessions they should prepare in advance. We meet about once per week to discuss the books. I also assign writing assignments from Omnibus.


For historical background, I use Traditions & Encounters: A Brief Global History (vol 1 & 2) by Bentley, Ziegler, and Streets. I divide the chapters according to the historical period we are currently studying. Then each week, my dd reads a chapter and takes a free online quiz at the publisher's website. Periodically, she writes a paper.



Also use WEM with Omnibus for literary analysis.

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Spielvogel's Western Civ as a spine, with lots of other reading thrown in. It seems to be helpful to have something that brings a lot of it together in one place rather than chasing off after historical context all the time.


Also, I don't think my kids really appreciate someone else's discussion questions. They just discuss. They've got a lot of their own ideas that they'd like to talk through. Using canned discussion questions would just stifle them. Although discussion questions are certainly around for Spielvogel, if that's what you need:


They just don't work for my kids.


Spielvogel doesn't cover other areas of the world, so we've needed to find ways to bring those in.

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I can't believe I'm saying this....but......I'm considering BJU World and using it over 2 years. I'm NOT a BJU history fan, BUT I think I can make it work by editing and adding a bunch of literature and writing. There are 2 books in their World History and I would divide it up into 2 years, ancient being the first year. I've also looked at Notgrass, BF Ancient History, MFW, MOH, Glencoe World History, and Streams of Civilization.

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Tapestry of Grace. This is my fourth year; for 6 or 7 years I made it up a la SWB. The schedule & book selection helps me a lot although I do substitute and add a lot. I never knew when to quit before, and took too long to get through an era. TOG keeps me disciplined. I am going to try to blend it with SWB literature approach more this year.

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