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I need more kids.

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Yes! That's why I'm going to keep my grandbaby that is due in October while her mommy works part-time. My other son is moving here in January when dil gets out of the MC. They are both going to school and I'll have two grandbabies to keep me company!

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I have already decided that I'm homeschooling the grand kids too!!!


OH, I'd love to do that! Going to be a while, I fear.

And the ones who have the most chance of producing the offspring are the least likely to homeschool...:D


It's a good lesson for me to feel this way, because I didn't appreciate what I had when I had it--I tend to do that a lot. This feeling reminds me to be grateful, I guess.

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I can't sympathize. The older and more independent kiddo gets the more I get to do my things and I'm really enjoying that!


me too....shhhhh....it makes me feel selfish....


Then again, you can send your 3 year olds here....I like to play Grandma, and as my kids are in no way ready or willing to do that ONE LITTLE THING for me.....I would be happy to pretend for a little bit.

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I'm actually old enough to be the grandmother of all four of my kids (I'm 48 and had the eldest when I was 35), and yet I still dread that moment when they'll all be gone. My youngest is only five, and I still feel sad that I'll never go through that 'baby stage' again. I think I'll always feel that I need more kids, however old I get. Sadly my eldest is only 13, so we're quite a long way away from grandchildren, especially if he's anything like his father who was 39 when DS was born. My paternal grandmother, who I'm very similar to in many ways, had my aunt's children living with her until she was well into her seventies, I feel quite envious of her these days.

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I can't sympathize. The older and more independent kiddo gets the more I get to do my things and I'm really enjoying that!


:iagree: And mine aren't even that old or independent, yet. But they can feed themselves a sandwich, pour themselves a drink, and wipe their own butts. Loving every minute of it.


I did feel a little old when DD turned double digits a couple weeks ago, though.

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My youngest is only five, and I still feel sad that I'll never go through that 'baby stage' again. I think I'll always feel that I need more kids, however old I get.
I found myself listening to complete chaos and mayhem as I was getting dinner ready - the chaos that comes from a house full of laughing, shouting, playing dc - and I found myself crying over the rice at the very thought of a quiet house with no dc in it, big or little. I can't imagine at this point how I'm going to adjust to not having littles, middles or olders around and find myself holding and touching all of my dc a little more lately.
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Oh my goodness, yes! I am already so sad at the thought of not having my kiddos with me and feel like I have so much more to give. They are 14, 12, 10, & 8, so i still have time with them and they still need me, but I can see that it will not be long til they are all gone. So sad :crying::crying:

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How can I be so old and have only one kiddo left at home?

How did this happen? :glare:


Anyone else feel you ran out of children before you were ready to stop mothering in that "I have small children at home" sorta way?


This bothers me EVERY day at least a dozen times. I did not have as many kids as I desired and the regret of it hurts me daily.


And that is notwithstanding the fact that I do enjoy the increase in freedom to pursue my own interests. I enjoy it, but I would happily have put that on hold for more years so I could have another kid or two or three coming up behind these.

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Oh my goodness, yes! I am already so sad at the thought of not having my kiddos with me and feel like I have so much more to give. They are 14, 12, 10, & 8, so i still have time with them and they still need me, but I can see that it will not be long til they are all gone. So sad :crying::crying:


I was just thinking this very sentiment this past weekend at my dd's soccer game. One of the couples has a little foster daughter. She was interacting with me and I was telling her all about her shoes and how many there were and how they go with her two feet and the colors on the shoes....big sigh. This is exactly the thought I had. I thought, "I love teaching little kids all these things. I love this interaction. I miss it terribly." :crying:

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