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what do I NEED to have ready for baby?

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House is still not finished (remodeling), etc...but I'll be 37 weeks on Friday and I feel I need to have the basics ready in case baby comes early. (first kid was 38 weeks, second was 42 weeks, so who knows when this one will come).


I have the pack and play from my daughter, and some sheets.

I have infant prefolds, covers, and some borrowed fitted diapers.

I have cloth wipes.

I have about 5 gowns I think.

I have nursing bras as I'm still nursing my daughter.

I bought one box of nursing pads.


I'm good, right? I mean, I plan to buy some more clothes for the poor child, but in a pinch I'm good?

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I guess you have all your birth supplies ready?


All I can think of is some clothes, I like gowns and onesies at first(I know everyone has different preferences though). Of course this time of year there is likley not need for much unless you keep your house very cold. I cannot think of anything else I use- oh, some lanolin is nice to have for the first few days I think. Easy pantry supplies/meals.

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Car seat? Onesies if you're in a cooler area. Does your remodel include plumbing? I'd probably have a pack of disposables on hand just in case. Food in the freezer.


I'm two days ahead of you. Getting a little nervous about everything that's not done yet. (and feeling like crap today, so having a lazy day.)

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Do you need hot water bottles? (errr...how do you call these, you use them to help the baby keep the right body temperature.....I'm having a brain freeze :tongue_smilie:).


We are always instructed to have two of those and I always thought that ridiculous, especially in the summer. Until I had a baby, born at 39 weeks, healthy weight, who needed them while it was 30C outside (and inside, because we don't have AC) :001_huh:.

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I've got Depends, which I like better than pads for the first few days. Need to pick up some pads for later as well as some other birth supplies. (alcohol, peroxide, extra washcloths, towels). I keep forgetting Lansinoh! Thanks for that one.


And yes, clothes for sure...maybe I'll order some onsies and blankets online now, to make myself feel better :)

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I would get enough disposable diapers for the first week. Washing that nasty meconium out of cloth diapers would be a real drag.


I have a few samples, but both my kids wore cloth right away, and suprisingly the meconium washes out better than toddler poop! It left no stains at all. I was shocked.

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I couldn't survive breast feeding without Lansinoh!


A boppie.


A bouncy seat - a safe place to put the baby upright-ish while you handle something else.


A basket by the chair where you plan to breastfeed that holds: a favorite book for you, a few favorite books for the other little one, an extra tube of Lansinoh, an extra bottle of water, a granola bar, the phone, a pad of paper and some pens, a burp cloth and some wipes, etc.

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A carseat and a sling of some sort are all I'd add. If you're worried about more clothing, grab a jumbo package of the undershirt weight onesies and call it good.


For you, Depends, loose bottoms or nursing friendly gowns, and a big cup with a lid for lugging your drinking water around.

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I would get enough disposable diapers for the first week. Washing that nasty meconium out of cloth diapers would be a real drag.


Meconium actually washes out without any extra fuss at all. My last four babes wore cloth from the moment they were born and we never had a problem. *shrug* :001_smile:

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thanks all! No bouncy seat yet, do need one, but I suppose that is something we could send someone for later on. No hot water bottles, but we do have "heating pad" on the list from the midwife, and have one. She mainly uses it to warm up the blankets though. Got a boppy at my shower yesterday, thankfully. Can't imagine life without that! And I have a cup with a lid and straw that came with my birth pool :)

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Pads for you

That and these things. You don't really need much, there's so much stuff that seems like it's a necessity but it isn't. Jackjack was born less than two weeks before the movers took our stuff for the move and we went into various hotels right after for over a month. What you already have plus pads for yourself, lansinoh cream, a baby carrier, and the bottom spray were the things I had as well and I wouldn't have changed anything. He's five months now and I'm glad I didn't have the option of buying a boppy/bouncy seat/mobile as it would've been money wasted IMO. Save the money and spend it on a nice wall decal for baby's room ;)

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Mother Love nipple cream worked sooooo much better for me than Lansinoh. It's about the same cost, maybe a bit more and a little goes a loooonnngg way.


Carseat if you drive.


A well stocked pantry and freezer so you don't have to go out for groceries for awhile. Cooking some dinners ahead of time can't hurt if you have the energy!

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