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What you miss by not having your children in school

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It's the form filling time of year. I just filled out (one for each child) parental contact sheets, pupil behaviour contracts, school trip permission/medical forms, IT agreements, reception invitation replies..... I'm sure I've missed some out and will need to fill them in after school starts.


Calvin reminds me that I got so confused that I filled in some twice. Not to mention that they all got put away in a filing cabinet when we had visitors and I spent a couple of days combing the house for them.


Now it's time for uniform buying.....



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*sigh* Yeah. I hate the form-filling-out. Then, for the first two or three months of school, it's the "Fee-to-Death." Playing volleyball? Sports fee. Taking French? Workbook fee. Gym uniform? Oh, there's a fee for that. And bring two boxes of tissues, while you're at it. :glare: I already pay tuition, for cryin' out loud!

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I tell you what I *don't* miss.


The incessant fundraisers!! :ack2: "But Mommy! We only have to sell 942863418 buckets of cookie dough to get this Rubber Duck! It's no ordinary Rubber Duck! This rubber duck is dressed like a rock star!!"


Think I'm lying? Here's the duck in question.


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*sigh* Yeah. I hate the form-filling-out. Then, for the first two or three months of school, it's the "Fee-to-Death." Playing volleyball? Sports fee. Taking French? Workbook fee. Gym uniform? Oh, there's a fee for that. And bring two boxes of tissues, while you're at it. :glare: I already pay tuition, for cryin' out loud!


They are added to a monthly bill. You just have to sign to say that you agree to the fee.


You only provide your child's stationery - the teacher's stuff/classroom stuff is provided by the school.


Fundraisers? A few bake sales at school, but not much pressure.


It sounds like I have it easy, actually.



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Fundraisers? A few bake sales at school, but not much pressure.



Somehow I don't think other countries include food eating contests as the start to fundraising season.


We used to have to sell magazines (forced to sell one, told not to go door to door, even threatened not to be allowed to walk across stage at graduation our senior year), a giant box of chocolates, and the list goes on.


The whole thing kicked off with a hamburger or pizza eating contest. No one ever explained why. I hate, hate, hate watching those. Then the pep talk to "encourage" us. Why is this even allowed???

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I have 2 in PS, and 4 homeschool and one 4year old who is just attached to momma, but the forms! The rules that are not enforced and fund raisers and inflated book fairs!!!!!

Last year they told all the 1st graders it was buy one get one free, 3/4 of my 6 years class (including him) came home with a book they took, thinking they got one free! We brought it back and the teacher said that only 5 students brought them back! 10 books from just that day never made it back. :lol:

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I admit feeling a little left out when all the parents were posting their back to school pics of their kids on Facebook-I may have to take dd7 out and buy her a cute pair of pajamas:) (which will probably then be only worn for school, because usually she wears t-shirts and shorts to bed!)

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my son's last year in school (took him out after first marking period) I decided not to fill out any forms and just see what would happen. Nothing happened, I never heard from the school about all the missing forms. Now if ds had stayed in school longer than first marking period, I might have heard from them but maybe not. It was crazy the amount of forms they sent home.

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It was crazy the amount of forms they sent home.

My mom gave me my old school records. They included all sorts of forms about my infant milestones, which my mother hadn't kept track of. So she just made things up. Things like, walked at 6 months. Talked at age 5. I don't think anyone really read them anyway. :glare:

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This year our district went to online registration. Most of the forms that needed signing were taken care of by a click and typing in my name.


That being said, the rest of the registration process was badly done. The program they used wasn't at all friendly--more like something that should have been done on the school side. It wouldn't allow me to change emergency contacts. It's still says I owe fees for a student when I have a record of having paid elsewhere. All in all, a mess.

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Things I miss about PS:


I miss visiting during pick up time with other moms.


I miss the smiling faces of so many of the wonderful staff we had.


I miss volunteering in the classroom, which is really what led me to understand how much I would enjoy doing it all day long with my own kids.


I miss feeling like we "belong" somewhere. We still don't really fit in anywhere as homeschoolers.


Now, here's what I DON'T miss!:


I don't miss feeling like a criminal or liar simply because I want to pull my kid out for the afternoon to go do something non-school related.


I don't miss the school giving my VERY NOT FAT child concerns over recording his BMI.


I don't miss wanting to have lunch with my son and having to meet in a disgusting, overcrowded, noisy lunch room with crappy food and ill behaved kids.


I don't miss fund raisers. I'll never miss them.


I don't miss grades and the pointlessness of them...and two of my three got great grades and I STILL recognized how pointless they were.


I don't miss having a teacher tell me, when asked about my son's inability to make friends "Trust your son, he is showing great judgment. I wouldn't want my kids playing with ANYONE in this class other than yours. Just hope next year is better."


I don't miss homework in 1st grade, and every other grade. I considered it an invasion of our personal time after they already had my kids for the best hours of the day.


I don't miss the tug in my heart as summer ended and I knew I had to send them back.


I don't miss getting up at 6:30 AM and bugging my kids, who I knew were tired, to get moving so we were not late.


I don't miss buying school clothes.


I don't miss stupid, stupid lists of items to supply the school with...Kleenex, hand santizer, plastic baggies, pencils to "share", note cards I never saw used, etc.


I don't miss the language that comes out of the mouths of even the very young kids.


I don't miss hearing my son was taunted on the playground again because he has cleft lip and palate and can't speak clearly.


I don't miss hearing that the 4th graders are "hooking up".


I don't miss Everyday Math.


I don't miss sitting in the car, watching my children trudge slowly into school with overloaded backpacks, and heavy hearts.


I don't miss the guilt that came every year when I'd turn to my hubby and ask "Do you think we ought to be homeschooling?"



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I do not miss having the school trying to run our lives during the times (i.e., summer) when school is not even in session. Mandatory summer reading was bad enough, but math packets and writing assignments, due on the first day of school, were too much.


The irony is that now, as a homeschooling mother, I do require some work of my dc over the summer. But I see it as different. It offsets, rather than adding to, the work we do during the school year.


I also don't miss the stupid, unreasonable last-minute requests from the school for supplies -- "Oh, Mom, I know we went out and got all the supplies on the list, but the teacher gave us a new list of more things that we need to have." And some of those things never got used.

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