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Do your kids devour books?

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We had NO idea the last book came out today - but when I mentioned to my dd that it was - because of your post - she snatched the laptop - "Let me See. Let ME See!" :lol: Does that count as excited??


So yes, my daughter does read/listen to a lot of books.


And, yeah, my toddler ate his beloved dinosaur book a year ago - I taped it back together.

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YES! My kids do devour books. My 9th grader was reading a book a day in PS last year. One of the reasons we are homeschooling her this coming year.


We did not know the maximum ride book came out either....guess we are in for a trip to the bookstore tomorrow.


We have read the sisters grimm series (5th grader) and the rangers apprentice series.


Any other series out there for us moms of devourers to try?


I am :bigear: for new books....especially for high school.

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My dd9 goes through spurts. The Maximum Ride series looks great! What age range would you say they were for? Would my dd9 be able to read them?


I struggle with recommending books for kids, because every family is different. My kids read stuff that many parents on this forum would faint over..lol. I think *for us* 11 or 12 is a better age to start this series.


The Maximum Ride series has a LOT of violence in it. Mild cursing. I think the sex related stuff is pretty minimal, if there is any at all. There is a love interest, but it isn't over the top. It has been a long time since I have read any of them, and I haven't read the last two at all.

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Yes. Often one or more per day for my older son. When he was reading shorter, lighter stuff like Boxcar Kids it was easily 6+ a day. He still reads some shorter books but he also does 1 longer book each day or two (if exceptionally long.)



I have to keep a book log for my state's HSing requirements, and it is a joke to try to keep up with DS1's reading. I think the district wouldn't even believe the volume of books he has read if I managed to catch all of them to write down. I probably miss a lot of them.


We do a mandatory 2 hour quiet time, and most days he spends his 2 hours reading. THen he reads an additional 30-60 mins at bedtime, and sometimes for a few mins when he's first waking up.

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My oldest does. I could never keep up with her. It's amazing how quickly she reads and how well she retains the information. That's why she does so well with Omnibus. :) But my younger 3 dc, sadly do NOT like to read. I have spent hours and hours and hours reading aloud to them, hoping that it will start some sort of love of reading in them. But all they want to do is play sports, or watch a movie in the evening. I assign them books during the school year, and it is like herding cats to get them to finish. Actually it's more like herding a brushed-up cow, but most of you probably haven't had the pleasure of that experience. It's maddening!

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I have to keep a book log for my state's HSing requirements, and it is a joke to try to keep up with DS1's reading. I think the district wouldn't even believe the volume of books he has read if I managed to catch all of them to write down.


It is impossible to keep up here either. People look at me funny when they realize that my DD reads all the SL books and all of the TOG books, usually both primary and alternative, and she still reads outside of that at about a book a day. I gave up trying to keep track of them all and only write down the ones used with our curriculum. Sometimes I even hide books. :lol: I am an avid reader so I am very grateful that my kids have picked it up as well, my DH doesn't read for pleasure at all.

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