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Teachers Lounge! Woohoo!

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The Lounge is now open! Mainly because I'm avoiding school lessons. Yep, we've started back. Slowly. And now I'm totally rethinking what I had planned. Oi! Does it ever end??


What's for lunch? Here: no clue. Going to check on that in a sec! Probably hot dogs.


Do you ever think, and rethink, your curriculum and lesson choices? Hit me HARD today. :tongue_smilie:


Have you started back to school yet? If so, how'd it go? If not, when do you start up again?


Talk to me! :bigear:

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The Lounge is now open! Mainly because I'm avoiding school lessons. Yep, we've started back. Slowly. And now I'm totally rethinking what I had planned. Oi! Does it ever end??


What's for lunch? Here: no clue. Going to check on that in a sec! Probably hot dogs.


Do you ever think, and rethink, your curriculum and lesson choices? Hit me HARD today. :tongue_smilie:


Have you started back to school yet? If so, how'd it go? If not, when do you start up again?


Talk to me! :bigear:


Leftover spagetti and meatballs.


Every single day. I'm neck deep in last minute tweaks. I've done zero literature planning. I'm considering covering it on the fly!


We start 8/27. I don't know if I want time to hurry or slow down.

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Yay, lounge!


Kids had sandwiches; I'm waiting for my chicken and cauliflower soup to be ready. I'm enjoying being back to LC eating, but I seem to have forgotten all the meals I used to eat that fit this plan.


I rethink my curriculum choices often. No matter how solid I think my plans are, I seem to frequently second-guess myself or be tempted by some new shiny I read about here. I'm trying to stand firm, and use what we have because I know I had a reason to choose these books/programs. :)


We're not formally starting until after ps starts, as two of mine are in ps this year (long story that I'm not entirely happy about). Around here, that's late - Sept. 10. The kid staying home starts an online class in a couple of weeks though, so we'll be easing into schoolwork gently. I still have a lot to do to get ready, mostly the fiddly bits like setting up binders and installing software.

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What's for lunch?


Whatever everyone makes for themselves. Lunch is always DIY here. I'm cleaning and organizing today in advance of having one of my daughter's college friends stay for a few days. So, I've just been snacking as I work.


Do you ever think, and rethink, your curriculum and lesson choices? Hit me HARD today. :tongue_smilie:


Occasionally. Once or twice, I've been in the process of writing lesson plans or weekly goals for a subject and just decided I hated everything and started over. And there have been a couple of years when a given subject or curriculum just didn't work for one or the other of the kids and we've re-worked the plan part way through the year.


More commonly, my problem is that I can't stop adding things to the plan.


Have you started back to school yet? If so, how'd it go? If not, when do you start up again?


We usually follow the public school calendar so that my son is in sync with his friends. They start on August 20. However, my son is leaving on his choir tour to England this Saturday and won't be back until a week after the schools start. I figure he'll need a few days to sleep and unpack before he'll be any use trying to learn anything. And my husband's birthday is right after that. So, my current plan is to wait until September 5.


(My husband thinks this is how it's supposed to be, anyway. We grew up in California, where school never started until after Labor Day. So, he thinks it's barbaric that schools here start so early. Every single year we have an exchange in which I mention the date of the new school year and he expresses surprise as how early it is. Every. Single. Year.)

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DID YOU MISS ME??? Scrap! I missed you!


Does it ever end?? I'm sorry, but the answer is no.


What's for lunch? Can you guess? Wait for it. . . . here it comes. . . . a salad with protein! :thumbup:


Do you ever think, and rethink, your curriculum and lesson choices? We haven't even finished last year yet. I had not even thought about next year's curriculum or lesson choices. Oops! Gotta get going on that!


Have you started back to school yet? If so, how'd it go? If not, when do you start up again? Dd is, for all intents and purposes done and on a very short summer break for the month of August. Ds has one class that he is finishing up. We have the month of August off. We will start again in September but I'm not exactly sure when. Traditionally we've always started on Labor Day!

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The Lounge is now open! Mainly because I'm avoiding school lessons. Yep, we've started back. Slowly. And now I'm totally rethinking what I had planned. Oi! Does it ever end?? Yes, of course we missed it!


What's for lunch? Here: no clue. Going to check on that in a sec! Probably hot dogs. Baked french fries, salad, fresh fruit (cherries or peaches), cheddar cheese cubes, yogurt, and tall glasses of milk


Do you ever think, and rethink, your curriculum and lesson choices? Hit me HARD today. :tongue_smilie: I think I did that a lot more with dd than I do now. She was our first and there was a big age difference between her and the next eldest. That left a lot of time to think about whether what I had been doing was effective or not. She's graduated homeschool, has half her degree in chemistry done and works full-time as a paramedic - totally financially indepenent and a 4.0 in college. So, I'm feeling a little more solid about what I choose for the boys.


Have you started back to school yet? If so, how'd it go? If not, when do you start up again? We started back on July 23rd, four days that week, four days the following week, and now on to five days per week. It's going better than I expected. I thought it would be harder to get them back into the swing of things after having 5 weeks off.


Talk to me! :bigear:




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What's for lunch?

Well, we just had dinner not too long ago. ;) Kabobs, corn on the cob, and watermelon with homemade lemonade to drink. I looooooove summer!


Do you ever think, and rethink, your curriculum and lesson choices? Hit me HARD today. :tongue_smilie:

Oy. Yes. And then we get to the point where I buy and it doesn't really matter any more because the curriculum/lesson plans are going to be cannibalized anyway. I bought Learning Adventures this year but I'm already seeing how we're going to use it as a place to touch base and do our own parallel units using primary resources. Jackdaw number 1 just came today and will fit in nicely with the journals and documents I have already. But no worries - we'll still build the paper towel roll canoe! :lol:


Have you started back to school yet? If so, how'd it go? If not, when do you start up again?

We're starting on the 20th. Two weeks of nothingness left!

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What's for lunch? Chicken, macaroni salad, potato salad and chips


Do you ever think, and rethink, your curriculum and lesson choices? All the time sometimes we switch and other times we keep trucking on


Have you started back to school yet? No, We start on the 3rd of September. We are still in summer school mode. We end our summer session next Wednesday and have a two wk vacation.

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Oh I missed you!


Lunch was leftovers for me - chicken spinach sausages with sweet potatoes



Yes. Oh yes. I rethink to the point of second-guessing. But I have learned to use what I have for a month or a quarter until I change. I planned this stuff for a reason. By golly, I'm going to give it a try. Usually by the end of a month of using it, I have my confidence back and continue on as planned. I changed stuff a lot more in the beginning.


No school for us yet. My older dd starts public school next week. :( My ds goes back to college the week after that. :( Youngest and I will start sometime later although we did start doing reading lessons this week and next week we'll add math. I think we're going to need some time to adjust to being alone first.

Edited by Karen in CO
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What's for lunch? Cucumber and hummus. Yum.


Do you ever think, and rethink, your curriculum and lesson choices? Not usually. Sometimes I wonder if Saxon is the math we should be using because math geniuses all seem to hate it, but you know what, it works for us...


Have you started back to school yet? If so, how'd it go? If not, when do you start up again? We start in one week on 8/13. Today we are cleaning the schoolroom and making sure things are in shape!

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Glad to "see" all of you! I want a schoolroom! Actually, I'd just like A room. And mostly, I'd just like to be out of the desert! Daily pleading my case on that one!


Update: lunch was hot dogs! :)


We're supposed to do US History together but ds isn't done with his math yet. I swear every time he sits down to do it, he has to use the bathroom, has an itch, something hurts, etc, etc, etc! Think it's time to go visit the Sizzlebop website again!


Chat at ya later! :D

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I though I might try hanging around the lounge this year:)...


Whats for lunch? Kids had crackers and cheese sticks with applesauce. It was a hurried lunch because today is both dance and swimming. I am fixing myself a leftover bean and cheese burrito.


Do I ever rethink things? Yes, but mostly it is rethinking whether or not I can do all I want to do with multiple children. Last year I mostly schooled one. This year I have a 3rd, a resistant ker, and a very motivated preKer.


Have we started? No. We start Sep 3. I will be continuing to get everything prepared before then. Hopefully I get it done!

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We went grocery shopping this morning, so after we put everything away, I wasn't in the mood to do a lot of lunch fixing. LOL We just had jelly sandwiches and fruit.


My third grader is ready for school to start, but I am waiting until next week...I still have some organizing to finish. I am second guessing everything. I have to stop reading emails from curriculum companies and the homeschool buyers co-op. Everytime my inbox dings I find something that just might be a better fit than what I have. LOL

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I like the idea of a lounge. It sounds nice and relaxing, just what I need! :D


What's for lunch? I'm at work, so that would be tomato soup, wheat thins, and carrots w/ ranch. no idea what the rest of my house ate.


Do you ever think, and rethink, your curriculum and lesson choices? Always! I've been thinking and rethinking and second-guessing since DH picked it out in early June. After whining to everyone all weekend about it, I made myself sit down and look at it objectively and they're not bad texts. I need to have more faith in myself!


Have you started back to school yet? If so, how'd it go? If not, when do you start up again?

We start Aug. 27 when ps starts b/c we're teen-minding for my BFF this summer and he's in ps. My DS is still working his way through Algebra I though.

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What's for lunch? We met dh for lunch at our favorite tex-mex restaurant. I had chicken quesadillas.


Do you ever think, and rethink, your curriculum and lesson choices? This year, yes. I think it's because ds is in high school now. I want to make sure he is doing enough. I ordered more things from Rainbow and I am anxiously awaiting them.


Have you started back to school yet? If so, how'd it go? If not, when do you start up again? We started Monday and it was a long day, but a very good first day. I have been anxious about this year because of my almost 2 year old and the dynamics of keeping him busy. It worked out and today was an even better day. Yesterday we had school until 4. Today we finished right before 3 and that was even with going out for lunch(we started earlier, too).

Edited by KRG
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I missed you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much!


The Lounge is now open! Mainly because I'm avoiding school lessons. Yep, we've started back. Slowly. And now I'm totally rethinking what I had planned. Oi! Does it ever end?? You would probably know better than me :tongue_smilie:


What's for lunch? We had some sort of pasta thing with white sauce, but instead of using cream (which we can't have anymore) I used some canned coconut milk. It wasn't *too* weird, just a little bit.


Do you ever think, and rethink, your curriculum and lesson choices? Only about every other day :svengo: I have an order for RR that I keep tweaking then retweaking, then retweaking. It's a good thing I don't have to have it placed until October. If I actually needed the stuff now, I think I might be in trouble.


Have you started back to school yet? If so, how'd it go? If not, when do you start up again? We officially started on July 2, mostly because I wanted some structure to our day. If we take a long time off, it's ridiculously hard to get him to start again, so I'm going with the year round thing anyway. And I wanted to feel official so it would help motivate me to actually git 'er done.


Most every thing was same ol', same ol' but we did start history with SOTW. We're having quite a bit of fun, which surprised me. I didn't think he would enjoy it that much but he does like it and I'm doing some of the projects. Now if I could just figure out how to do science :willy_nilly:

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Ok, I missed the lunch planning portion of the day. (the kids had mac and cheese)


We did English and history, and the kids had so screen time while the grownups had a lie-down after lunch. They watched... Algebra. All three of them. There was heckling. The 7 year olds were put out because they've "already done this" (rational numbers). :lol:


The 11 yo is actually doing a bang-up job of outlining this go 'round. Very excited. I thought it was going to be one of those fights to the death, but no.


I sort of broke the laser printer when I decided to clean it (after extricating a piece of paper so wedged in there it came out in tufts) and immediately shot the tube thing off the can of air into the inner regions and could totally.not.find.it.


Husband and his geek screwdriver kit have saved the day.


Yes, I am a crazy, obsessive planner. We are "easing in", mostly because I haven't finished organizing the new school room. Is it wrong to label and organize our books by the DDS?


Supper is sausage and peppers, and I got a bottle of this to celebrate the first week back to school. It's like a Moscato. Sweet. Really tasty and perfect for the summer. (Why, yes, that IS me on the label! :lol:)


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Lunch was whatever people could find in the fridge and pantry. I'm mean like that ;)


Rethinking curriculum ? Not really. Once I make the decision I'm all set. Sometimes it takes me a while to actually make the decision.


The first day of school will be Aug. 29 as dd17 will begin her senior year that day. We'll spend two days easing in to the subjects for the year, then we'll enjoy a four day weekend :lol:

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