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Ever want to just throw everything in your house away and start over?

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We start school in two weeks and I'm STILL trying to get my house under control (story of my (insert expletive here) life!)


I was supposed to spend July painting my room, pulling carpet in my room and the girls room, decluttering/organizing the house, and implementing new systems for laundry and household chores to get things under control once and for all.


I've managed to get some things organized and decluttered but my bigger projects are still looming over me.


A large part of my problem is just simply finding the time! The babies and ds8 (special needs) take up the majority of my day and by the time dh gets home, I just want to collapse!


Maybe if I just got rid of all of our stuff, life would be easier? Oh, if it were only that simple :tongue_smilie::glare:

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OP, I am right there with you...posted recently about not being motivated. I did get some things sold or donated this summer, but yes, the big projects are lurking in the shadows I avoid every day. :lol:


My biggest struggle right now is getting the school work at least somewhat planned and books/materials organized for the year.


Torching it all....hmmm, there's a thought. My fantasy consists of a lovely dumpster being delivered and dropped off right outside a certain set of windows, conveniently located to both the bottom and top story of our house. When it arrives we all go outside to admire it. After I celebrate the arrival of the dumpster I open the windows and we are all in slow motion (with joyous music in the background) blissfully throwing things into the dumpster. After the dumpster drives away, we get dressed into the nicest clothes we have left and go out to dinner so that I will not have to cook and can be waited on by someone else.

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OP, I am right there with you...posted recently about not being motivated. I did get some things sold or donated this summer, but yes, the big projects are lurking in the shadows I avoid every day. :lol:


My biggest struggle right now is getting the school work at least somewhat planned and books/materials organized for the year.


Torching it all....hmmm, there's a thought. My fantasy consists of a lovely dumpster being delivered and dropped off right outside a certain set of windows, conveniently located to both the bottom and top story of our house. When it arrives we all go outside to admire it. After I celebrate the arrival of the dumpster I open the windows and we are all in slow motion (with joyous music in the background) blissfully throwing things into the dumpster. After the dumpster drives away, we get dressed into the nicest clothes we have left and go out to dinner so that I will not have to cook and can be waited on by someone else.


This is the most beautiful thing I've ever read....:001_wub::crying:


I especially like the slow motion/beautiful music part....oh I can see it now.....can the dumpster come to my house next? ....Hmmm where do I want to go for dinner....Black Angus, maybe? Then we can go shopping :lol:

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:D:D I decided to comment since I have had to start over from scratch.


A few years ago, we lost everything when our moving truck caught fire. We were so blessed that while we lost everything, we still had an empty house to live in while we re-bought a life.


Last weekend, we moved across the country (16th military move) and I had 2.8 seconds worth of dreaming about starting over (just keeping it real :D).


Our new house is 600-700 sq. ft smaller than our last house and has zero built in cabinets for storage and it has a gross shortage of closets. I want to start school on Monday, but while 90% of our house is unpacked and organized, my school area, our books, and our DVDs/CDs are going to drive me insane since I don't know where to put them.


I would rather sit here surfing the internet (I'm supposed to be searching for cabinet-type furniture), but I need to attack and conqure the schoolwork - even if I just make stacks of books.

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This is the most beautiful thing I've ever read....:001_wub::crying:


I especially like the slow motion/beautiful music part....oh I can see it now.....can the dumpster come to my house next? ....Hmmm where do I want to go for dinner....Black Angus, maybe? Then we can go shopping :lol:


I believe they revoke your shopping license when they bring you the dumpster. :tongue_smilie:


Glad I amused someone other than myself!

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This only helps with a couple of rooms, but every 2 years we switch our kids' bedrooms. We pull every little thing out of both rooms and move it into wherever (hallway, our bedroom, the living room, etc.) Then we move everything back into the other room. During this process we have to get rid of a lot of stuff, since our second bedroom is probably 25% bigger than the third bedroom. Yes, it's a giant pain in the rear and it takes a few days, but there is nothing more exciting to a kid than a spotless new room. (Oddly, the "preferential" room is the small one since it is toasty warm in the winter and right next to mom & dad's room. The kids are always willing to downsize to move into "the little room.") It's kind of like starting over, though like I said, it only works for two rooms.


ETA: I somehow missed the "pulling carpet" part of your post, OP. Yeah, I would be putting that off as long as possible too!

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We start school in two weeks and I'm STILL trying to get my house under control (story of my (insert expletive here) life!)


I was supposed to spend July painting my room, pulling carpet in my room and the girls room, decluttering/organizing the house, and implementing new systems for laundry and household chores to get things under control once and for all.


I've managed to get some things organized and decluttered but my bigger projects are still looming over me.


A large part of my problem is just simply finding the time! The babies and ds8 (special needs) take up the majority of my day and by the time dh gets home, I just want to collapse!


Maybe if I just got rid of all of our stuff, life would be easier? Oh, if it were only that simple :tongue_smilie::glare:




Oh so often! I am always looking for something to remove so that there will be an empty spot. Oh glorious emptiness! I say all the time...if we ever just start from scratch....



I was helping my mother rearrange her living room the other day, and I made an empty spot. She was quite distressed by this and felt that something had to go in the empty place :001_huh:. It is a very interesting process to watch me try to convince my mother that it is o.k to not have every available spot filled with a piece of furniture, decorative object, picture, accent piece, etc. :lol:

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oh absolutely! i am not even doing anything about it! i usually do slightly bigger purging/cleaning on our quarterly school breaks, but i injured my knee 6 mo ago and its still not working . . . so i cant squat, cant kneel, cant go up and down the stairs easily, getting up off the floor is a real challenge, and honestly I dont want to spend much time on my feet. the house is SOO bad! I did buy a file cabinet . . .the old one was rusted and had a lot of cat spray on it :001_huh: so i put the new one next to my desk instead of next to the cat food, and i'm hoping i can keep up with it . . but first I have to work through literally 2 years of undone filing . . . i want to throw SO MUCH away!! oh, and I spent a half hour in the attic yesterday, looking for a few books I KNOW are up there . . . . my husband is a total book pack rat . . . we kinda need to cover the entire house with bookshelves . ..

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I have actually asked for a dumpster for my birthday three years running now. The family laughs at me and buy me a birthday cake. They don't understand that I'm serious! :banghead: On second thought, maybe they DO know I'm serious and are afraid I'll really do it. :tongue_smilie: (And I would too!)

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I have actually asked for a dumpster for my birthday three years running now. The family laughs at me and buy me a birthday cake. They don't understand that I'm serious! :banghead: On second thought, maybe they DO know I'm serious and are afraid I'll really do it. :tongue_smilie: (And I would too!)


For every gift giving occasion, I ask for a clean house. I still haven't received this gift yet, either.

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We start school in two weeks and I'm STILL trying to get my house under control (story of my (insert expletive here) life!)


I was supposed to spend July painting my room, pulling carpet in my room and the girls room, decluttering/organizing the house, and implementing new systems for laundry and household chores to get things under control once and for all.


I've managed to get some things organized and decluttered but my bigger projects are still looming over me.


A large part of my problem is just simply finding the time! The babies and ds8 (special needs) take up the majority of my day and by the time dh gets home, I just want to collapse!


Maybe if I just got rid of all of our stuff, life would be easier? Oh, if it were only that simple :tongue_smilie::glare:



I'll let you know if it makes life easier! I am giving/selling/throwing away about 80% of our stuff. It is both liberating and terrifying. Every bag or box that leaves this house, leaves me feeling less weighed down from ALL THE STUFF, and feeling more like myself.

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My dream is for an intervention something like the TV show "Consumed".


Everything gets removed from my house and neatly spread out in a giant warehouse where it is all visible. Then I sort through it, deciding which of these items I really want to bring back into my house (it is so much easier to decide what is worth keeping and forget the rest, than to decide what to throw/give away).


While I'm sorting, a professional organizer plans/creates/builds storage areas in my home appropriate to my family's lifestyle and categories of stuff. Once I'm done sorting, the organizer organizes it all, and I come home to a clean, neat, organized haven.


Nice dream :D.

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Yes! I am slowly doing it. I am about to place pile number three for the summer out on the curb! I put good stuff: shoes, clothes, toys, books, etc that we don't need or use on the curb and place a Craigslist add....within an hour it is all gone. It is wonderful!! I am in the middle of afile cabinet cleanup...one giant trashing so far. I am tossing and shredding like.mad!

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When I went to the neighbors house on the street behind us (we share a back fence) looking for our indoor cat that had gotten out they had a rented dumpster in front of their house. Ohhhhhh, was I jealous! I would love to have one here, even if only for a couple days. Now THAT would get me motivated to get my butt out of bed in the morning, just for the sheer joy of tossing stuff! If Goodwill wanted to leave a trailer for a day then that would be fabulous also.


I think if the decluttering/organizing fairy would come and visit then I wouldn't need to fantasize about the cleaning and laundry fairies so much. (Maybe. Don't burst my bubble here!)

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My dream is for an intervention something like the TV show "Consumed".


Everything gets removed from my house and neatly spread out in a giant warehouse where it is all visible. Then I sort through it, deciding which of these items I really want to bring back into my house (it is so much easier to decide what is worth keeping and forget the rest, than to decide what to throw/give away).


While I'm sorting, a professional organizer plans/creates/builds storage areas in my home appropriate to my family's lifestyle and categories of stuff. Once I'm done sorting, the organizer organizes it all, and I come home to a clean, neat, organized haven.


Nice dream :D.


I think about this all the time. I think about "shopping" for each room out of my own stash, and getting rid of all the excess.

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:D:D I decided to comment since I have had to start over from scratch.


A few years ago, we lost everything when our moving truck caught fire. We were so blessed that while we lost everything, we still had an empty house to live in while we re-bought a life.


Last weekend, we moved across the country (16th military move) and I had 2.8 seconds worth of dreaming about starting over (just keeping it real :D).


Our new house is 600-700 sq. ft smaller than our last house and has zero built in cabinets for storage and it has a gross shortage of closets. I want to start school on Monday, but while 90% of our house is unpacked and organized, my school area, our books, and our DVDs/CDs are going to drive me insane since I don't know where to put them.


I would rather sit here surfing the internet (I'm supposed to be searching for cabinet-type furniture), but I need to attack and conqure the schoolwork - even if I just make stacks of books.


Oh, I'm so sorry you lost everything :( I hope my post wasn't offensive :(


Yes, me too. And then I feel guilty for ever thinking such a thing. :001_huh: I beat myself up because I know it's my fault that it got that way; sometimes I'm such a hoarder!


I'm a "gatherer". I'm addicted to throwing things away, then going out and buying new shiny things. I hate clutter and am constantly striving for a Pottery Barn showroom type house (but I'd settle for Ikea ;) )

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Oh, I'm so sorry you lost everything :( I hope my post wasn't offensive :(


:D:D ... not at all since I am guilty of those same thoughts. Since the paperwork is just awful, I have to keep my "POOF ... GONE" thoughts to just a few seconds. :D


I love the idea of changing out the children's rooms to help declutter, etc. If we weren't an active duty military family that moves WAY TOO MUCH, I would probably do something like that too. Since we moved in on Monday, I asked my children to fill a garage bag with clothes, toys, etc. that they wanted to donate. Goodwill was blessed by us this week.:D

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My kids are already talking about Christmas! They have to be joking. The toy population in this house is insane. There is SO much stuff I want to get rid of, including furniture. If only they would all just go away for a week. Of course, then I would probably veg out on the sofa and watch movies uninterrupted without someone needing something or wanting a sip, bite, taste of whatever deliciousness I was consuming at the time.


I have the Fly Lady constantly in my ear saying, "You can't clean clutter."

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My dream is for an intervention something like the TV show "Consumed".


Everything gets removed from my house and neatly spread out in a giant warehouse where it is all visible. Then I sort through it, deciding which of these items I really want to bring back into my house (it is so much easier to decide what is worth keeping and forget the rest, than to decide what to throw/give away).


While I'm sorting, a professional organizer plans/creates/builds storage areas in my home appropriate to my family's lifestyle and categories of stuff. Once I'm done sorting, the organizer organizes it all, and I come home to a clean, neat, organized haven.


Nice dream :D.


I've never seen this show, but spreading things out neatly where it's all visible like that is what I would love! We have moved fairly quickly too many times and just had to throw stuff in boxes. The problem is we are in a smaller house and there is no room to unpack anymore. We are storing too many boxes and missing too many things. But there's no room to work.


And I would love having help. I get overwhelmed having to do it all myelf.

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