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Sharing a little Miracle -

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Today, my 6 yo nephew accidentally rode his bike off a 20 foot cliff (fell off a a cliff while riding his bike) and landed on rocks, bending the wheels of his new bike. X-rays and CAT scans, EMTs and ER doctors have all confirmed he's fine although they're watching him overnight.


IF I could get back to Michigan tonight, I'd be there to hold my brother and sil tightly. They need it. I can't imagine how scary that must have been. They were still in the ER last time I talked to them so I have no idea what happened except that he went over the cliff on his bike and so far he is okay.

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The news this morning is that he really, really is okay. He's bruised but the orthopedist said nothing was broken.


They had been riding along a one-way road in a park when a car came by so they moved to the right side of the road. Then a car came from the wrong direction down the one-way road so they pulled off to the right and stopped to wait. They happened to be at a place where the hiking trail crosses the road and my nephew saw it as a chance to go on without having to wait for the cars since he was having fun. My brother called to him to stop since the trail was too close to the road. He went a little further until a branch crossed the path, so he put his foot down to stop the bike. But he put down the foot on the cliff side and tumbled over. It all happened in a flash. But he is unharmed.


We have a lot to be thankful for today.

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