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Another Shout-Out for Prayer

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My brother and family are coming tonight to spend the night. We've been decluttering as well as cleaning because frankly that was the only way things were really going to be taken care of. We started Wednesday. By last night my pain level was at nausea level. This morning I woke up with pain. I've been working for only 20 min. and I'm already at nausea level. My kids are being major troupers and are working very hard, vacuuming and picking things up. I really want to be functional when my brother comes.


Probably because of the pain I'm all tied up in knots over what to serve for dinner. Dh has vetoed pizza - he's allergic to cheese but even if we order one with no cheese, he's also diabetic and just can't handle all the carbs. We have an excellent Chinese restaurant here - one of our only claims of fame in Newcastle - besides our small homemade chocolate shop, but I digress. Anyway, I was thinking of ordering some take-out from there. But dh is worried that my brother's family won't like it. We've had incidents where we bought bread with seeds in it and they picked it all out and there was the infamous chicken salad with slightly different ingredients in it to make it slightly fancier for guests incident. So now I'm thinking that spaghetti might not be too hard to make. But I may be unable to move by then. . .


So, some prayers please if you are so inclined?

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Good Grief, Jean. Don't cook! You won't be fun company if you cannot get out of bed at all by tomorrow.

Order something, perhaps pizza and Chinese and let everyone choose.

If you must, have one of your kids make a green salad but only if you have the ingredients handy!

Is the pain from inflammation? TURMERIC capsules - several today!

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TURMERIC capsules - several today!


Thanks Liz for the reminder. I took tumeric last night but I forgot about it today.


Ds15 is stepping up as a very compassionate man. I was already in tears once from the pain. He took one look at me and made me some water with electrolyte solution and magnesium in it and told me to "drink". He just now got me my tumeric.


The living room is done. The bathroom is done. The hallway is done. The dining room needs one very small thing done and then it too is off the list. I'm only half way done in the kitchen. Ds helped me in there but most of that is mine because I know how I want it and it's too hard to explain right now. Dd's bedroom is done. Ds's bedroom needs pillowcases once the laundry gets done. The master bedroom needs a few things done, including fresh pillowcases and then it is done. It isn't even noon and we're looking pretty.


I'm in tons of pain but now that almost everything is done I should be able to rest. As long as I can get myself to the "I can pretend that I'm fine and hide the pain from everyone but my son and husband" stage I'll be ok. That's the stage I'm in most of the time and I know how to pull that off well.

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As for food, do what yo need to do to survive. What about a deli platter with veggies, dip, cheese, and meats? Your dh could eat his without the bread to keep his carbs down or you could have him pick up baby greens and anyone who wanted to could have big salads. Otherwise, they can snack on the fresh veggies and eat sandwiches to go with them.


:grouphug::grouphug: Don't push yourself about the food. It won't kill them to head to the grocery store if need be!



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I second or third what faith said. Provide a deli platter assortment or just provide take out numbers and let them pick and choose. Be honest about the pain factor and I'm sure your brother will understand. I doubt they expect you to wait on them.


Good thoughts and prayers coming your way.

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I second or third what faith said. Provide a deli platter assortment or just provide take out numbers and let them pick and choose. Be honest about the pain factor and I'm sure your brother will understand. I doubt they expect you to wait on them.


Good thoughts and prayers coming your way.


Here's my thing. My family has known about my chronic illness for twenty years but . . . they don't really know how it affects me. In fact when I went cross-country to see a specialist in chronic illnesses my family was asking "Why would you need to do that?" because they had no idea. It may seem strange from how open I am about it here in writing, but in real life I don't mention it. I'm embarrassed to say anything about being in pain because I don't want to seem like a drama queen. In fact, it is only recently that I've started to be more open with dh about it. Most of the time I would hide it until it was glaringly obvious. So - I'll try to go "dinner lite" but I probably won't be honest about the pain. (And yes, I probably have issues.)

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Here's my thing. My family has known about my chronic illness for twenty years but . . . they don't really know how it affects me. In fact when I went cross-country to see a specialist in chronic illnesses my family was asking "Why would you need to do that?" because they had no idea. It may seem strange from how open I am about it here in writing, but in real life I don't mention it. I'm embarrassed to say anything about being in pain because I don't want to seem like a drama queen. In fact, it is only recently that I've started to be more open with dh about it. Most of the time I would hide it until it was glaringly obvious. So - I'll try to go "dinner lite" but I probably won't be honest about the pain. (And yes, I probably have issues.)

I do the same thing. Pain males me vulnerable, and stresses out those around me. If they know I'm in pain, it's a really bad day.

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I do the same thing. Pain males me vulnerable, and stresses out those around me. If they know I'm in pain, it's a really bad day.


You get it. Yes, it stresses them out and that stresses me out! So it's better to shut up. Actually one of the ways that dh knows that I'm in pain is if I'm quiet - I'm concentrating so hard on looking normal! Everything is ready for them to come. I'm still in a lot of pain but it's ok if I sit and am quiet.;) I guess it's a good thing I couldn't go to Zumba tonight anyway because of having visitors. (Now that you know my secret I might have to kill you. . . oh wait, that takes way too much energy!)

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You get it. Yes, it stresses them out and that stresses me out! So it's better to shut up. Actually one of the ways that dh knows that I'm in pain is if I'm quiet - I'm concentrating so hard on looking normal! Everything is ready for them to come. I'm still in a lot of pain but it's ok if I sit and am quiet.;) I guess it's a good thing I couldn't go to Zumba tonight anyway because of having visitors. (Now that you know my secret I might have to kill you. . . oh wait, that takes way too much energy!)

LOL! yeah, I have those times too...I'd discipline one of the kids, but that would mean moving, so I'll just sit here quietly and hope they don't kill each other or burn the house down before Wolf gets home...

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I completely understand. However, there comes a point where they need to be aware of your limits and help out when needed. It isn't being a drama queen. I just got through dealing with my mom who fractured a vertebra in her spine. Both she and my dad are proud people and hate asking for help. They would run themselves into the ground before asking for help. My mom at her worst point, said just let me die, I don't want to be a bother. It took all of us, my 4 siblings and I taking turns caring and doing things for them to make them realize 1) she's our mom and it's our turn to take care of her because we want her around and 2) dad shouldn't be afraid to ask for help. It doesn't make him any less of a person. You can't shield your family from it forever - you may be surprised how they'll step up to the plate when you need it and back off when you don't need the help. That's what families are for - aren't they. To be there when you need the help. Okay- getting off my soap box now.


Hope you have a wonderful time with your brother. Let them entertain you.

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Thank you everyone. We've had a good visit. I am very ready for pain pills and bed.


At one point someone in my family did mention my pain and my brother asked about it. When I said it was from the fibromyalgia, he said, "Oh yeah, that." I think because it is a weird name of a condition that they don't understand, they just can't keep it in mind. But that's ok. Its not like I need them to be always thinking about it or anything.


We'll all have breakfast tomorrow and then they will be heading out for a wedding.

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