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Does anyone follow a routine/schedule like this?

Laura Cook

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I am thinking about changing our schedule around. Currently we do the 3R's in the mornings and then history-MWF, science- T TH. I want to fit art, music and geography in there somewhere. I'm thinking of changing to doing the 3R's in the morning and then:


Mon-Fine Arts




Fri- ?


I'm hoping that just spending more time, one day a week will work better. I know the prevailing opinion is to do what works best for your family but has anyone followed a schedule like this? And how did it work for you? Thanks!

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I haven't followed something like that, but it looks interesting.

I actually think my boys would be over the moon to be able to do art or science or nature study for a whole afternoon.

For that Friday you've got open I'd probably devote that to literature study, poetry work, some creative writing, etc.


Anyway, I hope somebody else pops in with some ideas, because I'm mulling this over too.

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This is something like what I had originally planned - 2 afternoons of history (including geog & artist/composer) and 2 afternoons of science each week. (Fridays Miss P works independently). But the more I looked at everything I wanted to do, the more I was feeling crowded and rushed - especially since Mo will be tagging along for science & history in the afternoons. So I'm going to try alternating between "Science Week" and "History Week". I'm still going to do the same number of lessons, just double up and alternate weeks. I think this will give me more flexibility, if it looks like we won't finish something, we can just spill over into the next day, and not feel like we have to rush through it or move on to the next thing or else get behind. Anyway, we'll see how it works!

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This is something like what I had originally planned - 2 afternoons of history (including geog & artist/composer) and 2 afternoons of science each week. (Fridays Miss P works independently). But the more I looked at everything I wanted to do, the more I was feeling crowded and rushed


This is how I feel too! I'm having a hard time switching gears between them everyday. I feel like I just start to get them interested in the subject and oops, its the next day let's do something completely different!

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Our public schools essentially did this in the elementary grades. The downside is that you can forget a lot of history and science if you just do it once a week. At least at home you can devote some real time to it.


I'm worried about this too, that they will forget it.

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Maybe doing history 2 days in a row and then science two days in a row would work? That might make things easier for me and more coherent for the kids. We wouldn't be switching every day then. Hmmm, I guess I will just have try it and see what happens!

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This is what we do with Memoria Press' curriculum series. Every day has math, latin, l.a., and literature. Then there is a weekly subject: Bible, Geography, Science, History. On the fifth day we do a cumulative review of the weekly work.


I like the idea of a review period weekly! I think next week we're going to try doing each subject one day and then have a quick review on Friday plus add in something else for fun. If it works then we will keep testing it out, if not then we will try something else!

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Since SL is so history-based, can anyone see a way to do one week of history and then one week of science if using SL. We really dislike doing every subject every day because the boys feel like they just get into something fun and then we have to stop.


We'll definitely do Bible, Math, and Language Arts every day, but I'd like to block schedule everything else in some fashion. Opinions?:001_smile:

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We did this last year for kindergarten. We did reading, math, and handwriting every day. Then we focused on one "extra" per day. For us those were science, history, art, poetry, and Spanish. I didn't have a specific schedule (like history on Mondays) but did whatever I was in the mood for that day. Science usually got pushed to the end of the week to give me time to gather supplies. To help with retention we reread history and science books throughout the week, watched Spanish videos, etc, but really for kindergarten I wasn't too concerned about that.

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What about the 3 Rs M-TH with history every afternoon for the first half of the year and science in the afternoon of the second half. On Fridays, have Geography in the mornings and Fine Arts in the afternoons.



*you can really delve into whatever history or science topics you are studying b/c you are working 4 days a week on it for 4+ months.

*longer period of time for geography and fine arts to do projects or map studies/cultural studies



*only having art/music or geography once a week might make it disjointed

*retention could be an issue-forgetting what was learned earlier in the year b/c you haven't had it in months


Just some random thoughts... :tongue_smilie:

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I do. Right now we're on a 4 day a week schedule, because DH has Fri. during the summer. And I don't keep the days the same every week - I look at the calendar, and what will take more or less time, and then plan accordingly. But, more or less, it looks something like this:


Mon: History

Tues: Science

Weds: Park Day (it's early because of the summer, so we do the 3 Rs and when we get home, we watch any and all documentaries for the week. This next week is the first week I'll be adding a documentary in, otherwise I've always had one that I wanted included so I actually think after summer's over, I'm going to keep a movie/documentary day)

Thurs: Teatime/Art/Math Games/Project time - sometimes a 2nd day of History or Science


During the school year, we did History and Science twice in the week but I'm planning on encouraging DS in more of a project based approach, so I expect in the fall to continue more or less with a similar schedule but more project time.


I have had a lot of different schedules. Right now, this one really works well for us.

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I haven't done that with my kids, but that is how my schedule was when I was in elementary school in my country. But there school was only from 8-12 or 1-5pm (but school also did not do any sort of music/arts and the "P.E" was only about 30 mins long once a week). When I came to this country (Jr.High) it took me a while to get used to the full day schedules that only devoted less than an hour per subject. I preferred having more than one day to do homework for each subject.

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I am thinking about changing our schedule around. Currently we do the 3R's in the mornings and then history-MWF, science- T TH. I want to fit art, music and geography in there somewhere. I'm thinking of changing to doing the 3R's in the morning and then:


Mon-Fine Arts




Fri- ?


I'm hoping that just spending more time, one day a week will work better. I know the prevailing opinion is to do what works best for your family but has anyone followed a schedule like this? And how did it work for you? Thanks!


Yep, we do this.

* The 3R's + Bible and Latin in the a.m.

* After lunch, silent reading time (1 hour nonfiction, 1 hour literature/poetry)

* 1 subject per day as an "afternoon subject".


This worked for us in 2nd; we missed it in 3rd; we're back to it in 4th (3 weeks in and going well).


How about Art on Monday and Singing on Friday? :D

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We did for a couple of weeks. I much preferred it. Because my kids are young, I felt they made the connections more when we would go through the whole lesson/chapter etc. Elsewise everything was stretched over 3-5 days and we were jumping from one subject to the next, so they would still think the experiment we did had something to do with the history we were studying, or the history have something to do with geography (although everything is inter-related, it wasn't to the point of that).


If I had stayed with my program, I would of stayed with the new scheduling arrangement.


We changed over to Winter Promise, so will be doing that 4 days a week with Science on the Friday, and extras/electives after WP or on weekends (most of the "electives" are fun stuff, and doing them on the weekend allows the kids to be kept busy, whilst I clean :tongue_smilie:)

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