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anyone saved a wet phone?

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apparently, my cell phone dropped out of my pocket yesterday without my realizing it. of course.:mad: and of course, we had storm systems come through and just dump on us overnight/this morning.:crying:


I've taken the battery and sim card out and the phone and battery are now in a bag of rice to dry. I did have it in a silicon case, but dont' know how much that would have helped. I put the sim card in a seperate bag with a silica pack that comes with some vitamins.


anyone had luck doing salvaging a wet phone? please, tell me your success stories.:001_huh:

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I saved my iPhone after dropping it in the tub. I immediately removed the sim card, shut it down, dried it, drained out as much water as I could, put it in a bag of rice and left it for 24 hours. It worked. That was...probably about a year ago?

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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I dropped my phone in the pool. I just let it dry out without the battery and it is still working. I dropped it last summer.


I dropped mine in the toilet :blushing:. I took out the battery and let it dry, and it worked just fine. I'd still be using it if I hadn't eventually dropped it and shattered the screen.

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My husband dropped his iPhone in water. We took it out of the case, dried it best we could and put it in a bag of rice. I first wrapped the phone in a napkin so the rice wouldn't get stuck in all the ports. I then placed bag in the sun to help it along. I did this for about 4 days. I changed the napkin as it became wet. The phone works except for the camera part.

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My iPhone has been dropped in the toilet twice now and it's still going strong. The first time, I shut it down immediately, shook out as much water as I could, then put it in a bag of rice for several days. It worked fine until the next time it got dropped in the toilet. The second time, I was unable to shut it down before it went haywire, but, again, I shook out as much water as I could and put it in a bag of rice, hoping for the best. It was still haywire after a few days in the rice, but we restored it using iTunes and it works again.

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thank you for all the replies.:001_unsure:



how long did you leave it in the rice?


I think it was a couple of days. The problem was that it wouldn't shut down, it just kept turning itself on and off. Good news-I had insurance. Bad news- there is a $199 deductible for iPhones.

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I think it was a couple of days. The problem was that it wouldn't shut down, it just kept turning itself on and off. Good news-I had insurance. Bad news- there is a $199 deductible for iPhones.


were you unable to remove the battery?

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Mine went through the washer.


I put mine in a mesh bag inside of a bowl of dessicant after disassembling it as much as I could. It took a week to dry out all the way. It was never quite the same afterwards, but I did keep on using it for the next 1.5 years.

Mine too:lol: Except it was The Hubby that stuck my phone in his pants pockets to "teach me a lesson" about leaving my phone all over the place (I wasn't, I knew exactly where it was until he touched it:glare: ) and it went through the washer AND dryer! By the time we found it we had already gotten me a new phone but it still worked surprisingly.

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DS tossed his in a lake once. I called from the other side of the lake and asked to speak to his brother so he chunked it at him, not thinking about the fact that they were by the water (or the fact that it was a flip phone and hangs up when it closes, bless his heart). It was "fished" out promptly, battery removed and put in a ziploc bag of rice for a few hours. It must not have gotten very much water inside it because that's all it took to be back to normal.

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It was "fished" out promptly, battery removed and put in a ziploc bag of rice for a few hours. It must not have gotten very much water inside it because that's all it took to be back to normal.


okay - how do you tell if it's been in the rice long enough?

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DH dropped his smart phone into our sump pump, which was.running at the time, so out took him a while to catch it. He removed the SIM card and battery, and we placed it in rice.


We bought dessicant getl from the floral section of Michaels because we read that it works better than rice. We wrapped it in a paper towel and left out in the dessicant for two days. It still works, over a year since the incident.

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Update on my phone:

I waited the 72ish hours the online instructions gave for leaving it in the bag of rice. I then reassembled my phone and plugged it in. nada. zilch. Having a vague recollection that when it was new, it wouldn't turn on until the battery was charged I left it. I came back six hours later. nada. zilch . . oh, there's a very brief battery icon flashing at me . once. twice. then right back off.


I'm freaking that since I turned it on after I found it outside, I shorted it out and fried the phone. (of course I read the instructions saying "do not turn on the phone after it get's wet until it's been dried out." after I tried turning it on, twice.) the phone I only got in february!!!!


I went and prayed in despair - not that I needed a new phone (if worse came to worst, I could use my old phone.) and there was no way I'd get one as nice, but that my fiancially paranoid dh was going to freak when I told him. (he comes by his pavlovian paranoia honestly.). I got this longsuffering?, exasperated? weary? patient? eyes rollling!? "just leave it plugged in". (and a gentle reminder that. the. battery. light. turned. on.!) I turned it on this morning and while slow to respond, it powered on. It seems to be working fine. I haven't tested the camera, but I've been online, I've made phone calls, etc.


thank you to everyone who shared their wet phone success stories. I appreciated them.

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I hope my wet phone can be saved :( On Thursday, I went to Hershey Park. I put my iphone in a ziplock baggie and left it in my pocket and went on a few water rides.


Afterward, I noticed there was a little light flashing near the top of my phone but my screen was totally black. I couldn't do anything. Couldn't turn it on, off, get a picture on the screen, nothing. And inside the baggie wasn't even very wet!


At home, we put it in rice for a few days...but it never did work. Today, six days later, still not working. A teeny tiny little screwdriver came in today's mail and my husband opened the iphone and took out the battery, sim card, etc. (it didn't even look like it had gotten very wet inside), and the phone is now sitting without those things in a container with Damprid in it as someone suggested to me that would work better than rice. We'll see. I really hope it starts to work again. I miss it, and I had lots of info stored on it that hadn't been backed up in quite a while that I hope I can get back!

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