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When to restart school?

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Oldest dd finished up Saxon Algebra 2 right before 4th of July. We are doing Spanish 1 and Driver's Ed this summer. Now, I'm trying to decide when to start the "offcial" 11th and 8th grade program. Usually I start the first week in Aug. But, I'm thinking I want some more "down time". Not that this summer has been relaxed with allergy testing, dentist, eye exams, etc.


So, motivate me to set a date......When is everyone officially starting??

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We usually follow the schedule of the local public schools. This year, though, they are starting on August 20, but my son won't be back from his choir tour until August 28. I figure he'll need a few days to unpack and sleep before I'll get any meaningful schoolwork out of him. So, we're not starting until September 5, after Labor Day and my husband's birthday.

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We are starting up again August 13th. We will do school for 2 weeks and then have one week off for travel/birthdays.


We have started in August for the last few years and it works out well. This way we can have a more relaxed start to the year and I am not stressing that we will not be on track for the rest of the year (we always land finishing early :001_smile:)

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I plan to start mid-August but only half days; after Labor Day we'll do full days. This last year we didn't start until after Labor Day and all of us really dislike that plan as we do not want to still be schooling in June/July.


That's the plan anyway...I always reserve the right to change my mind even at the last minute. ;)

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Planning to restart August 6 with my 10th & 8th graders and go steadily to December. Sis-in-law is due with second baby and I'm taking care of number one child. Factoring in hanukkah and all the other end of year craziness, I plan to take the entire month off =)




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If you don't think you're going to feel ready, I vote to move the start date 2 weeks for now ... you can move it more later.


We've been off since mid to late June (depending on the child) ... this week is VBS. I think we'll do an Olympics unit study next week and the following week. The week after that we have family in town and will go to the beach. Then after that, I'll make a call whether to take another week or to get started back with our regular stuff. We don't align what we're doing to school years, so most of what we'll be doing is picking up where we left off before break.

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We've been easing in over the last 2 weeks. Offically we've completed 1 full week of course work. I had planned for our back to school full start on August 13th but due to a family last minute wedding the weekend before It isn't going to happen so We'll start the 14th. My kids attend a co-op/ale one full day a week but that doesn't really start up until Mid September. My goal is to have 4-6 weeks of our lessons plans done by that point.

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Start now but start with just one or two subjects. Just ease your way back into it and maybe it will not be a point of stress. In your head it might be "Well, we only have x and y to do. Let's get it knocked out and then go play for the rest of the day!"

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We started on Monday. But it's so we're all finished at the same time.


Oldest is doing most of her classes at CC and one or two on-line. She will finish up early May. Then her graduation will be Mother's Day weekend. (She knows what group she wants to graduate with and that's when they always do it.) I know that everyone's brain will check out after her graduation so I want school to be finished by then.

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We will be following the school year of our co-op, which was the same as the public schools until the legislature decided do get involved. My co-op kept it the same this year (except a longer Christmas break and a shorter year by a week or two). So this year that means August 6th. Last year was horrible for me since the school started so soon and I didn't have the movers arrive until July 29th.

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I would take a 2-week break from Spanish and start the first week in August, rather than continuing with that and starting the school year later. I'd break from driver's ed if I could as well, but I'm thinking it might be an outside class (plus it's not 'academic' anyway).


I like a longer school year with shorter school days, and the ability to take time off throughout the year.


dd14 will just be finishing theatre camp and all of her performances that first weekend, but I will go ahead and start August 6 even tho' she will be tired. The thought of starting mid-week gives me the heebie-jeebies, :D, and we always have lots of fun & non-core things to do that first week, as we ease into things: crack open all the new books and take a look, get notebooks and binders sorted out, watch Superstar Student from The Teaching Company and other videos, and so on.


We generally start with a couple of subjects and add others in until our day is complete. That way, we always finish some subjects before the school year ends. As my kids get older, I find they want more of a distinction between one school year and the next, even if the actual break isn't long.

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We are officially starting both kids' new school year on Aug. 20.... or Aug. 27.... or possibly Sep. 4.


I'm a lot of help, huh?


Dh is getting transferred to a new location somewhere in the Midwest (hopefully still IL) and we won't really find out where until mid/late August. Then, if we do have to move (which we more than likely will) we will need to do so within a few short weeks. It's hard to plan anything right now!

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