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I need birthday cake help, please!

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I want to make a birthday cake for my neice. She will be turning 9. I want to do something fun for her, because her parents never do. The problem is that I'm short on time (the party is tomorrow at lunchtime) and money. I have to make do with the basics in my pantry. No running out to get special candies or decoration. It needs to be a sheet cake in order to have enough servings.


I usually try to make something cute but easy; I made her younger sister a frog cake last month. I'm having trouble thinking of anything to do with a sheet cake besides writing on it. I do have frosting tips, but lack the skills to do things like roses or complex designs. Sigh. I'd be fine with cutting or shaping it into something else, as long as it can still serve 12 or so people.


Ideas? Pics would be great. My google searches have not been fruitful. TIA!


*****Update with final results #32********

Edited by ravinlunachick
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Have you already searched Pinterest? I've found some awesome cakes on there, but I'm currently at work (where Pinterest is blocked), so I don't have the links handy!


I'll search for some of them through Google... :D


ETA: I've found some cute castle cakes, where the turrets are upside-down ice cream cones. Is that too cliche for a 9yo? Is there a certain theme she likes?


Check out all the homemade cakes at this link; there's lots of themes! Coolest Birthday Cakes

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I like the rainbow idea! I don't have any M&Ms, but I could probably manage to tint a few colors of icing for the rainbow. I do have mini marshmallows. Hmmm..


I didn't even think to check Pinterest. I've successfully weaned myself off that crack, but I'll take the risk and go back.... For love's sake. :lol:


Thanks for the help.

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What about a layered rainbow cake, like this? Although it is not a sheet cake, it can be cut to serve 12 or so (because of the high layers you can get away with smaller slices). I made one for my daughter's birthday a few years ago and it was a hit. It was for a Hawaiian themed party, so I wrapped a lei around the bottom and topped it with a few paper umbrellas and some beachy scrapbook-type decorations.


Since time is an issue, here is also a version of rainbow cake that is not layered, like this that could be made as a sheet cake.

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I'm lazy when it comes to decorating but I love doing the rainbow batter cakes.

I leave the outside frosted in plain white which makes the inside all the more of a surprise.:D



I made one of these 2 weeks ago for my newly 10 yo DD, and used Wilton icing colors (the kind in the small jars) and it turned out super vivid and pretty. :)


Also, cake balls are fun and easy and super yummy too! (We made those then too)


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Wildcat, I ♥ the gummi bears beach cake! I'm not sure if we have any or not. I can raid the leftover holiday candy to check. Unfortunately, I'm sure we don't have any cocktail umbrellas. We aren't that high-falutin' around here! :D I do have graham crackers and some chocolate Twizzlers. Other than that, I have basic stuff: marshmallows, powdered sugar, frosting tints, some sprinkles in various colors and shapes, and a package of those pens for writing on food.


It just tears me up that her own parents can't be bothered to do anything special. There's always money for cigarrettes and cable TV, but never any for their birthdays. :( They don't do even the simplest little thing to acknowledge it, but they're content to let others (read: me) do it.

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I don't know what you have in your pantry and this cake is a little heavy on time as you have to make three cakes. It is delicious and such a fun suprise when you cut into it.




I didn't flavor the frosting, I couldn't find the strawberry oil but it was still great.

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Oh. my. word! I LOVE that!! Are there directions somewhere?


ETA: Why isn't the picture showing up in my quote?

I love to make interesting cakes for my kids and am always looking for the "next best thing". Dd and her friends expect each year's cake to be better and better, though, and it's getting hard to keep pulling that off!


I really, really like that!! :D


ETA: Why isn't the picture showing up in my quote? :confused:


The pic isn't my cake but mine looked very similar in color.


I made 2 box cakes and divided and colored (much like you would for frosting) and layered the colors into 1 big cake pan. I used the 3 primary colors and mixed orange, green and purple myself. You can just use 1 box cake too (but we needed more). And then bake like directions say on box. Easy peasy!


Edit to add pic of our leftover cake still in the pan.

Even the crumbs are pretty ;)


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Alas, there are no gummis or fruit roll-ups to be found. I'm liking the rainbow theme, though. I could combine the ideas and do rainbow batter along with a simple white frosting and a piped-on rainbow. The rainbow batter looks similar to the way I once made tie-dyed cupcakes for my oldest dd's 5th birthday.


My niece is a very outdoorsy type, who is way too mature for her years. I think the rainbow effect will be just the right amount of "cool" for her. :)

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Just another quick idea--

You can cut the minimarshmallows in half and make petals for flowers. You can dip the cut side into colored sugar (easy to make with food coloring) and pipe on stems and leaves (don't have to make actual leaves, just draw using a straight tip). I made dd a pretty daisy cake that way. You could do the rainbow inside.

(But I do like the rainbow outside!! Great idea.)

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Creativish, did you just pour the colored layers on top of one another and then bake them all together? That seems to be the most intimidating part of doing the nice straight layers for a rainbow cake--all the time involved in making thin layers (and hoping they don't break upon removal).


4Hisglory, congratulations. You have given me the PERFECT cake to make for my daddy's birthday in August! He is crazy about Neapolitan ice cream. Thank you!

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Creativish, did you just pour the colored layers on top of one another and then bake them all together? That seems to be the most intimidating part of doing the nice straight layers for a rainbow cake--all the time involved in making thin layers (and hoping they don't break upon removal).


4Hisglory, congratulations. You have given me the PERFECT cake to make for my daddy's birthday in August! He is crazy about Neapolitan ice cream. Thank you!



Yep, just dumped it all in one pan. There colors were a little wavy but it varied thru the cake, and I don't think it detracted from its beauty.

I think individual layers would be too much work for what it's worth.


I hope to marble one next month for next bday kiddo, the colors are so fun.:001_smile:

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You could do a frozen buttercream transfer of a favorite character or animal or whatever. I did it for my son's birthday last year and it was very easy! Everyone thought I was talented:lol:




(she shouted excitedly).


Easiest thing in the world, you need nothing more than your cake tip, frosting, one piece of wax paper, cutting board, and freezer. Everyone will think you're a genius. Google for specific directions; I used a youtube video.


Basically, you choose your design (draw, print from internet, whatever), place it under the wax paper on the cutting board and trace, then fill in with frosting. Slide the whole thing in the freezer. When it's set, turn it over onto your plain frosted cake, peel off the wax paper (comes off easily in one piece), and your cake is beautiful, you are your niece's hero, and you can't believe you made something so amazing!

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Do you have food coloring? I just made tie-dyed cupcakes for my mom's birthday tomorrow. It works best with white cake mix and gel dyes, but you could use food coloring, especially for a girl.

It's easy. Just separate the prepared batter into ziplock bags, add dye and squish. Then cut the corner of the bag and move from cupcake to cupcake putting a bit in each one. Bake as directed.

They turn out great and are always a hit! I've done primary colors for a lego party and a soccer party (4 colors). Today, I wanted pastels so I did a light blue, purple and pink. I will probably dye the frosting purple because that's my momma's favorite color.

HTH! You're a sweet aunt for doing this!

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Phew! The cake was a HUGE hit, and my niece kept saying, "Oh thank you! Thank you SO much! I've never seen a cake like this before!" Made all that separating and dyeing worth it! :D


As it turned out, my 8yo wanted to decorate the cake. I offered verbal instructions, and she managed all the frosting stuff herself. I was very proud of her. By the end, though, she was too tired to write any words on the cake, and we were pressed for time, so we just offered our, "Happy Birthday," verbally instead. :) Forgive the ugly pan in the picture. I realized too late that we were out of aluminum foil, so I couldn't cover it in pretty shininess. Whoops!


Here's the baked cake, naked as can be (dd said it looked like "an alien globe"):











The super-duper surprise inside that made everyone gasp when we cut the first piece:



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